Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Today Laughter is Priceless

Today is my Daddy's birthday. He would have been 64. January 5th, 2008, he passed away. Daddy left a huge legacy of laughter and fun in the wake of his too-short life.

I have been bummed today, wishing I could call him and do our yearly birthday conversation. So not to wallow in self-pity,

I am posting some of the funny pictures I have of my daughter's children. Grayson, Kaydi Jo, and her step-son, Jacob.

My Daddy would have been so proud.


Diane said...

The pictures are fantastic! And Happy Birthday to your Daddy. The first year is the roughest... I did a post a couple of weeks ago about my dad's 10th anniversary... so hard to believe (and still tear-inducing). Just know he's watching over you and laughing his ash off at you... I mean WITH you... ;)

Ash said...

I'm so sorry for the pain, but grateful you have the wonderful memories.

64 is way, way too young.

My thoughts are with you today - Em

amelia bedelia said...

That cracked me up!! thanks.

Annie said...

Great pictures! Happy Birthday to your dad! We always have a piece of cake for Al's dad on his birthday. He died right before our wedding. We figured we could still celebrate his life, right?

Unknown said...

You and Amy are in my thoughts today. Laughter helps.

Julie D said...

Awww, your daddy raised you and Amy...he *had* to have a sense of humor!!!!!!! :::smooch:::

Happy Birthday to Mr. Dad!!! Go find my daddy and have a beer together, will you? You can toast your darling daughters together!

Michelle said...

I am sorry for the loss of your dad. I have to tell you the baby in the wig is way to cute for words. Hope you have a blessed day. :)

Lisa L said...

(((((hugs))))) Thinking of you today. You're dad was way too young. Lis xo

Ritch in Love said...

What a wonderful way to bring joy on such an important, yet hard day. What grandfather wouldn't love those faces? :) Best wishes to your family today.

Ronda's Rants said...

Happy Birthday to your Daddy...you too Amy!
I hope you know how proud he must have felt about you all...he and your Mom raised great people!
Your grandbabies are so dang cute...love those blue eyes!!!

Shelley said...

I'm so glad that you have good memories of your daddy. I'm thinking about you. Love those crazy pics.

Lilly said...

What great pictures.

Your father was certainly way to young to go and I can understand how you must be feeling. You do have wonderful memories and keep talking to him because he can hear you I have no doubt about that.

Have a good New Years and keep smiling. I am sure your Dad is proud of you too.

Kritta22 said...

He's so loving that right now!!

Happy B Day!

Ginger said...

Hi Jill:
It's so sad to lose someone you love so much, thankgoodness for all those great memories you will have forever.
The grandkids are adorable in those pictures, especially the big eyes on Kaydi Jo.

Brittany said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. But, it's really amazing how much kids make things feel a little bit better and brighter. I am sure he LOVES looking down on all that fun!

Swirl Girl said...

I know how you feel...all too much.

Rhonda said...

Um, okay. Just to clarify... Your daughter's children. That would be otherwise known as your grandkids? lol Just checking!

I'm so sorry about your Dad! I can't even imagine not having my parents around. My hubby still has both of his too. We're very fortunate indeed.

Big hugs to you today!

Anonymous said...

I'll just bet you Dad has the biggest smile on his face looking at those cute pictures. You have no idea how much I would give to call my Mom for just 5 minutes.


Linda S said...

oh, if I were you, I'd just keep them in a frame and stare at them all day...really, too cute!

Anonymous said...

God bless you and all your wonderful memories of your Daddy. I lost my Dad 2 years ago and seldom a day passes that I don't think of him, so I totally understand. . .What great photos of happy times. Kids are the greatest, aren't they??!

Nice to meet you.
I'm new and still finding my way around to meet new people.

Jenni said...

I am sure he is smiling with you today, Jill.

Anonymous said...

The kids are fab, dahling!

And Happy Birthday to your wonderful Daddy who left way too soon....I know how you feel - my dad passed at 61, way too young, and way before his precious grandbabies were born.

Anonymous said...

The pics are priceless and are making me smile at the end of a long day! Oh, I am so sorry to hear you lost your dad so young. Way too young...

Good for you for feeling what's real and yet allowing yourself to smile with those gorgeous kiddos...

Mrs4444 said...

Just adorable. You're right; your dad is proud, I'm sure. Saying prayers for you...

That Janie Girl said...

Happy Birthday to your Daddy, Jill and Amy.

The memories are what will heal you.

I promise.

Love you, girl. Listen for that phone, baby, I'ma gonna give you a ring!

kari and kijsa said...

We can so understand! We are going through our year of firsts!
Here's to a Happy New Year!
kari & kijsa

binks said...

Many hugs to you on this day and the days to come.

May you remember the happy times with your dad. Those memories will help bring you through those tough times. And, the pure silliness of those super cute grandkids - laughter really is the best medicine.

Mrs Anne said...

Gorgeous kids.

I am sure he is watching over you, smiling and is so proud.

Thinking of you my sweet friend.


Kritta22 said...

PS Those 38 presents you mentioned on Amy's blog...I'll just be by to pick them up for me...I mean her...kinda! :)

Unknown said...

That second one is PRICELESS!!!!!!! Way too funny!!

Bless your thoughts of your daddy...

Julie D said...

Just checking in to wish you Happy New Year!!!! Thanks for all the joy you have brought into my life this year....love you, honey!

Unknown said...

awwww jill the pix are just super cute!

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL the one of the baby about knocked me off my chair. THAT is priceless...and I'm sure your dad is getting a good chuckle in heaven...You just know he's pointing and saying...THAT'S MY FAMILY!!! Happy New Year to you and yours Jill. Thanks for making blogland a funnier and more sparkling place to be. You are a JOY and I'm so glad we met. I hope 2009 is a great year filled with all the best for you and your family! (you know...the family that's going to adopt me hehe)

Alpacamountain said...

Happy Birthday to your Fun Daddy! I am hoping that you and your family will have a Happy New Year. It can only go up from here right? I hope mine goes up this year!

Justine said...

Aw Jill, I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad... I can only imagine the sorrow you're feeling this day. But look at those beautiful baby faces!!!!!!!!! And Grayson is one of my favorite boy names.

Justine :o )

Ginny’s Lazy B Ranch said...

Those pics are just the best. Sooooo Funny!! They are precious. having so much fun. Grandbabies, just the best!!! Hope to see you again soon. Tracy and I have had a great time. She has been helping me decorate and rearrange furniture. Hopefully she will be here with the month of Jan. GinGin

Dawn said...

((((JILL)))) I can't imagine the loss you feel now. But, know that you are very much loved and thought of.

Your grandkids are just the CUTEST. :) And, I know how much it would have meant to you for your daddy to have met them.

Mariah said...

Of course he would be proud... I hope it gets easier, I don't think I would survive without my dad

Sue Wilkey said...

Aww, he's still proud...still with you. This made me cry.

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

This has to be hard for you. Hugs to you from AZ.
Love the pictures too cute! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Vodka Mom said...

I feel your pain, and send you comfort......

may he rest in peace.......

Beth at Aunties said...

The kids are so darn cute and aren't grandchildren the best for relieving an aching heart.
I am soo sorry for your pain and loss. I too lost my dad at the young age of 61 following an automobile accident caused by a repeat drunk driver.
Even years later the tears can come unexpectedly. Laughter and memories help alot!
I wish you tons of laughter this year of 2009 and so much fun with your family. Your shenanigans with your sister crack me up!

Dennis and Leslie said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad! Great pics, he would have loved them...



I have read some of your posts. I would revisit, as I liked your writings.

Naval Langa

Other Blog

michelle huey said...

You're right. Laughter fills the heart and soothes the soul. I was extremely close to my grandmother and I still reach for the phone sometimes even after 4 years. Cute pictures I love the wig!

Debbie said...

Adorable pictures. I'm happy to see them. And I'm so sorry for your loss. He was so young. I'll hold you in my prayers.

Deb said...

Awww...Jill!!! God bless you! What a lovely tribute to your dad.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss, and the pain it brings on this anniversary, but I love the pictures. The second one is absolutely priceless!

Fragrant Liar said...

Ah, what cuties. How could grampa resist?

Keep these little entertainers away from Captain DumbAss, though, will ya?



Unknown said...

cute pics! :) Love the clown hair!

Anonymous said...

The photos are awesome! Such great smiles. I love the wigs.

I can't remember how I linked through but am glad I did. I'll definitely be back.

AJ said...

Love the pictures:) I know your dad is having a special day in heaven:) Try to remember all the good times and not miss him too much. Hugs to you♥

NucMEd is Hot said...

The pictures are priceless!

Sorry you are blue friend. I hope you can cherish your memories and get a smile back on your face!

Holly Jahangiri said...

What fun pictures! The first few years are the hardest (for me, it was three years after my mom died before it got easier). But taking time to reflect and remember the good times is a great way to heal.

I have bestowed an award upon your blog. Come to mine, and see. :)

nikkicrumpet said...

I hope all is well in your world...you've been so quiet...I'm worried about you!

Unknown said...

just stoppin in cuz I am missin you!!!

Unknown said...

Ok, that second one could win contests!!! These are great!

Sorry about your Dad, I am sure you miss him so. Prayers and hugs my friend!

bj said...

We do so miss our loved ones when they are no longe with us....
I laughed out loud at the 2nd photo..."my, what big eyes you have!!"

Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry for your loss.

The pictures are very very cute and funny!

Julie D said...

Thinking of you today, darlin, and sending you a cyber hug.

If you have a minute, stop by my blog. Vinnie needs some advice...

Anonymous said...

so cute!! try and have a good day!! our holidays were good, but everything reminds us of our little boy!! be blessed!!

Tenakim said...

What cute pictures- I'm sure he's laughing with you. He was so young- at least he had a great life!

Kritta22 said...

Thinking of you today! Love ya

Anonymous said...

You lost your dad at such a young age. I know today is probably a very hard day - but know I'm thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

I was just telling Amy to look at all the comments from SO MANY PEOPLE and to let that soothe her heart. I can only say the same thing to you.

Justine said...

Hey Jill. I know it's a year since you lost your dad and just wanted to come by and give you a hug. So here. {{{{{{{{{{{Jill}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Justine :o )

Rhonda said...

Uh, hellloooooo! It's been a week. I miss my daily laugh at your expense.... Where are you?

If you are spending time with your mom and sisters (hugs) right now, then you are forgiven.

But if you're just sitting there wondering if anyone will miss you, and enjoying my agony, well, that's just wrong.

I'm just sayin.

Unknown said...

okay if you dont contact me I am sending out the REGULATORS!!!!!
♥me yanno georgie

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Thinking of you and Amelia Bedelia today. Your Dad and my folks are probably playin' poker up there and having a great old time flinging pennies at us. Love you & miss you!

Ash said...

I'm missing you!!

No hurry. Just saying.