Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kalee's First Day As A Teacher

I want to tell you if you have never read Martini Mom, you must! She has some of THE funniest stories of her life as a kindegarten teacher. I love this woman and she needs another follower and commenter like a hole in the head, but whatever. (bitch) Anyway, I wanted to tell you what happened to Kalee yesterday on her first day substituting and try to get 189 comments like MM does.

My daughter Kalee, graduated with her elementary education degree in May '08. She subbed yesterday for a special ed class in town. I called her yesterday to check on her and see how her day went.
me: "How did it go?"
Kalee: "It was fine."
M: "Just Fine?"
K: "Yeah. It makes me glad to know there are worse behaved kids than Grayson."
M: Heh heh "What happened?"
K: " We have a precious little girl with Down's syndrome in there that is a little toot. I told her to sit down while we passed out snacks and she said, 'Puck you' to me.
M: "What?!"
K: " Yeah, I looked over at the aide and was like, 'Did she just say what I think she said?" and she just slowly nodded her head finding no amusement in it."
M: "OMG! What did you do?"
K: " I just sat her down and gave her a puzzle with animals on it to bide me time to get the snacks passed out and to get her mind on something else."
M: "Well that was smart."
K: " No, not really. She just said, 'Puck you, duck. Puck you, dog. Puck you, cat, the whole time she put it together. It didn't work. And it was a 10 piece puzzle."

I would have subbed for free for that!!!


Shelley said...

Wow. To my great shame, I know that I have dropped the F bomb in front of my children, I hope they don't pick up on it as this child obviously did.

shutter girl said...

Puck you, Grandpa. Puck you, Mary Ellen. Puck you, John Boy...

Justine said...

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Adventures in Subbing!
Hey, Jill! PUCK YOU!

Justine :o )

Vodka Mom said...

HOly PUCK! That was pucking funny!!!

Boys and girls, what rhymes with duck???

Brenda said...

When I realized that puck was one of my kids essential vocab words, I figured it was time to wash MY mouth out with soap!
Too funny!

Deb said...

K: "Yeah. It makes me glad to know there are worse behaved kids than Grayson."

...i say those exact words, myself.

kaylee sounds like she has been blessed with the patience of job. it will serve her well!

Doublebanker said...

My 2 yr old is say "oh crap" a lot now.

Ronda's Rants said...

Love it! Me, too...I would actually love to be in that class!
What's a little pucking? Gee!

careysue said...

You should be and I know you are, so proud of your daughter!!

My aunt would make my brother say fire truck, because he couldn't pronounce his 'tr's", they were substituted with his f's! Too funny!

Unknown said...

ahhhh yes always some good stories from subbing...loved it

NucMEd is Hot said...

Now that is pucking funny!

Anonymous said...

I could never be a teacher. Don't have nearly enough patience. Perhaps that's why I only had one child...

Kritta22 said...

LOL that made my day!

Aria said...

Gonna look at hockey a whole new way now, aren't you? Pucking hilarious!

Debz said...

I can't wait till Chris calls me back now so I can say "Puck You!!"

Anonymous said...

LOL oh no! This is too funny b/c yesterday I blogged about how my youngest (who is only 2) said her first swear word. Thanks to me, it was an F-bomb *sigh*

Unknown said...

I would have got her another puzzle!

Ginger said...

That's a cute story. She should start a journal and write in it about each day she will give her some laughs later on.
Years ago I was a teachers aide in a 3rd grade class. I decided then, they don't pay teachers enough money!!!

Julie D said... that!

Puck you, Jilldo! :::smooch:::

Unknown said...

To that last sentence... yeah, me too! HA!

amelia bedelia said...

everyone took my puckin' joke. PUCK! Why doesn't anything ever puckin' work out for me! This puckin' sucks.. Oh, well. I love the puck out of you Kalee! And am so puckin' proud that you are my puckin' niece! I gotta go back to puckin' work now!

Swirl Girl said...

what's so bad about being a hockey fan??

nonna said...

1. i agree martini mom is the bomb
2. great post hilarious!
3. excuse me, miss 111 followers, puck you, pitch!
4. this makes at least 23 comments and counting....

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL..,.thank goodness for the speech issue lol...and maybe she is just a big Hockey fan...

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Martini Mom. Hmm.

Does she REALLY want to teach? I wish she'd talked to me first.

And, at the dinner remind me of the kid in sped at my school. LOVE puck you. said...

Out of the mouths of babes. I'm sure that one caught her by surprise. Maybe she has a bit of Tourette's too?

Michelle said...

ROFL! That is pucking funny! got to love it.

NurseChessie said...

Wow. and I thought I heard crazy things as a nurse. puck that!

love ya

Jenni said...

Bahahahahahahaha! Ah...the life of a teacher...

Tenakim said...

I guess the stretch (stress) of life is getting to her pucking mom! That must be where she learned it from! too funny!

Nana said...

That's too funny.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it drive you MAD to go to someone's blog and end up being number 80 in the comments section? Well I get madder than hell when I'm number 32. Yep. And on a good day I have 12!

holy crap in a cathedral, you're getting on my last nerve now.

Nicole said...

LMAS that is so funny. I dont think I would have been able to keep a straight face or not burst with laughter. Puck you....LOL

binks said...

Puck! When did you get 112 followers?

That was funny!

Tiffany said...

Whew for a second I thought that was my kid but then I read girl and was relieved.

Oh and you were in my dream last night. I'll email you the story. HEHE

Debbie said...

I subbed yesterday too. My day was puckless. I am so glad.

Mrs4444 said...

Awesome. Looks like her education is just beginning! :)

Ritch in Love said...

I just spit my water onto my keyboard! That is the most fricking funny thing I've ever read! :D

Unknown said...

Oh, what a funny day! I would have had a hard time not laughing out loud.

Ash said...

I could never be a teacher and/or sub - my poker face totally sucks.

Or is that pucks?

Sandy said...

That is hilarious! My cousin called me a "pucker" once:)

Becky said...

Out of the mouth of babes!

Unknown said...

stop by and see where YOU live...and your sis too
♥ you

Linda S said...

oh, just the first of many...molding the minds of tomorrows youth!

Melissa said...

Found your site from "Ritch in Love!"

Love the story of your Daughter's day! What a hoot!

Colleen said...

Oh my goodness, that is too funny!! Subbing can be a trip and when you leave you are soooo glad you do not have them everyday.
I used to teach in the DFW (after subbing for 2 years because I could not find a job--damn coaches) and 1 year I had a kid in a wheelchair. At least 2 days a week he would come in and I would ask if he was having a good day. He would respond with a hearty "f... you", flash both hands, and roll out. Usually in the first 5 minutes. AWESOME!

Marrdy said...

Oh my goodness. Your poor daughter. The world of a teacher.

Julie H said...

LOL that's going to be my new phrase

"puck you!"

"you pucking puckener!"

Paige said...

That is awesome--nothing that funny ever happened to me when I was subbing---just scary stuff.