I did it.
I made Amish friendship bread.
I added raisins, dried cranberries, blueberries, and walnuts.
And, before you ask, yes, I went a little overboard on the cinamon/sugar sprinkling over the top.
There was actually another pan of it, but it's gone alredy. I My kids ate every crumb.
I now have a new respect for the Amish women that apparently have more muscle and dedication than I do. I had to get Rick to help stir it, because I had a double batch due to my daughter The Amish, I am sure, do it much better than I do.
But luckily I didn't have to gather the eggs or milk the cow.
I didn't have to hook the horse to the buggy and go into town for the sugar and flour, or put my hair in a bun. No chopping of wood or picking the blueberries in my long calico prairie skirt.
I could never make it the Community.
Plus, I would stick out like a sore thumb with my blond wig.

Looks yummy! Want to mail me a starter?!?
Great looking Amish bread but with all do respect...they have ugly clothes and I don't care for the bonnett things...nice furniture though!
There can never be too much cinnamon/sugar topping!
and you know darn well you'd have a scarlet J on your shirt for some bad behavior or another!
the bread looks pretty good, i must say!
I'll take one. Fed ex can have it here in two days...
bet it would make for some awesome french toast!
I really want some of this bread you and your sister are servin'up!
That looks soooo good! Save me a piece!
ok, you and amy are crackin me up with the pioneer stuff. seriously Martha, calm down, you are about to send me to the retirement home...get it?
Mmmmmm! That looks terrific! Look at you all Rachel Ray-ing it up!
I have to say, Jill, that bread looks pretty good and I bet it was delicious with all the extras you added.
I saw "Witness" recently...man those Amish women work hard. I'd never make it either, they have to keep their mouths shut and not talk back to their hubby's. lol.
Good Job Sis! I was thinking you would never get that done! But what's with the big pan? Ya know they sell bread pans at walmart! Kidding. Its looks good and you were more creative than me. AGAIN!!
Would you pretty please put one small slice in the freezer for February 28th?
Looks devine. Way to go!
Yum!!!! I've never done the starter thing....
You'd never get all that luscious blond hair under one of those caps anyway. Nice bread!
I did that starter thing about 20 years ago and ate that bread til it was coming out of my ears.
That bread looks pretty yummy though....
Hmmmm bread, what a GREAT idea ;)
You can never overdo that topping. Just keep repeating that.
Thats a helluva nice loaf. You shouldnt have. but Im glad you did.
Keep yer eye on the door, Ill be right over.
(...shiver...that things gonna have me in the bathroom for a WEEK...how do I tell her we're BFFs, but I cant eat her damn loaf?...have to somehow let her down easy...)
Um, Jill? One thing...it is by any chance Gluten Free?
DAMMIT!!!!Love you anyway!!
Good Job!
FYI, you can freeze the starter if you don't feel like being Amish for the next 10 days!
Hmmmm.... yummy! And I ALWAYS go overboard on the cinnamon and sugar, on anything.
I've tagged you for a little meme at my place. Hope you can get on my site.
: )
My preachers wife gave me some, I left it on the table, she brought it to me, I left it on the bench, she brought it to me(again), I finally brought it home and did what it said. After watching it bubble and slime and grow, I baked it . I couldn't get over watching it for 10 days (or however many it was)It really wasn't bad (tasting), but I couldn't get over the visual. What the kids didn't eat I threw away.
I'm glad you got the starter instead of me!
By the way, mine looked just like yours.
Did you save your self another starter for next week...I bet ya didn't!
Looks great! I've never actually made it! Do you have the recipe for the starter or do you have to get it from someone?
This recipe has always scared me. That whole starter thing. Yikes! I gave you an award after I read your post too!
Looks wonderful...
yeah, I'm beginning to think that you can do anything...baking, looking hot in blonde wigs, beautiful home, blogging genius...etc.
That looks so delicious!!! You can mail me a starter too. I cannot believe your mom made that friendship bread for that long!!!
I've always been scared off by that, but I'll happily consume some. Thanks. ;)
I'm hungry now. I'm just sayin.
You'd stick out in New York with that blonde wig.
Good job with the bread. I think I'm getting a starter sent to me!! Can't wait - I wanna make Amish bread too. All the cool kids are doing it.
yummy yummy..."my kids" would have eaten it all too.
Well girl, it looks delicious, but I wouldn't be eating any bread that started out in a little baggy. Ewwwwwwwww! Something tells me this is NOT how the Amish do it.
Justine :o )
Oh yum! Congratulations!
Just cause we're going to finally meet Tuesday night, doesn't mean you can bring any of that starter shit with you to give to me.
I don't cook. I don't bake. That shit will grow up and take over my house and Steve will be mad at me and I'll have to make up some crazy ass story and you will.be.implicated.
I can see it now. Amish Mutant Starter Dough takes over dirty house in Midland and holds blogger hostage.
I do not like that stuff in any way shape or form It scares me.
I LOVE amish bread but minus the raisins,crandberries,blueberry's and walnuts LOL
You did a great job! I wish we lived closer so i could get me some of that starter!!!
I've screwed up Amish bread so many times I don't even TRY anymore!!!
Looks lovely! I'm sure it tasted delightful too!
One thing about the amish they can cook! I toured all over the place when I went to PA at different villages. The food... the desserts... can you imagine if they had electric....! I need that recipe!
yummy stuff....I made it a couple times when my kids were...kids.
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Good for you! I agree with you, I could never be Amish-those clothes would make me look even fatter than I am nor do I want 12 children.
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