1) As a nurse, what is one of the funniest (or craziest) things you've had to deal with?
Working at the hospital, one must acquire a "sicko" sense of humor. What most people do not find funny, we find hilarious. Some of the funniest moments were involving on of my favorite surgeons. One weekend while he was on-call, we had THREE men come in with items placed where the sun doesn't shine and they couldn't get out. The first one was jaw-dropping-OMG-you-have-to-be-kidding-me funny. The second one was ELECTRIC BLUE and funny just for the fact it was yet another excavation project. The third one was still vibrating when removed and when the Dr. sent it in the biohazard bag up to me thru our tubing system making the "rrrrr" sound, I was crying laughing.
2) One of my favorite flowers is the Bluebonnet. Tell me about Texas and why it is such a great state. What is your favorite and least favorite things about it?
Texas is the only state I have ever lived. I grew up in the panhandle where you can see for miles and have lived in the DFW for the last 10 years. Here it has trees and different elevations. Because Texas is so big, you get the pine trees, the rolling hills, the prairie/plains, Palo Duro Canyon, and the beaches. The colors from the dirt to the sky are incredible and the weather is ever-changing. The people are my favorite and the winds are my least favorite. The people are nice and don'y make fun of your wind-blown hair or if they see your panties when your skirt blows over your head.
3) Growing up with two sisters, was there a lot of competition in your house? Did you share clothes or steal clothes? How about makeup? Are there brothers?
I actually have 3 sisters, one I rarely talk about because she had at one point decided she didn't want anything to do with us. Now she has decided we are as cool as we think we are and wants to repair the damage. (Her daughter was the one I raised for 3.5 yearswhen she didn't want to be a mom.) Growing up with 3 sisters and no brothers, we always wore each other's clothes and did make overs on the weekend. It was a time when we did songs and dances, wrote skits and would perform them for our parents. There was never a dull moment, and if one was anticipated, we always broke out in song and dance and entertained each other. We think we are hilarious. We do the "turn upside down and paint a face on your chin and sing to Donny Osmond's Puppy Love" trick. Our husbands think we are insane.
4) What is your favorite high school /college or adulthood experience and why?
Growing up in Borger, we always would drag Main Street and congregate on the old TG&Y parking lot. We would laugh and talk about who was doing who. It was THE place to be. I have lots of college and adulthood memories, but my high school years were by far my favorite. I had 12 best friends and we spent every waking hour together. I stay in contact with all of them and they are now attorneys, doctors, dentists, architechs, nurses, teachers, hospital executives, and business owners. I have connections, people.
5) I love movies and was wondering, do you watch movies? What is the first movie you remember watching?
I love watching movies at home. I love being able to hit pause if I need to make bathroom run and I never have to blindly feel my way back to my seat or worry about sitting in front of chinese people with screaming babies that cry in Chinese. We also have one of the last drive-in theatres in the world (that's what they say anyway) about 5 minutes from our house and in the summer months I enjoy going with my family. The funnel cakes are to die for. I am sensing a need for a such an experience during our Sept Blog Rendezvous. My first movie that I actually remember seeing was Snow White. I think I was four. The mirror on the wall and the witch scared the bejesus out of me. That was the same year my mom and I watched The Birds and thus was born my over-the-top fear of flying birds. I saw eyes poked out. And the sounds... My mom was ever-faithful to cover the TV screen with a cup towel when any sexy scenes were on, but she dropped the ball on that mental scarring scene. Thanks, mom.
Much thanks to Binks and her Barbara Walter's ability to interview. Even if she didn't make me cry. If you want me to interview you, just tell me in your comment. Just know I will not be as kind. I love a good tear jerker...

Oh God...I just read Halftimes comment...
My first job was at a TG&Y ...I actually married the stock boy...:)
Good post, as usual. Loved the doctor stories. LOL
okay, forget my crazy mom... i am moving in immediately. let rick know he has been replaced.
what is this sept blog rendezvous and how come i wasn't invited?
Great post, it's nice to get to know a little more about you. You know, besides hummin bo bos, that was you wasn't it?
OMG! #1 is just too flippin' funny. I would pee myself laughing. Hmmm.. what does that say about me?
I knew your answers would be great - and you didn't disappoint. Medical stories are always a hoot and I am impressed that you have kept up with your high school friends.
Um yeah the doctor story made me spit my coffee...I seriously think you owe me several computer cleanings...I thought that only happened on tv. Fear of flying birds eh? I remember that movie, it was awful.
Okay, YOU may not have cried, but OMG was that funny!!! I remember that object up the hiney thing happening at our hospital. Sitting in the hospital waiting room with a whirring sound coming out of your ass. Being handed the thing back in a little blue paper towel. I think I would rather die!
In junior high there was a girl who did the deed with an oscar meyer and couldn't get it out. She tried to get it. Her dog tried to get it. In the end, she had to go to the doctor.
I love finding out more about one of my favorite people! Now I want to try and sneak out for the Blog Rendezvous!
I loved TG & Y and Venture as a kid! Why did they have to leave us!?!?
I'm interviewing your sister next week for my spotlight.Feel free to tip me off on embarrassing things to ask her!
Hey! I have a sister I don't talk about either. And if she doesn't stop banging on the basement door, I won't HAVE a sister I don't talk about.
On the ambulance, we once picked up a screaming man who had inserted a bic pen into his penis so that he could get an erection. NO ONE was willing to pull it out until we got him to the ER and NOD (nurse on duty) had the pleasure.
TG&Y LOVED it!!!!
and I so LOVE the drive in!!!!
I will be brave be interviewed pick me pick me
You did awesome!!!!
OMG, I don't understand how you can do your job and not be laughing continuously when stuff like that is happening.
I'd LOVE to be interviewed as well. I think...
You can interview me if you like. I'm an open book. And girrrrrl, I got some secrets to tell.
I saw Deb say something about the Sept rendezvous. That's still on isn't it??
Jill, #1 is too darn funny. Well, to me it is, maybe not to the one having the item removed. How can someone keep a straight face in that situation? I loved all your answers...you and your sister, Amy have the best sense of humor.
If you want to interview me, you can ask away..although there is no way I could come up with answers as good as yours.
Chin people! That's what Jill and I call them, and we actually keep saying we're going to do a chin people skit for our blogs. Wouldn't that be funny?
And, you guys ARE as funny as you think you are!
Justine :o )
What a cool thing to do. I would honored to be interviewed by you. I love a good cry too. I love the painted chins and Donnie Osmond song. I was in love with him and walked around singing puppy love and go away little girl. "Go away Little Girl, go away little girl, I'm not supposed to be in love with you...."
Awww childhood memories....
I won't even ask how he got the whirring thing in there in the first place. Ouch!!! Talk about an embarrassing moment.
I remember the drive in too. It was the coolest thing to sit in the back of the station wagon and eat popcorn and watch the movies. The speakers were mounted in the front seat windows.
So cool!!!
Btw, if you aren't tired of doing the interview thingy for everyone else, you can interview me too.
yup #1 was my favorite too! HIL-arious!
This was great Jill. I loved learning more about you.
I'm super envious of you and your sisters' relationships. I want a sister.
I remember TG&Y. It was right around the corner from me.
So Sept. is when we are all getting together?!?!
Stop talking about birds. You know I duck under my desk every freaking time.
I wanna know what was in the butts!!!
I love this Q and A thingy!
and you thinking and forming full sentences is a good thing.
LOL I love the nurse stories! I sooo get that working in a GI office for two years. It was great introducing new nurses to the colonoscopies of jailbirds...LOL Blunt force trama!! Gets them to scream everytime! LOL
Interview me!! Bring it on, I can take it!
And what's with the redezous in Spetember?? Can I come?
Damn girl, you do an interview and get a zillion comments, I get 3.
I'm feeling a little lonely and rejected. ;)
& holy shit, Jill! The Birds scared the crap out of me too. My parents went out and left us with my grandmother. I don't think she even knew what my older siblings we subjecting me to.
Are you screening your comments?!
I was totally right after Ronda's Rants. Bum. Oh that reminds me, those poor guys. I'm not quite sure if I should be disgusted or laughing. Wow.
I would love to be interviewed, be gentle...
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