Saturday, February 14, 2009

Laugh With Me

This video was created by my son, Trevor's friends, Andi and Landon. They have graciously allowed me to share it with you. I have watched this over and over and have laughed hysterically each time. Landon has this incredibly cool computer with a camera that allows neato and groovy things to happen when you choose them. I now know what I will be asking for on my birthday. Enjoy!!!!

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic


Ron Simpson said...

ah .. kids !

that was fun

Deb said...

i am sorry, i don't know what was funnier, the video effects or the girls' reaction to it. they are hilarious (and gorgeous). i loved when they turned into werewolves.

Rhonda said...

You know, I thought it was funny how desperately the one girl wanted the camera all on her and the other was totally okay with peeking in every now and then!!! lol

Dawn said...

I'm laughing about the same thing Rhonda is! The one chick would hardly let the other one be seen! LOL!

I love the new laptops that have that feature. Too funny!

Jenni said...

Oh that is HYSTERICAL!!!

Tiffany said...

OMG that's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, I have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard!

Shelley said...

LOL. Me and my son were laughing so hard at this. That was cool.

Justine said...

OMG, when her teeth expanded I nearly pissed myself! heeheheeeeeeeeeeeeee

Justine :o )

Michelle said...

Awesome. Loved it! You got to love kids.

Beth said...

Funky! That gives me some ideas for a gift for my boys. They have a twisted sense of humor and I have no idea where it came from.

Ash said...

Ah, teenagers having good, clean fun!!! Thanks for renewing my hope.

But I think I might have a few nightmares over the whole teeth thing.

I love technology when used for good.

Unknown said...

Took me a minute to realize what they were doing!!! LOL But that was freaking funny!

Mrs. Schmitty said...

OMG! I am peeing myself over here. That was absolutely hilarious! What are they using to do that? I would love to get it!!

Mariah said...

I totally need that done to my face, and then I'll pot it on facebook and completely embaras my kids because I can and I should said...

Oh my gosh! That was hilarious! The laughter of teens!!! Cool!

Anonymous said...

Now I can see where there could be lots of entertainment with that feature to add to your photos.


Anonymous said...

It's first thing Sunday morning (see? I DO like you best) and at first, I had NO idea what was going on, but I noticed the girl in the distance had a weird face.. .. then I read your post (heh heh sorry 'bout that)and got into it. Now, who was the co-pilot and who was the Commander in Charge?

Brittany said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I love that kids can do this, and yet, I can't even figure out how to vlog!

Ronda's Rants said...

I love their they don't care if they look goofy together! It was funny...but there's nothing better than laughing with your girlfriend!

michelle huey said...

This is too funny! I 've got to have one of these! I am not funny looking enough, I need this to enhance.

Debz said...

I think they were high (lol).

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I want that feature on my computer! That is hilarious!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

That is tooooo cool!!! I want one!

nikkicrumpet said...

That was so funny..I love the voice distortion and the face melting thing...too cute. And their reaction was a hoot! If you get one of these...nothing will ever get done!

Erin said...

What a crack up! Thanks for the laugh!

Ginger said...

Hi Jill:
I don't think the video was working right when I clicked on it. It's my computer or my slow dial up...
I keep forgetting to ask you, is that a new picture of Kaydi Jo on your side bar? She is just adorable.
Hope you had a fun Valentine's day.

Texasholly said...

You need that. BAD.

Scary Mommy said...

OK, where can I get one??!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

That was funny. I want one now too. That could be a lot of fun to play with.

Vodka Mom said...

I just adore silly girls---and their laughter is the BEST!!!!

i loved it.

Tiffany said...

LMAO I would be dying laughing if I had that.

Smores for Breakfast said...

HA! I love it! LMAO!

your blog makes me laugh all the time!

binks said...

Can't...breathe.... too....funny. *wheeze* cough*

That was hilarious! Thanks!

Kristen H said...

Too fun! I want that. That would be a funny laptop to buy for the parentals and then freak the crap out of them. I don't care who you are...That's funny!
I love when that girls teeth got so huge. She looked like Hillary Duff!

Burgh Baby said...

So freakin' cool!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I'm so glad I waited to watch this alone.
Had I watched it when my hubs was fast asleep, oh and the cat too.
I would have surly woke them up with my laughter!! Teenagers know how to do the funnest stuff with their computers. I'm lucky if I can publish my post without unwanted strange things on it.
I gotta go watch it again!!

Sweet Wishes,

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

Now that's funny stuff!!

Sir Walter Besant said: "Having children is like having a blowlng alley installed in your brain".
I concur........

Steady On
Reggie Girl