For your daily finger exercises, click here and visit Dana as she reveals all in her interview. Then click here to see all the FAB-U-LOUS prizes you can win just by entering Mom it Forward's contest. Carissa and Jyl have worked their hineys off to get this site up and going and would love all our support. I am talking computers, printers, software, soundtracks, PEOPLE!

Yesterday I heard from my oldest friend whom I love so much that I named my eldest son after him. But he didn't contact me on Facebook. He called me. This is the man that graduated Valedictorian and graduated from Vanderbilt University Law School. The guy who, when he told me he was going to Vanderbilt, I said, "OMG! I LOVE their jeans!" Yeah... I know. I am shocked, too that I didn't receive a scholastic scholarship. But who had a Facebook? Not him. Now who is the cool smart one?
We grew up together, our parents being great friends. We both had red hair and people always thought we were brother and sister. And at 7 years old, we discovered we both had a mole on our right forearm in the same exact place and decided we really WERE related and separated at birth. I was the crazy loud mouth social butterfly and he was the smart laid back one that never went partying with us because he was always home doing something mundane like studying.
Facebook allows me to keep tabs on what everyone is doing, and, because I am a nosey sort, I totally love that about it. I can write messages to certain friends for the entire world to read, or I can send a more personal note that only that person can see. So in other words, I can still talk about people and no one gets their feelings hurt. Just kidding. Kinda.
Facebook is generational. I got my mom signed up on my last visit and she is able to keep up with all her friends. I now can keep up with her and her buddies. I get to see what my big kids and their friends are doing as well. God knows I am always the last one to know what my out of town family is into. I can see what they wore to the latest party, what the beverage of choice was, and whose face they were pretending to lick from their pictures they so proudly display. Mom, really, your beer bong shot was not pretty. hee hee
Facebook allows ALL of our classmates to plan that 25th high school reunion and leave no one out. We don't have to worry about finding addresses or phone numbers. We can all make suggestions and people can give their input. It's really a beautiful thing.
Facebook, you have allowed me to remember times I had long forgotten and laugh all over again. Thank you, Facebook, for making it easy to reconnect and reminisce. Today I bow to you and your ability to never let me forget that I wet all over myself and the floor as Carla launched herself onto the velcro wall and hung upside down, unable to get down. Or that at a party long ago I called a guy by the wrong name when I drunkenly told him I loved him. Thank you for reminding me that I should never drink in public and that the ability to dance like a Solid Gold Dancer exists only in my head and is really not pretty.
So if you have never joined the cult and become a Facebooker, I encourage you to do so. It is easy breezey and so much fun. Join Deb and Jay and read other tributes today. You won't be sorry.

Crackbook rears its ugly head. I am so addicted to it that it is butting in on my blog reading time. What will I do when it infringes on my reality tv watching time? I'm doomed!
Hey, look at me! I'm #2! I am usually last. I don't have to tell you how much I love Facebook, you already know how excited I am to be friends with Jeni again. And I am going to call you later and find out about your convo with DA.
I will get a facebook when my kids go to college, I am sure. But I really just can't let myself prior to that!
I've just recently found facebook. It's fun!
LMAO@at your statement to your friend that you love Vanderbuilt jeans OMGosh that is friggin hysterical!!!!
I'm on FB...actually I am a FB slut, I'll befriend anyone. Come find me. AND this whole DFW dinner thing on Feb 28th... Um, that's my birthday so I may crash your shing ding...
Yeah, I'll apologize in's only a matter of time before I hit on you on facebook in a drunken stupor.
Vodka + Jay + Facebook + Hilarious and Beautiful Women = Uncomfortable Morning After.
You're not safe either, Amy. Be ready with your "Um...yeah...can we just talk tomorrow, Jay?"
yay for facebook. and who knew they had a whole college dedicated to awesomely fab jeans!
I think I just don't get the fascination. I have a facebook account but just dont see the point.
I specifically did not tribute Facebook today, but mentioned it- we're simpatico!!!
I, too, love it...but just like my blog, I don't keep it updated...
I am so addicted to Facebook! And, I've reconnected with thousands of my high school friends, too! LOL It is like a high school reunion! They should put a timer on it though - where it automatically boots you off after a certain amount of time - my life would be so much more productive again!
I'm addicted. Wonder if they will create a 12 step program!?!?!
I SO love FB too! I have reconnected with people I even went to elementary school and junior high with!! I had the biggest crush on a boy six years older than me! He sent me a request a couple of weeks ago...Guess who HE has a crush on now? UH HUH! LOVES me some FB!!!
I love facebook. I am addicted it. I love to reconnect to with old friends.
I LURVE it!!! I'm so obsessed.
And, I'm cracking up at your jeans comment.
I need to go and befriend Deb on there. She needs to see the fun in it. :)
Crackbook as Wheezer called it is a lot of fun but I am always amazed at those people that have over 1000 friends. I mean how do they know so many people. My younger cousin has that many friends and I wonder how in the world. I think some people just want to add friends just so they look real popular.
Face book is fun and I have found a few friends from back in the day. I was pretty addicted but I like blogging MUCH better!
Uh huh, Facebook has suddenly got me in its grip too. Dammit, as if I didn't already spend enough time online typing, now there's THAT! Argh! So anyway, add me to your friends list baby!
Justine :o )
I can't even remember life before facebook and I don't want to try!
Good old Facebook. I've found quite a few high school friends this way. Not sure if that's good or bad though... :o)
I'm still trying to decide whether it's worth looking up some of the friends that I went to school with. Some of them are better left invisible.
I've loved finding some dear H.S. friends again myself. And now I am friends with my nieces, which is kinda weird sometimes with pics of their boyfriends and such...
Yup...I love Facebook too, except I can't find any of the people I went to school with...that's sad! I love it tho, cuz I can find out what my kids are doing without them knowing...hehehe.
I kind of equate Facebook to Twilight - it's way cool, but I just can't get into it.
My children already feel like orphans because of blogging.
"I'm COMING, damn it!!!"
I'm addicted to FB!!! I don't remember life before FB!! Ok, I need to go find a hobby!!
I do not understand facebook because I haven't tried. Why don't you do like your sister and write a book of instructions?????
I do love that Facebook!
I finally got on Facebook this week.
Sad, isn't it?
Well, sheesh! Is THAT where you are all the time? lol
I love me some facebook too--love it. I am starting to scare myself staring at the column on the side about "people you may know"
I love it too! Thank you for letting me stalk in yet another way. It's extremly fulfilling!
I've never facebooked. And I don't have time for another addiction...and frankly...most of the people I went to school with annoyed the hell out of me...who needs to be reminded of that lol
solid gold dancer? Honey, you shouldn't talk of such things - do you know how long ago that was?
As for facebook...for heaven's sake, I hated high school and all the people there. I don't think I would ever care to hear from those people again. Ick.
Okay, am I the only one feeling like a facebook loser? I have about ten friends and everyone else has a bazillion.
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