Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fun With Jill and Janie

I have been in Blogville since July '08. Since then I have "met" the most incredible people and truly come to love them and consider them friends. We "talk" almost daily, which is more than I can say for my real-life friends, and I have the opportunity to keep updates on what is going on in their lives at present.

I have had the great opportunity to share phone numbers with some of these Blog Buddies I have made and occasionally talk to them via text or phone calls.

Tuesday evening I FINALLY got to hook up with my precious friend Janie from West Texas and have dinner. She was instrumental to me in my time of need, giving me professional advice for my career. She has called to check on me during tumultuous times in business and was always there with sage advice and encouragement.

We had tried to hook up during her many trips to my area and something always seemed to get in the way of our meeting. But Tuesday night I was bound and determined to finally meet face to face. Plus, I needed an excuse to leave my husband on his deathbed suffering from the stomach virus.

We met at Johnny Carino's and feasted on bread, stuffed mushrooms, and Balsamic glazed chicken. We talked and laughed and closed down the restaurant. We both brought our cameras, but never took a breath long enough to snap a picture. But to give you some idea of our meeting, this is EXACTLY what we both wore minus the dog and the pitchfork. I am the shorter one.
I can't wait to hook back up with her. We are thinking of starting our own reality show. As long as food is involved, I am in.


Deb said...

that's hot.

i'm jealous. i bet you gals had a blast. and could you PLEASE put some meat on your bones?

Shelley said...

Sounds like a blast. I can relate to the deathbed stuff. Why is it that when men get sick, the world must stop and crawl on it's knees for them? But the women never get to lay around and feel bad? I don't get a break when I'm sick. I still have to cook and care for the rest of them, huh? Good questions, maybe even a blog?

Debbie said...

I always imagine you looking just this way. Thanks for the image.

Unknown said...

awwww look how stylish you are rockin the cool you got to meet Janie-I bet you had a blast!!!

Ronda's Rants said...

How fun?!!!!
I am going to San Antonio in July...Is that anywhere near you?

Unknown said...

I have to wonder if the true reason for your lack of photo documantation of your meeting is because you are both really fat, middle aged, bald men.

Warped Mind of Ron said...

That's Hot!

Anonymous said...

DAYYYYMN you too are hot... and really need to eat more. ;-)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Wow, you two look a lot like Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie! Very weird! You guys are hot.

Debz said...

Not only am I jealous, I'm fucking hungry now. Thanks!!!

Cynthia said...

It's so fun to meet blog friends. I've had that opportunity too. Of course, everyone else thinks you're weird for meeting internet strangers but I've had fun.

And LOL on the sick man thing. Go to You Tube and look for a video called 'Man Flu' and you'll get a great laugh.

NucMEd is Hot said...

Love the visual of your outfits!

Tenakim said...

so hot! I've seen pics of you both and it's really uncanny! Glad you had fun!

Alpacamountain said...

Well I was just telling Janie that I was jealous and I wanted to have lunch with you guys...but I can't now...I would seriously be odd man out. Fat woman in the way is more like it.:)

Seriously someone needs to come to Colorado...

Rhonda said...

Wow! So you decided to go blonde after all! You look great! That sounds like you had a great time! I haven't met any of my blog friends yet. Perhaps in October I'll go to Australia! I'm pushing for it!

Oh, and you should refer Shelley to you tube and search "man cold". She'd get a kick out of it!

Julie D said...

I am sooooooooooooo jealous. But then again, I get you alone at Deb's, so we're going to take kinky pictures and send to Janie and make HER jealous.

Annie said...

If I were a dude,I would totally want you to shovel for my farm.
Glad it was fun! Janie is one of my favorite commenters!

Ginger said...

I thought you have been blogging longer than fun to meet someone from blogland and hang out together.

Canarella said...

You colored your hair...Lani

TexasRed said...

Great to hear about your adventure! I'll have to hook up with you next time I'm nearby. Are you near Dallas/Fort Worth?

Also, just tagged you with an award over on my page.

Brenda said...

Stop by, I have an award for you!

scotte said...

Ya know , I think I have a picture of Janie with a lace up denim dress. I will have to look thru the photo albums to see. Back in the 68 pee yellow skylark convertible days, Jack Daniels, Black Stetson days. If I find it I will send it to you.

Dawn said...

You've changed your hair color since I met you in Tulsa. It's looking lovely on you!

I'm thrilled you and Janie got to hook up. I'm sure you all had a ton of fun!

nikkicrumpet said...

Tell Janie that flower necklace is a bit dated. And you my friend might want to ixnay the overalls! But the blond wig looks goooood! I'm so jealous you guys got to hang out. I bet there was much laughter! said...

Did you bring back a doggie bag? Just sayin...I don't mind left overs.

Like the picture. You seriously should go into the celeb impersonator business. You could make lots of money!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm. phone number? you have a phone number? I have your address.....maybe I should drop by and salute your tires with my number, ha!

Tiffany said...

Nice bra Jill!!

Kritta22 said...

That's a pretty bra.

Mariah said...

I'm jealous- I want to meet EVERYONE!!!!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you all had a great time.

Kristen H said...

Wacky, wild, funny stuff!
Thanks for one laugh after another.

Deb said...

I want to have fun with Jill and Janie!!!

When's that house party you're having?

P.S. One of your boobs is hanging out of your overalls.

Valerie said...

So you know after I read about you on Janie's blog I had to come see you. Sounds like ya'll had a great time. When is the next girls night out?

Anonymous said...

It's true. Your name is Jill. Jill is my best friend and we got into all kinds of trouble together until I moved thousands of miles away. o.k. so it was only 300 miles away but it might as well be thousands. Now I have proof that we all live in parallel universes where others are doing the exact same things with the exact same people as we are. On that two girls should be ashamed. *wink*

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