Monday, January 12, 2009

ULTAmite Makeover

While visiting Amarillo, my mom, daughter, sisters and my grand babies went to Ulta. THE store for beauty products. It's like a Tammy Faye candy store, plus hair products. My daughter got a makeover and looked gorgeous. My sisters and I got new brushes and makeup. My mom walked away with a tube of mascara. I knew she had to be sick.

While I was there I saw what had been missing my entire redheaded life.

In the back.

Beside the blow driers.

With a price tag of only $200.

There, on a white dummy sat my dream.

I could finally have more fun.


The headband was even included.

Sorry Justin, I am bringing sexy back.

Don't worry. I didn't buy it. They made me leave the store before I could.

It made my nose look too long anyway.


Tardevil said...

I like it! Blondes have more fun! :O)

Ronda's Rants said...

Oh Honey you ARE working it!

Rhonda said...

Okay, I'm going to say it because the others wouldn't.



My daughter has a Hanna Montana one that only cost me $7.50. lol

Anonymous said...

Did I detect a Brittany Spears,look-a-like in that last picture. :)


Alpacamountain said...

Well you did rock the look, but I like your red better. I used to work in a daycare and there was this little girl who had the prettiest reddish blonde hair, it was to die for. My boss wouldn't let me cut a snip off to take to my hairdresser...

Brenda said...

Too gorgoeous! Ofcourse, the bonus head band totally makes the look!

The Rule Maker said...


shutter girl said...

I have always said blondes have more fun!

Scary Mommy said...

Frightening that people really buy those, huh?! And you are totally working it!

Deb said...

i see that grandbaby you're holding looking away in horror. did you scar her for life?

Jess said...

$200??!!! YIKES.

Unknown said...

LMAO!!!! you look like someone famous I just cant put my finger on who!

Tiffany said...

Your nose? And I was gonna say it made you have a conehead. Oh well. LOL

You should have bought it just to wear around the house. LOL

Ash said...

Did it come with F.M.P.s too? For $200, that's the least that should have been thrown in.

Seriously?! $200!?!

I guess there's one born every minute...thank the Lord it wasn't you.

Doublebanker said...

The price includes the headband..ok that explains it then??

Anonymous said...

That's not even a STRETCHY headband!! I remember Mary Tyler Moore with that same wig and headband, only in brunette.

And remember "THAT GIRL"? something Thomas? Only SHE had a white headband!! oooooh

What a style diva you are!

Kritta22 said...


$200 is well worth the look on your hubby's face!!

The second picture didn't load for me so now I have to go to the other computer because I NEED to see that!!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. Go back to that store right now and buy that damn animal, I mean wig...I mean, hair substitute.

Gotta have fun, eh?!

Unknown said...

Wow, thatz hot...

I think you rocked the blonde :)

Annie said...

You can borrow mine.

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Honey you are not bringing it back you already BROUGHT It! Why a fierce snap in the air!

I can't believe that was $200!

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Dear Kim from Real Housewives of Atlanta,

ditch the hair hat. Srsly. Redheads have more fun any day.

Dang it I can't think of a blond joke right now. Gimme a minute.

Jenni said...

Oh, girl you were WORKIn' that blonde! You can totally get a cheaper wig than THAT!

In another life, I was a customer service rep. for Wigs By Paula...

Ginger said...

Cute!!! Loved the look on your face!!!

Swirl Girl said...

The Hanna Montana wig looks awesome on you!

Your nose may 'look' bigger - but so does your rack!!

Debz said...

That was scary. Honestly. Hold me...

Unknown said...

Blonds may have more fun, but trust me, brunettes are sexier!

nikkicrumpet said...

For one instant there....just a moment in time...a blip on the space time continium...I had lesbian feelings. YOU so ROCKED being a blond!!!! I wish you'd bought it ....there has to be a million posts in that one blond wig. It would have been a great investment...not to mention the little spice it would add to the love life hehehe.

Aria said...

All this time I've been looking in Houston, when I could have totally Tammy-Fayed-Up by going to Amarillo?!? Well, well, well, gonna have to talk hubby into a road trip is what's-a-comin' next!

The Mom Jen said...

You look GOOD blonde!! What's that store called said...

Love the Blonde look but $200.00 for a headband and "fake" hair...I'm a bit much, I think!

Michelle said...

You are totally working that blonde hair! The headband really adds something also! Not sure about paying 200 dollars for it. Great pictures!

Dennis and Leslie said...

You look great as a blonde! Very sexy!

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

You are too much. Were you wearing the bra thingy?

careysue said...


Love it.

Debbie said...

You are the very definition of sexy! And love the attitude.

amelia bedelia said...

Im still laughing as hard as I was in the store!!!!!

Mariah said...

You sexy mama you

Jill said...

lmao!!!!! kinda looks like Marsha Brady's hair :)

That Janie Girl said...

Pardon me...are you that Britney girl on the Womanizer video?

I want your autograph.

binks said...

LMAO!! All I could see, for some reason, was Toni Collette in Muriel's Wedding.

You ARE rocking that headband AND bringing sexy back.

NucMEd is Hot said...

THAT is awesome!

Unknown said...

Oh girl, I know you can have more fun even without that thing.

Not that you don't already have fun... you're a very fun girl... Okay, I'm going now.... ; )

Deb said...

You're hot. I am comfortable with myself for feeling that way.