Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I would
like to put
up a tree in my
heart, and instead
of wrapping presents,
I would like to put the
names of all my friends.
Close friends and not so close
friends. The old friends, the new
friends. Those that I see every day
and the ones that I rarely see. The ones
that I always remember and the ones that
I sometimes forget. The ones that are always
there and the ones that seldom are. The friends of
difficult times and the ones of happy times. Friends
who, without meaning to, I have hurt, or without meaning
to have hurt me. Those that I know well and those I only know
by name. Those that owe me little and those that I owe so much.
My humble friends and my important friends. The names of all those that
have passed through my life no matter how fleetingly. A tree with
very deep roots and very long
and strong branches so that
their names may never be
plucked from my heart. So
that new names from all
over may join the existing ones. A tree with a very
pleasant shade so that our friendship may take a
moment of rest from the battles of life. "May the
happy moments of Xmas brighten every day of
the new year". These are my sincere wishes.


Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Jill to you and your entire family

Vodka Mom said...

now HOW the hell did you do that??? Merry Christmas Jill!!!!

Anonymous said...


Julie D said...

Merry Christmas, Jilldo!!!

Unknown said...

Jill that was beautiful! Merry Christmas from my home to yours!

sassy stephanie said...

Wow. What a great post.

Jay @halftime lessons said...

Wow. How frickin cool are you.

Merry Christmas to you, neat lady.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty clever, thank you.
Merry Christmas to ya'll ,


Unknown said...

Oh I like the tree :) Happy HOlidays!

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

That was really cool! Merry Christmas. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Swirl Girl said...

This was a beautiful wish.
thanks for it.

Enjoy you family and friends this Holiday and say hi Amy for me!

Annie said...

You are one talented typist! Merry Xmas!

Ronda's Rants said... are fo shizzel!!!
Merry Christmas!

Mrs Anne said...

such a lovely post!

merriest Christmas to YOU and yours!


Justine said...

Aw, that was so very sweet, and now I want to know how the hell you did that with the tree???? You musta copied it from somewhere. You're good, but not that good!
Merry Christmas. Can't wait to see the tales you'll have to tell after days and days with your mom and sis.

Justine :o )

QueenofPlanetHotflash said...

Wow your so talented
Merry Merry Jill :o)

Ash said...

Color me impressed, and touched.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, dear Jill.


Unknown said...

Now THAT is a Christmas card! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

Hope you had a great day!

Love ya!!


Deb said...

That was awesome Jill! Merry Christmas!

That Janie Girl said...

Merry christmas to you, my imaginary friend.

I'll be in the metroplex within the next 3 days.

be there.

supper's on Steve and I. Well, not literally. But, yeah, you know. out of our pocketbook.

Trulucks? Del Friscos? Pappadeaux?

binks said...

That was great! Hope you had a fun day with all your family.

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, loved that! Hope you had a wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

It took you more work to make that than it probably did to decorate your real tree. . . but it was SO MUCH MORE MEANIFUL.

Mamahut said...

That is the prettiest tree I have seen all year...sniff.
Thanks for coming by and poking all of your nice words at was very sweet of you ;)
I hope you had a great Christmas!

Linda S said...

you must have stayed up all night to make that...your mad skills impress me..must be a typing mad woman...ummm...yep!!

Jenni said...

How COOL are you????

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas, Jill!

nikkicrumpet said...

I hope Christmas treated you well and that you found joy and happiness in the day. Thanks for all the smiles and laughs you've given me over the last few months. I'm so glad I found you here in blogland. You're the best!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, beautiful, and artistic....I'm one of those friends that you don't really know.... :-)

Merry Merry Christmas!

Kritta22 said...

Look at you go, you cute thang! Merry late Christmas to you too!

The Mom Jen said...

I'm so jealous of your creativity, Merry Christmas and have a wonderful NEW YEAR!

Rhonda said...

Well, look at you go, my artsy-fartsy friend!! Well done!

And Merry Christmas to you too!

Deb said...

awwwww... you're the best!!! cant wait to hear all about your holiday and your family and hopefully you took some good photos. did we ever get closure on the boots?

merry christmas, jill!

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Merry post-Christmas!

Threeundertwo said...

That is fabulous. Thanks for all the great posts this year, and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Dawn said...

You're so cool Jill! :) I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

Julie D said...

OK holidays are over, time to get back to blogging and stop goofing off. I miss you. :)

bj said...

Hello, Jill..I hope your Christmas was as blessed as mine.
Happy New year...

Anonymous said...

That is lovely! I hope you had and are having a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

Lovely - hope you are having a great time too!

Unknown said...

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

I LOVE this!