Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Just some of the blessings for which I am thankful:

Grayson Kord and Kaydin Jo.

Named after Rick (Kord) and my mom (Kay) and dad (Joe).

The loves of my life.

I want to thank everyone who said such sweet and encouraging things about my domestic short-comings and the compliments rgarding my bargaining skills and decorating. My family may be in the corner in fetal positions due to malnourishment, but they will be surrounded by decent decorating. Isn't that what's important?


I am thankful today for make-up. Make-up is my friend. Make-up allows me to go into public without looking like Fiona.


Annie said...

They are too cute!

Unknown said...

I bet those babies would still love you even if you did look like an Ogre!!

They obviously get their good looks from you though:}

Linda S said...

they are precious! and you are too, jillyboo!

Tenakim said...

They are adorable and Fiona is HAWT!

Unknown said...

whoa nelly now that i see the pic of fiona and you the resemblence is uncanny i tell ya-I should have known the day you showed us your hands feeling up your boobs. ;-)

Those babies are adorable-just like my home skillet biscuit who will be in town in 8 days!!!!!

Tiffany said...

Hell yea! Shit on food. Decorating is all that matters.

And I like how you covered your green face with makeup. Totally human looking now.

Those babies are precious.

My bff from high school had her baby this week. If those damn guards and nurses wouldn't have been watching I would TOTALLy have stolen a baby from the hospital. *sniff* I'll go cry to myself now. LOL

The Mom Jen said...

Sweet shots! You are a doll!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, you are gorgeous! Your lil' babes are something else too!! XOXO

Swirl Girl said...

Again with those adorable babies!
I could just plotz!

and you are gorgeous with or without makeup!

Mamahut said...

Taaadaaa, I am caught up on your blog now!
LOve the boobs and nails and cute shirt.

I think our hubby's are using the good shampoo for something else.

I have to have that apothecary dresser thingy. I have looked high and low for something just that size and a million drawers! Those were my requirements.

You remind me of a really young Loretta Lynn. Not Fiona. You are precious either way.

Your babies are soooo cute! I need to hold the sweet little ones.

What did I miss? My senility just kicked in so I guess I'm done now.

QueenofPlanetHotflash said...

Those two are precious. You crack me up!

Unknown said...

hey i sent you an email did ya get it yet?

Julie D said...

Wowza, such beauties! What a lucky lady you are....

Debz said...

*sigh* they are beautiful and you should love on them every chance you get. I am happy for you, even through my tears.

Luv ya

K said...

Cute, cute babies!!

And I'm very grateful for make-up too! :)

Holly Jahangiri said...

Grayson Kord and Kaydin Jo are just adorable! And I love your Princess Fiona look - you have the expression down pat. I agree with mrs parks - those kids of yours would love you if you looked like an ogre, but actually look like someone who doesn't need make-up.

Thanks for dropping by my blog - and thanks ten times over for commenting!! (It gets so LONELY over there, some days.)


Danielle said...

OOOHHHH...your kids are so adorable!!!

"Good work!" (on the cute kids) (somebody said that to me the other day...I thought it was a funny thing to say, so I'm passing it along...enjoy!) ;)

Anonymous said...

Such cute babies! And make up is my best friend--I'd DIE without it! I just know I would!

Dawn said...

Those are some adorable babies!

I totally cracked up at the picture of you and Fiona! LOL

Looking forward to meeting you when you come to Tulsa! :)

Kritta22 said...

You don't look like Fiona! You are so funny!!
I love those pictures, so cute!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Dear Fiona,
Thanks for the comment on my Lake Stink post! I gotta get back to her blog and see everyone else's 'bests'!

If you want.....

You can change your blogger profile so that people (me) can reply directly to you via email??

The tutorial is on my blog, right under my face called: "Dear No-Reply blogger" But no pressure! said...

So cute...just wanna kiss on those baby cheeks!

You are gorgeous with or without makeup. I think Fiona is pretty stylish in her green!!

Jenni said...

Cuties!! All 3 of you!

I am also thankful for makeup! I would be scaring small children daily without the kids in my class should be thankful as well!

Ginny’s Lazy B Ranch said...

Jill, those are such precious grandbabies!! And their grandmother is BEAUTIFUL!!! Hope you are doing well. You know its Canton weekend again. I hope next month Tracy and Amy and you mom will come and go. I love the PICS, you guys are darlin.

Anonymous said...

they are so adorable!

And thanks for the kind words on my blog (I will definitely keep that post!)

Danielle said...

hahaha! I knew that!? (they were your grandkids!) *silly grin*

Ash said...

Grayson is one of my all-time favorite names! Absolutely adorable, those two. I've got two precious sons if you're into arranged marriages? 6 and 2 1/2 - get'em while they're hot, they're going fast!

And you're pretty adorable too, without the makeup. Go nude, be free!!



Anonymous said...

You all are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Love the Fiona/make-up before and after. You are too funny for words, Jill.

Shannon said...

Those babies are adorable!

amelia bedelia said...

AAAAAHHHH! kidding. we are pretty without makeup!! even though we have clear eyelashes.

nikkicrumpet said...

funny...for me it's just doesn't have the oomph that I need anymore...but SPACKLE..thats the ticket!

Unknown said...

Look at you gorgeous! (with and withOUT makeup!)

And those are some darn beautiful babies you got there. : )

p.s. how the hell did you manage to make this blog so fabulously popular so quickly? You're my hero. : )

Crazy Charlene said...

i followed ya here from 47 because of the annie oakley 'tude

i have to come back when i can stay longer~~and when i have time to read~~

just so you will know i. am. not. a. stalker
charlene-in-ar at blogspot

Anonymous said...

photo trick: Never pose next to a child's face or child's butt. And at least makeup helps you. Me? I disappear without makeup and look like Groucho Marx when I wear makeup.

At least LG (love god) loves me, cuz he's farsighted and can't see up close.

I am so lucky.

Minxy Mimi said...

LOL!!! I am confident you could never look like Fiona!!!
Not with kids so darn cute!

NucMEd is Hot said...

Those kida are ridiculously cute, are they yours? No really, are they??? :)

Deb said...

You're gorgeous, with or without makeup!

LuckyMe said...

Great pictures! I am not afraid to become a grandmom if that's what a grandmom is today - blogging and beautiful! Ok, I'm a little afraid because my oldest is 21 and no one is married.

You rock!

Ronda's Rants said...

Your grand babies are beautiful and you look pretty damn good w/o are braver than I am!
Just for the record you are cuter than Fiona!!!

amelia bedelia said...

PEOPLE!!! My sister is OLD...those are her grandbabies...I'm cracking up here. Sorry, sis! love ya!

jill jill bo bill said...

Shut the hell up, amy! Go with it. They think they are mine!!! Now I know how mom feels!!!!