Friday, December 5, 2008

Worth The Wait

Okay, okay!!! I know you have been waiting and I promised a post last night...but really this time it wasn't my fault. I went 6 hours away to my mom's last night to surprise Amy for her birthday. Mom and Gene, Amy's husband, and I worked all week on how to pull this off. I had a cancellation in a scheduled meeting and was able to come a day early. But Amy was late arriving, then I couldn't connect to mom's internet and didn't have the energy to use her 1936 computer. SORRY!!!

I wanted all of you to be a part of the party. So push play and when Amy looks at the camera, just yell "SURPRISE" really loud.

WARNING: Do NOT stand near glass when viewing this. Risk of shattered glass may ensue.

Okay, now watch it with no volume and just watch her and Cole's faces.


careysue said...

Hey something is wrong with the video! I hope I didn't miss something and I'm making a fool out of myself!!

You two are wonderful sisters!!

Re-post the video.

Ronda's Rants said...

It's gone....I missed the party!!!

Dawn said...

Dadgumit!!! The video is no longer available. Fix it! I want to see it! LOL!

I think you are just the best sister.

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

The video is no longer there! Please FIX IT!!

I can't wait to see it!

Danielle said...

CUTEST video!!! What a great family! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

OMG... that is just the sweetest thing ever! What a fantastic reaction! Glad she had such a wonderful day. You two are amazing!

Tiffany said...

Yall's high pitched voices set my dogs a barking. And people say I have an accent. LOL Yall make me feel right at home. LMAO

AJ said...

How fun:) You two are so lucky to have each other!

That Janie Girl said...

Wow! That is awesome!

I loved it when she did the Jill face - she pegged it!

Happy Birthday, Amy!

Justine said...

Well damn, the video was all muffed up. I got the audio fine, but it was way ahead of the video! But, I still got the gist of it, and it looked like such a cool surprise!!!! You guys are too funny!!!!!!

Justine :o )

Justine said...

Btw... your mom is HOT and her hair is awesome!!!!!!!

Justine :o )

Swirl Girl said...

What an awesome surprise!

I love it how she the first words out of her mouth was..."we're both wearing scarves!"...

and why weren't you on the vid?

The Mom Jen said...

That is SO COOL, you two are just so cute.

I'm taking apps for a sister starting tomorrow!

Paige said...

What a great surprise!

Rhonda said...

LOVE IT!!! And you know what cracks me up is how high-pitched women's voices get! When we're excited, when we're angry, when we are talking to babies....

It's funny because we ALL do it! But usually ends in me running to get kleenex for my bleeding ears.... lol

You're just awesome. Will y'all adopt me? Please?

amelia bedelia said...

If I had known that I was going to be all over the the blog world, i would have done my hair and put makeup on! isn't that the dumbest surprised face EVER!

Anonymous said...

You got her!! Now if there'd just been a shot of the both of you together. Too sweet.

Kritta22 said...

oH MY GOSH! You girls are crazy! I love you both! Thanks for thinking of us bloggers to watch this! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Awww, makes me want to see my sissy too.

Ronda's Rants said...

Okay...I saw it...too funny! I think you are both so cute!!!

Julie D said...

Awwww. I had to watch it with no volume as I have no speakers! But it looks like a great surprise!

My birthday is in March, can you come surprise me? Pretty please? LOL

Unknown said...

LOVED it!!!! Omgosh the looks on their faces was priceless and now amy and you owe me a new monitor it CRACKED!!!! i kid i kid
loved the SCARVES

Girl in Carolina said...

That is SOOOO CUTE!!!!!! And I did what you said, I watched it twice - you are right, hilarious!!!!!!!!!

Ginger said...

That surprised look was priceless. I didn't get any audio, but I can imagine what was being said.

Linda S said...

You guys look so cute...I want a sister so bad and not the one I pretend to be when I don't want to talk to telemarketers on the phone...a real live one!

Ash said...

What a great sister you are!

And wow, did you guys grow up in Texas or whaaaaaaat?


Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

You two and your scarves cracked me up, truly a close sister thing! Aw, that video is AWESOME. I am so glad Amy was surprised and your high pitched voices cracked me up!

Deb said...

oh my lord... those accents...

amy, you are precious. and even without makeup, you look young and fresh.

jill, you are the best sister in the world. besides amy, of course. oh, i guess i am a sister. but a sister to a brother, so that doesn't count.

oh, and i want more video/details, please

Rebecca Jo said...

That is fantastic.... what a great reaction. How cool that you went to see your sister!!!

nikkicrumpet said...

You guys are just too dang cute. Although after embarrassing myself on my post where I practically beg to join your family...and then you ignore me like I'm a carrier of the plague...I've decided to refuse to be charmed by your shennanigans. Ok. maybe a little charmed.

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

HA HA HA That was funny! I love the look on her face almost horrified she can't believe you are there. Too fun! What fun you two are. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Vodka Mom said...

I'm late? I'M LATE? crap, I'm sorry!!! said...

I love it!!! What a great surprise! You both are such wonderful sissies!!! You should write a book!!!

Anonymous said...

You two make me wish I had a sister. And I've NEVER wished I had a sister before.

Jennifer said...

What a great surprise! Love the video!

binks said...

I had my headphones on. I think I blew out my eardrums. Hubby was like what the hell are you listening to?? ROFL
What a great surprise for Amy,& you guys are so cute.
I wish I had a sister like that. Oh wait......

Debz said...

LOVES IT!!! So cool that you were able to surprise her.
Now surprise me.

michelle huey said...

Why is it southern women's voices get higher and higher the more excited we become?

Hi! I visited your sister's blog this morning and had to come check out the video and YOUR blog. I love them both. I don't live in Texas, I'm an Alabamaian but spent most of my summers in south Texas with my dad growing up, so Texas is my second home!

Ginny’s Lazy B Ranch said...

That was wonderfull!!! I believe you really surprised her. I need to do that for Tracy. Hopefully soon. You guys should really have been twins!!! GinGIn