The Thoughtful Blogger Award
How sweet is that? Thanks MegRyansMom!!! You made my day!
Another award I received was from Linda at Short Pump Preppy. This beauty requires that I list 6 things that make me happy and pass it on to six people.

But because I am a weirdo, I will give this award to 6 people who make me happy! These are for my new friends that have been found through my old faithful friends. And they make me dribble, just like my old buddies do!!!
These girls are so funny and so smart because they love me just as much as I love them! It's a virtual Blog Love Fest and I am passing out red kool-aid for everyone!!!
Speaking of red kool-aid, or not, Cooper came home from school yesterday with the announcement that all his friends that he had left his belongings to in his Will were happy he had survived the flight to Tulsa. Except for Daniel. He was getting his Wii and Cooper informed me his house had burned down last year and that he didn't have a Wii. "Almost makes me wish I could give him mine. Almost." Then away he went to be 12 again.
I have been tagged to do the purse contents thing, and unlike all you FIBBERS who have no trash showing, I will take a picture of the ENTIRE UNCUT version of the contents of my purse tomorrow. (Rick took the camera today to take pictures of a floor for his portfolio. I think he just likes saying "portfolio".) So prepare yourself. It won't be pretty.
Look at you , winning awards on stuff! You are a superstar!!
Get anything in the mail yet?
You're going to think I'm an absolute dork, but I'm getting misty - seriously!!
My first Blog Award - and from YOU!!!
You so need one of those cute Thoughtful Blogger Awards...oh, wait.
A million, trillion thanks!!!!
first of all that damn award has gone to all of my peeps and no one has passed it to me. (bitter - party of one your table is ready)
and second - I DID NOT clean out my purse before I did that pic of my contents. My purse is always that clean.
Hey, booger. My purse is also almost always impeccable.Plus, it was a week old. How can you f up a week old purse?
Did you see this? You've been douly gifted!
Deb...you need a hobby - besides cleaning out your purse!
Ha! Can't wait to see your trashy purse. And I think Deb cleaned out her purse first too.
Thank you so much! You're so sweet! I appreciate it! If I had an award to give you I'd give it!
Lady...you picked a busy day to do two posts! kidding!!! Congrats and I will check out your winners!
Cooper is a sweet boy! It is the thought that counts!
I am visiting from the SSS. I love your background... my entire bedroom is damask and I love it! Congrats on your awards :)
OH MAN....I'm standing taller today...when somebody damn funny says I'm funny...well boy howdy I feel ten feet tall! Which is really good because that means I'm not morbidly obese...see at 10 feet it's okay to weigh 500 pounds. See what a good friend you are...AND I get an awesome award too! BONUS! Thanks Jill!!!
Congrats on your awards!! (stopping by after seeing your blog on Cheaper than Therapy)
Following In My Shoes
OMG my purse totally has trash in it too. Used tissues, candy wrappers, wadded up receipts, a tampon that was in there too long and came out of the wrapper....
I'm with you, they are liars.. ALL of them! ;-)
Awards-a-go-go on your site today. Awesome! Fun new awards too. And, if I had to show a pic of the inside of my purse right now, it would show a heck of a lot of receipts. Sad, but true. It is like I started a collection.
Speaking of collections... thought you would appreciate this. Chatter Box had to go to the hospital for some blood tests the other day. Wasn't happy about the shot, but was grateful they sent him home with a tube. When I asked him what it was, he said: This is tube for my blood collection. Where's a needle mom? Your blood can be first.
I should post about that, huh? Kids are soooo funny. It was as if it were a dead bug or something LOL.
Hope to "see" you at Girl's Night Out tonight. It's a barrel of laughs. You'd love it!
Damn it! I was secretly hoping he left me the Wii. Oh well.
Awww...how sweet! Are you practicing the Blog Awards Red Carpet Shuffle?
LMAO at Cooper almost being generous with his Wii!
My TINY ass? Well, okay then. Not as tiny as it was, but not large, either.
Did I find you through SITS? Hell, I've slept since this morning...who are you, by the way???
Um, yeah, get yo' bohunkus up here next time you visit yo' daughter, and we'll do the CF!!
Yeah...won't even say anything about the awards...or my lack thereof......
Hey...thanks very much! I think I need to turbo my red Kool Aid with a little extra something something, after the day I've had.
WOW. Your awards can kick my award's butts! And what's this purse thing? Sounds fun and I want to see the photos!!
I can't wait to see your purse crap! Woo Hoo!
Congrats on your awards!
I should be pissed BUT i'm not....I am happy for you that you got these thoughtful awards and didnt even think of me....thats Ok I see how you roll...I'll memeber that the next time you come to town...
You got lots of bling girl. You deserve it. You're awesome!
I've been coveting that 2nd award for a while now...just sayin.
My purse is clean now, but only because I bought a new one and I forced myself to only put the absolute necessities in it.
I just now saw the comment about coopers friend wantin a wii....awwww now go out and buy a wii card and get internet on your wii...sorry Daniel-if I had an extra wii i'd send it to ya BUT I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad there was NO need to use coopers WILL!
Holy trophy Batman, where the heck have I been?
I barely squeezed out a post last night at 3 am. Catching up with my reading responibilities and what do I find???
Shucks JJ - that is a super award. Thanks bunches.
As for those clean purse girls. Seems totally irrationaly for a purse to be so tidy. Mine is like a bomb exploded at all times. If it was clean, what excuse could I give for not answering my phone?
Hey, congrats on the awards!
I'm just going to scroll back for a minute and take another look at the recipients....
Nope. I'm not on there. Hmmmm.
Let me just take another look...
Not there.
WTF? lol
That's okay, Jill. I'm totally NOT going to go there with you. No matter what. It's not happening.
And I totally did NOT cut you up on your sisters blog today. Nope.
Not that it matters, really, because you can't revoke what was never given. Even if I manage to p!ss you off. lol
Oh, get a load of the attitude pouring out of me tonight. I do hope you know that I'm joking. lol
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