Walmart worker: Bakery
Customer: I need to order a cake for a going away party.
Walmart worker: What do you want on it?
Customer: 'Best Wishes Suzanne,' underneath that, 'We will miss you'.
Below is what she received when she picked up the cake.

Just a bunch of nuthins to make you smile
I weep...
On a positive note though, the writing IS stellar.
That is so funny. I hope the recipient of the cake thought it was as funny as I do. Probably not.
oh my.
yet another reason to hate wal-mart. my list is getting longggggggggg.
Neat handwriting...
I do wonder what the woman on the phone sounded like though...maybe they spoke the same language...a little laxed with the constanants!
That's so sad! But the handwriting IS beautiful!
You've got to submit this to the Cake Wrecks blog!! They LOVE stuff like this!
This is why we tell our children not to use drugs. UGG!
I wouldn't get bakery from Walmart anyway. My Aunt got her nails done at her local Walmart and the results were the same!!!
You would think this was written by someone that we know who I am talking about!
Oh, I love stupid people! They keep life interesting!
Well, it COULD be used as a funeral cake. You know, "underneath that" as in "six feet under that" but I can totally see how it would have happened and, NO, I've never worked at Walmart but I did do a lot of witness dictation in the arson bureau and I was told to type EVERYTHING the witnesses said. I had a lot of "uhhhhhhhhh" and "mmmmmmmmmmmmm" in my court transcriptions.
This must go to cake wrecks!
Does Target even have a bakery? We don't have any of the fancy targets down here. No food in ours. What did you expect? I'm in the freaking sticks!
That is almost too good to be true!
LMAO...that would so happen to me
I thought the same thing...nice handwriting!
OHGosh. Is that not the funniest thing you have ever seen? You seriously should think about sending that to Jay Leno show, he would have a field day with it.
I am still laughing, I'll have to keep that story on file when I'm feeling down just pull it out.
I wonder if it's a choklat or a banila cake...
I've seen this one before. Does your Target have a bakery???Oohlala!
That is so funny! How is that not common sense when writing it up?
OMG, how sad, how very sad.
Where do find these things? You crack me up!
At least they got the words right...the ones probably said at least.
Mythbusters post
Juggling gif
OMG! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is too funny! I wish I had a Target closer, I hate WalMart
Did you submit that to cake wrecks? Cause that would be a sure-fire winner!
Hee hee hee! Just found your bloggy and now you're stuck with me!
This happened to me last week for my daughter's birthday! I asked the bakery to leave the top of the cake plain. I explained I would do the decorating. Bakery lady wrote this on her sheet "(nothing on top..plain)" And that's what the dumb cake decorator wrote on my 6yr olds cake! Needless to say we were offered a years supply of baked goods and a new cake. Dummies! (I wish I would've taken a picture of it for Cake Wrecks!) You have to send this pic their way!
That is friggin' hilarious!!! I totally want a cake like that!! Maybe for the blogger dinner? HA HA HA!
If all else fails for me in the Med Trans field, I'll go into Bakery Trans. I can do it. I know I can.
She must've been half sleep when she was decorating the cake. She missed the H in underneat. LOL
Oh my gosh!!! Is that for real?? Could someone actually be that dense? I like Reasors cakes. I have had good luck with them. All I can say is I hope no one paid for that. lol
OMG, I wonder if this is true! That is tooooooooo funny. But hey, that's what you get for ordering a cake from Wal-Mart. It might be one of my favorite stores, but you'll never catch me buying baked goods from them!
Justine :o )
Bahahahahahahahahahah! Classic!
sounds like a cake Amelia Bedelia would have made...not your sister, but the one of literary fame!
I swear I have had some students in the past who would've done that!
seirously, I needed a belly laugh today. thank you!
I've said it before & I'll say it again-
Rocket scientists do not work at Wal-Mart!
Visit Cake Wrecks, I have a link on my blog. I visit them every day, They are a hoot. You should see the cakes that people receive. ~ Robyn
Omg that is to funny!!!
Cake Wrecks is devoted to this stuff.
It is scary what exists out there.
You are so right. Target is above that.
ROFL....oh my...and these are the same people who are going to be the future of America. I am so scared!
That is so damn funny!!! i love it!
Now THIS is funny! Sad, but funny.
I thought only crap like that happened to me, One year for my daughter's birthday I had to take her cake back three times because they spelled her name wrong even though I wrote it down PRINTED it and they still spelled it wrong
I just can't past the ugly cake colors - who wants a brown, yellow & orange flowers???
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