Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not Today- Tonight, Honey.

I promise to post tonight. I am swamped and don't even have time to read yesterday's posts. Please forgive. I promise tonight will be well worth the wait. (that's what she said)


Unknown said...

taps foot....oh i will be waitin!!! LOL HUGGERS LOVE and MISSES you!!!! how was yesterday????????? or is that what this post will be about? LOL
I kept a secret well actually i am keepin 2 secrets DEB still doesnt know who her SSS is

Deb said...

you're such a tease...

Julie D said...

Geesh. I heard enough of those excuses when I was married.

Ronda's Rants said...

Right...that IS what she said!
See you tomorrow night Dear!

Anonymous said...


Kritta22 said...

I don't know who my SSS is either...someone from your neck of the woods.

Debz said...

I don't miss you. Nope, not at all. I don't miss that I send you emails and you don't reply. I hope it's cause your out buying me something really good (like a new brother or sister) for Christmas. That's about the only thing that will make the pain stop. Well, that and tequila. But that's about all. Well, and maybe some good vodka. But that's definitely all. Or maybe Jager bombs, they take away pain and memories.

Anyway, I don't miss you...nope...

Mrs Anne said...

i'm missing you!

Anonymous said...

Why do I always crack up at thats-what-she-said jokes? Every freaking time.

Michelle said...

You are so funny! Can't wait to see what you have to say...I know it will be good.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

WAIT A MINUTE! Yesterday everyone was all huffy because I was draawing out my SS, but you post that you're gonna post and that's all ok? Pfft, I see who the favorites are!

Ash said...

Take two asprin and post in the morning - I'll be here, waiting patiently, like every good partner does.


Scary Mommy said...

promises, promises...

NucMEd is Hot said...

You're like the guy that calls when he knows you won't answer and leaves some lame message about calling later. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

God, thought I'd go to blogland to escape the constant barrage of "that's what she said" from my teenagers....geez, you're no help....

Rhonda said...

You know, women are so hard on themselves. Like there aren't enough reasons to feel guilty... Laundry not done ... Kids making fending for themselves ... House isn't top notch ... No time for spreading Christmas cheer ... No updated posts daily ....

The only thing you should feel guilty about is the last one.


We rely on you.

We have faith that you will deliver. Daily.

In this time of uncertainty, Jill, you are the one constant....

So, now how do you feel? lol

Vodka Mom said...

who said? She said? we said? let me know..

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess that kinda thing happens to OLDER sisters. You're wearing out.

Dawn said...

I can't wait for your return!!

Oh, and seriously, when are we all meeting up in Dallas??

nikkicrumpet said...

hmmmmm it's 10:30 chickie...I think tonight is pretty much shot. Not like the rest of us don't have a life too ya know....oh wait...well everyone but me.

Justine said...

I'm totally behind on blogs and blogging myself. And, for some reason, less people are commenting lately. It's totally bumming me out!

Justine :o )

Jill said...

Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Julie D said...

Thankfully I didn't hold my breath or I'd be quite the blue one by now!

Unknown said...

is stilllll waiting....I'm just sayin....LOL

Danielle said...

LOVE the Office reference!!!

Anonymous said...

Well it better be worth it because it is now Friday MORNING! Get with it! hehe totally kidding! Take care of your biznass...we'll all be waiting with baited breath!

Anonymous said...

Alright, alright I need my fix. I feel like I have waited patiently... Give us all what we are waiting for you sexy thing..

Ginger said...

Jill, you just got home from a week's vacation, how much more time off from blogging do you need?
I guess, I will go see if Amy has something funny for us.
(love ya!!!

jill jill bo bill said...

It's coming!!!!