Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Guess Who Is FORTY Today

Once upon a time, forty years ago today, in a small town in Kansas, a little red headed sister was born to her older sister. The mom and dad brought her home to the sister and she loved the new baby from the first time she saw her. She was three, but very astute.

The sisters grew up inseperable, joined at the hip like conjoined twins, doing everything together. They laughed, they danced, they made up skits and entertained their family every night. They sang to Donny Osmond and Sean Cassidy and did one another's hair and make up. They even looked alike and were often mistaken for one another.

They slept together ever chance they got, even though they each had their own rooms. Every night they would race to the bed, because, as everyone knows, the last one in bed had to turn out the light. Every night since they could remember, the little sister always had to turn out the light. And when she walked to the other side of the room to flip the switch, the older sister would giggle and snort awaiting her little sister's return to hte bed in the dark. Just as little sister was about to lay her head down, older sister would jerk out her pillow and throw it across the room. Older sister would become hysterical, thinking this was the funniest thing in the world. They would laugh and laugh until they heard their mom say, "GIRLS!!"

One night, when the sisters were 12 and 9, the nighttime ritual had started. The race, the loser walking to turn thelight off, the winner in bed stifling the giggle, allready gripping her sister's pillow. The little sister sat and began to lay down. The pillow went flying across the room. The burst of laughter escaped the older sister's lips. The little sister reaches down beside the bed and pulls up another pillow stating, "I have a spare!" Older sister laughed so hard that snot flew out of her nose.

The girls grew up and were maids of honor in each other's weddings and were there when each child was born. They continued to confuse people with their uncanny similarity by wearing the same outfit to many parties and even having the same hairstyle, even confusing their children.

Little sister is her big sister's very best friend. They talk on the phone nightly and text each other every chance they get. Big sister would not know what she would do without little sister. Big sister loves little sister very very much. This will never end.

This is little sister. She is old today.
Happy Birthday, Aimless!!!! I love you.


Unknown said...

awww Jill that was priceless...on my way over to wish amy a Happy Birthday now

Ronda's Rants said...

She is as acute as her older sister too!
She is not old...her life is just really beginning!
Sending love to you both...Happy Birthday Amy!

Ronda's Rants said...

Okay that was supposed to be cute...I don;t think she is acute!

Unknown said...

Awww that was sweet. Now I know what I am missing by not having a sister, sniff sniff. Headed over to wish Amy Happy Birthday.

Deb said...

that's not the way she tells it...
i don't know... something about texting you furiously and you, um, let's see... what exactly were you doing and where exactly were you???

seriously, a very loving tribute to a gorgeous girl (and only gorgeous because she looks so much like you).

amelia bedelia said...

thanks for making me cry this morning! thanks sister. I love you too. gotta go take my fiber pill!

Ash said...

Aww - so great!

Off to wish her a happy birthday.

Love me some Donny Osmond, sigh.


Rhonda said...

That. Was. Fabulous!!!

That's it! I've had enough of this! I'm going to give my mom shit right now for not giving me a sister!!! And my brothers for not hanging onto my sisters-in-law! Seriously! I've got NO female to bond with and that just pisses me off!

But then on the other hand, no one stole my clothes or make up (until now, with daughters) or boyfriends. And no one threw my pillow across the room and no one blew snot out of their nose in my bed.... lol

Tony Gasbarro said...

awwwww, how schweet!

Jess said...

so sweet... Sisters are awesome!

Sara said...

Sniff...sniff...8:30 and I am already crying? What a wonderful post. I can't wait until I have to yell into my girls room for them to quit giggling and go to sleep. :-)

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, you guys are just the cutest. I always wanted a sister-- you guys lucked out!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Amy!

Diane said...

I wish I had a sister. Sniff. I'm not sniffing because I'm sad... I'm sniffing because the whole snot thing made me laugh hard and snot almost came out of my nose. Thanks for that, by the way.

Julie D said...

Happy birthday little Sis!!!!

Tiffany said...

Aww I wish I had a sister. Why did I get a stupid brother?

Anonymous said...

This is so incredibly sweet. Is it too late to send back my brother?
Awesome post. The two of you are really amazing.
Happy bday Amy!

Danielle said...

You made me all teary!!

My sister and I shared a room and a bed, and I love those memories!

okay- that sounded more incestuous out loud than I would have liked....

Happy Birthday Amelia!!

Tulsi said...

Happy birthday. And 40 is great!!

Deb said...

So cute...I'm sure she loved being called old so many times. Really. But then again, she did post that picture of you while you were gone...

Anonymous said...

Oh that's sweet! Happy Birthday to her! I always wanted a sister but got stuck with two stinky brothers! :)

AJ said...

Jill, that was so sweet I got a little teary eyed! I have two girls the same age difference as you and your sister. They fight like cats and dogs now but I so hope that they grow up to be like you and your sister:) Hope she has a great birthday!

careysue said...

You are a sweet older sister...I love your memories of growing up!

I always wanted a sister. Didn't get one, had a couple of female horses and dogs though! Not quite the same but almost!!!

I did have a brother that liked to sneak into my room and sleep with me that was fun...(we were little, come on!)

Great post!

Debz said...

Wow, that gives new meaning to the words "bedtime story".

I missed out on all that fun. But I got drunk with my brothers often. Which was also fun.

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet. What an AWESOME blog. Amy is gonna cry when she reads this!!!!!

I hope my two girls are as close as you two are.

Anonymous said...

LOL I just scrolled through the comments and I see Amy did read it, and DID indeed cry. Awww, so friggen SWEET!

The Mom Jen said...

Aw that was sweet!

Now lets all take our fiber shot together...cheers!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

I'll be back to read your post...just business right now :)

I wanted to stop by and remind you that the deadline to ship the Secret Santa Gift is December 10th. Please send Georgie or I a email amydoo @ sbcglobal . net and give us the Delivery Confirmation Number. Gifts are being received as we speak so you can check out the posts on our blogs to see the latest. If you have received a SSS gift please leave either of us a comment and just write received in it somewhere

NucMEd is Hot said...

OK seriously that spare pillow thing was hilarious. I can only hope my two will eventually learn to like each other!

Ginger said...

Jill, great Happy Birthday tribute to your sister. You both sure do look alike and both have the greatest sense of humor.

Mrs Anne said...

Happiest Birthday to your Little Sis!!! :)

Dawn said...

Jill, I loved this post. You make me want a sister now more than ever!!

I think it is so sweet the relationship you have with your sister. My mom and her sister are the very same way. I love hearing their growing up stories.

I can't wait to meet amy at your house next year!! (We are coming to your house aren't we?!?!LOL!)

Sonja said...

Oh... I want a sister. :( Such a great story!

Anonymous said...

How sweet you are! I wished her happy 40th, and told her it only gets least it's supposed to....

And I would be honored for the privilege of ever watching your precious grandbabies.....

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Now I am jealous I never had a sister to do that with!! I feel like I got jipped!

Happy Birthday Ames, Amos, Amydoo, Aimless and so many other nicknames that I am sure you have because I had the same ones.

You are young and not old like Jilldo hahahaha

Threeundertwo said...

Ok, I've never met either of you and I have tears in my eyes. What an incredible sisterhood. Happy birthday! said...'s sweet the way you both wuv each other! I loved reading about the antics of the two of you!!! Sounds so much like my twin sister and I. You should write a book about all of your adventures!!

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Awwwww, that was sweet!

Jenni said...

Awwww! Happy birthday to your sister!!!

Michelle said...

She is so cute! Happy Birthday to her!!

Justine said...

Aw, what a sweet post! She's one of the youngest looking 40s I've ever seen!

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

Aww you so sentimental. I wish I'd had that relationship. You are very lucky, toots.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Aww, you are so funny, even when you are being sweet. :)

nikkicrumpet said... that you have me all mooshie gooshie and sniffling! It makes me post today even MORE fitting!!!!!!! And Now I wish my wish about you guys EVEN MORE!!!!!!
And a BIG HUGE happy birthday to Lil Sis!

Mamahut said...

lol "She is old today", what does that make us my dear? That was a very sweet story.

Unknown said...

awww happy b-day little old sister! lol

Swirl Girl said...

you and your sister sound a lot like me and my sister!

I had no idea with was Aimless'issez birthday.

I need to go wish her well.

Anonymous said...

Aww.. so sweet and loving!

Unknown said...

Y'all are SO cute! I always wanted a sister. What a special relationship!

I hope she had a fabulous 40th!

Anonymous said...

That was sweet. You and your sister sound like me and my middle sister. We have always been close -- best friends -- and I don't know what I'd do without her, even though she lives 1200 miles away from me. We even share the same birthday, just four years apart. Having recently lost my younger sister to a bad car accident, I treasure my remaining sister even more. There's nothing like sisters.


Mrs4444 said...

Aw. So sweet. Sisters are the best, aren't they? I'm VERY excited about my sister's b-day (tomorrow), because I have hijacked her blog and can't wait for her to see the post. Happy Belated, Little Sis!