Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why My Grandchildren Always Get Their Way

Below are some pictures my daughter, Kalee and her husband, Lance, had taken for Christmas.
Jacob, 8, Grayson, 3, and Kaydin Jo, 8 months.

Now do you see why they have me wrapped around their little fingers?


Anonymous said...

OMG the pictures came out AMAZING! So pretty! I love how they highlighted the one red bow too.

FYI, I've posted my contest / giveaway on my blog today. Come on over and enter!

Direct link to the contest for anyone that is interested:

Click Here To Enter!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family your daughter has! You must be so proud.

Diane said...

Nah... I don't get it ;).

Tiffany said...

SUCKER!!! Wait til they KNOW this and then ask you for everything. That's what my kid does. LOL

And that first pic with Grayson's head on his mom is adorable!

Debz said...

Because they're so ugly you feel bad for them? That must be it.

Those are some BOOTIFUL babies you got there. I don't miss mine...nope, not one bit.
Give em an extra squeeze for me, would ya?

The Mom Jen said...

Gorgeous, wow your family has great genes!!

Anonymous said...

Oh they are all adorable! Such a beautiful family! :) Great pictures too!

Shelley said...

Those are fantastic photos. Yeah, I think I know why they get all they want.

4 Lettre Words said...

Really beautiful! And, that one with the red bow...too sweet!!

Ronda's Rants said...

It's a shame about how they look!
They are so cute...and they give My Cutest Boy in America a run for his money!
Isn't it amazing how they make a GiGi feel?
I am telling you...I would do anything for mine...and when our Kate says Papa...My Hubby melts like a snowman on a hot summer's day!
I love the pictures!

Brooks said...

who could not want to spoil those adorable kids.....I am so sick of disciplining my kids right now......I am waiting patiently for the day that I can sit back and do the spoiling!

Anonymous said...

Too stinkin' cute! Almost makes me want grandkids........

Unknown said...

BEAUTIFUL family ya got there!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful. Each one could be a model.


Lost Soul said...

Oh my goodnes thay are just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Too sweet - especially that big bow on the little one's hair!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the Black & White. I am such a HUGE fan. And, the red bow? AWWWW

QueenofPlanetHotflash said...

Ommggosshh you have a beautiful family :o)

Justine said...

Holy cow, what a gorgeous family!!!!!! Oh, the baby is so squishy looking! And I love that last B&W pic with just her hair bow red!!!!!!!!!!!

Justine :o )

Mrs Anne said...

What a beautiful family!!!

You are so blessed!

Scary Mommy said...

Totally understandable. They are such a beautiful family!! Love the bow.

Unknown said...

Uh yeah... it's pretty easy to tell why...

What a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful!!! i can definitely see why you are wrapped!!!

Unknown said...

I'm gonna agree with everyone else that they're beautiful.

But i want you to blog about what it was like giving birth at the age of 8, because there is NO WAY you are old enough to be a Grandma.

Ginny’s Lazy B Ranch said...

JillJill, yes I can see why!!! They are so beautiful. These pics are just wonderful. I love Grayson's head on mommy, and Kaydin Jo's red bow. Such a lovely family. GinGin

Ginger said...

What a beautiful family!! Your daughter is gorgeous...gotta be in the genes, because I see the picture of you and your sisters and your mom, and you are all so pretty.
My 9 month old grandson, Kaden Cole needs to meet your granddaughter, Kaydin Jo in about 20 years. lol.

Nicole said...

Great pictures! You have a beautiful family.

nikkicrumpet said...

Your daughter is a beauty....but those kids!!! What a gorgeous bunch of munchkins. That little one in the first picture...OH MY GOSH!

Swirl Girl said...

if I still had a would be twinging right now!

Deb said...

I am trying this amy's way...on the blackberry. I am not surprised at all by the gorgeous family...apples never fall far from their beautiful trees!

sassy stephanie said...

What a precious family. I especially love Grayson in the first shot. So sweet.

Dawn said...

What a beautiful, beautiful family. You have so much to be thankful for girl!!

Jenni said...


AJ said...

What a nice looking family!! Could they be any cuter?! You so do not look old enough to be a grandma! I can only hope by the time my girls have families that I look half as good as you!!!

Linda S said...

oh, my gosh...can I have some! really, how cute are they?

Jill said...

The pictures are great! They are definately spoil material! I love the one with the RED bow.. Too cute!

That Janie Girl said...

Gorgeous! I know why they're so sweet...they belong to Jill! said...

Awww, they are beautiful! It would be hard not to spoil them.

Kritta22 said...

Can you just wrap up Grayson and send him up here?! PLEASE! We could have fun with moose and snowballs and snowmen and cookies and all kinds of fun things. I'll make you a quilt!

Vodka Mom said...

They are ADORABLE!!! wow.

Debbie said...

Well, yes. I can see why!

Momisodes said...

Those are gorgeous family portraits!
I can certainly see why they have your wrapped around their fingers :)

Deb said...

Ok. I get it for sure. I would give them their way too.

binks said...

Is it bad that I am totally coveting those grandkids?

NucMEd is Hot said...

How are you even old enough to have grandchildren?

Aria said...

Can I borrow those pics for my Christmas cards? They are way cuter than me... I can photo-shop my adorable son in with them...perfect! lol They're not even My grandkids, and they could get pretty much anything from me too! :-)

Suzann said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!