Lots of beautiful women. Like Em and Kristin.
And Shauna and Holly and yet another gorgeous blogger who I was introduced to between glasses of wine and want to call Chardonnay. (please forgive for not remembering your name!!)
And beauties Elaine and Nicole who sat with us and somehow escaped my wonderful photography.
And Jay. The most beautiful of all blogger women there.
We giggled and snotted and even peed a little.
And more than one of us declared our undying love for him and his 25% masculinity.
Or asked to borrow his hair gel.
I nervously declare my infatuation with the tallest lesbian at the dinner.
Look below the proudly displayed name card (made by Leslie) at the lettuce wraps.
This manly feast was ordered by HeMan Nancy Jay.
This is what I ordered.
Some of us were receiving texts from all those who know me so well, such as:
Is Jill stripping yet? NO
Are you dancing on tables yet? NO
Are you talking about me? YES
I kept Jay's balls in my purse for him until the end of the night.
As soon I gave them back, this is what happened.

And he said he couldn't dance...

I'll be back after I compose myself and get used to the idea that someone got a picture of me in my hardhat.
OMG...Do I feel left out and lonely! How much fun did you all have?
It was so great to meet you! The dinner was so much fun :)
OMG - you're the best. I'm so mad I had to leave early!! But thrilled you got that last shot - incredible.
And to hell with my double chin - my nose. My NOSE!! Anyone out there with a Photoshop degree?
So glad we got to hold hands under the table :-). Em
Ohhh my Jill!! You go girl. I often have to bring out me inner 'Dancing Queen" and exorcise me demon's, lol. Worth it every time.
And your dinner looks fabulous. I hope that it was as good as it looks. It made my mouth water :)
Steady On
Reggie Girl
let me make one thing perfectly clear, jill... em is MINE! you can have jay, but hands off em. don't make me have to get physical with you.
Looks like a good time was had by all! I had no idea Jay was in construction!
So wish I could have been there! Glad you had fun. Sounds like you needed the diversion. But, one question...why weren't you dancing on the table and stripping???@!?!?
Yeah, we know you are holding out on us! Bring out the good pictures.
Wow, he's hot.
I wanna go next time...
SO FUN! I had no idea ya'll were in Texas! Sounds like it would have been worth the trip! Thanks for sharing with all of us jealous non Texans!
So fun.
bwhahhaaha! I missed Jay's table dance...damn.
It was so wonderful meeting you, you are such a beautiful woman, can't wait for next time!
Glad you had fun. I never hear from you anymore and I miss you...
This is completely accurate. Completely.
See....another reason why I had to quit! No one in KC to meet me! Damn it.
Jay should have went red undergarment-much more his color.
It looks like we missed a good time. No pics of you, Jill?
Looks like everyone had a fabulous time!
Green is the color of me
This is fantastic! I'm definitely making the drive out next time!
Wow, you were sneaky with those balls. I totally missed it and I was right there. Hmmm....
Glad I got to sit next to you my dear. See you again soon! : )
HOW FUN!! Darn CA and being so far!
I couldn't make out what the card said on Jay's food.
I'm glad you all had a fun time. It sucks that there were so many that you all couldn't sit at one table!
Those bloggers are beautiful! =)
that looked like fun!!
did you go home with Jay's balls??
Freak woman...are you CRAZY??? You don't keep balls in your purse...you put them in your pocket where they'll stay warm. SHEEESh.
dang it I wish I coulda been there ~ I would immediately recognize you and give you a big hug and you would be all "WHO THE HELL IS THIS NEEDY MIDGET GET HER AWAY FROM MY DINNER"
~maybe next time~
Your dinner looked yummy and you guys look like you had a blast.
You needed it right! I am glad you all had fun, I must say I am a bit jealous!
It was so great to meet you and laugh with you and pee with you. It really wasn't the waiters pelvis now was it?
I guess it is true. You DO have balls.
Ha ha..very funny.
I am so jealous! What a fun time!
Jill, that was awesome. Seriously. I am so happy you all got the chance to meet the Man behind the madness that is Jay. He has not changed in all the years. What a hoot. from all the tales it sounds like the night was a great success and so fun for all. I am jealous. Thanks for the great write up.
I really would love to hang out with you!
Oh my gosh... I am so jelaous!
Looks like you had a blast.
Wow, how cool! That is neat you got to meet some fellow bloggers and well, Jay. Geesh Jay, you'd think you could have controlled yourself better. Jill, good thing you were there!
I gave you some bloggy love today. No pressure to pass it along, but you totally deserve this one...Em
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