Below is what I came home to:
gallon of milk-left out and open
three of MY yogurts licked clean
75 packages of sweet N low opened
toaster out
empty bag of cereal
empty coffee pot
This is how I left the kitchen:
1/2 gallon of milk in fridge
8 pack of MY yogurt in fridge
75 pkts of sweet N low in their jar
toaster in cabinet
1/2 bag of cereal in pantry
12 cup coffee maker with ten cups left.
I am thinking unless he is running 107 degree temperature, vomiting pieces of his liver up, or on a ventilator, he is going to school.

Aw don't be like that.
gallon of milk-left out and open
three of MY yogurts licked clean
75 packages of sweet N low opened
toaster out
empty bag of cereal
empty coffee pot
Every bit of that was for medicinal purposes.
Good lord, could he use a LITTLE more Sweet N Low? Yikes! and YUCK!
Well i am SURE that after he napped he felt much better!! lol
Lol! I LOVE sick days that have miraculous recoveries!
How could he sleep if he drank all that coffee???
Send him to school!!
I forgot to say I love that cereal. I feel much better now.
I've had one of those here for 3 days. He didn't eat until the 3rd I let him. He's pretty skinny so I gave him the real stuff this morning. How do kids bounce back so quick? I would be gettin buried about now if I was that sick.
Did you offer him some pepto afterwards. This is funny. I"m sure he's in school today. But what's up with the sweet and low.
crap- I think I just went into a diabetic coma reading that? Was that what was wrong with him??
LOL too funny! Bet he was about bouncing off the walls with all that coffee!
Well I gotta admit, those Yoplait Non fat yogurts ARE good!
Sweet N low... well that's just disgusting. Splenda is so much better.
But seriously that is pretty crazy. 10 cups of coffee?? In a 12 year olds body?? Well I have a feeling he paid for it. There is NO WAY he could've drank all that and NOT ended up having a deep and personal visit with Mr. toliet.
Are you sure he wasn't vomitting because of all the sweet n low? Yuck! That on top of 3 yogurts sure would make me barf!
Poor guy, put himself into a caffeine induced coma, LOL!
Is he ok? :-)
I feel your pain...I have a 12 yr old! Hope he's better!
It's a miracle! Not! We've played that game here too. It's amazing how they always feel better once school lets out- well enough to play with friends. Not that I let him but that's when I know for sure I've been suckered.
All that dairy!? I see a bought of constipation in his future.
Or maybe that's what the coffee was for?
your standards are WAY too low. you're a nurse, for crying out loud! don't you know they have portable ventilators now.
my rule is if they are in the MIDDLE of surgery (as in organs exposed) or if they are physically trapped under something, they don't go to school. otherwise, get that backpack on, brother.
That sweet n low would be enough to make me puke! Thats a TON of it!
WOW, that sure was a lot of coffee. I would be pacing back and forth if I had that much coffee.
Boys will be boys!
Are you sure he didn't have friends over to share his bounty?
I hope he is feeling better and back in school today.
What?! He didn't throw all of that back up??? He's healed. Thank you Jesus!
At least he could have covered his tracks...have his brothers taught him nothing??!!
My God, you are a scream. I hope he is feeling much better today, poor baby, cause I know you're going to make him go to school. LOL
Serves him right to have vomitted! Tell him I said so. :) I always want a pot of coffee when I am urping! ICK!
Kids are so fun. My brother is 42 and lives at home, my mom has to clean up after him too. Oh, did I mention he's single ladies???
Well when he comes down off that caffeine and Sweet N Low High at school you are just going to have to go get him again...
how sophisticated that he drinks
Was it a witnessed episode of vomiting? *arg-ing* noises behind a closed door don't count.
was the thermometer anywhere near a light bulb when he took his temperature?
Did you know that if you try to put a thermometer next to the light bulb it'll skyrocket to 112 degrees and piss off your mom and she'll send you to school anyway?
Well, I am not going to throw stones...I have dragged my sick behind in her to read blogs...but I am drinking diet cokes and eating Life cereal...I don't know why!
OMG! He had a party while you were gone. LOL!
Oh. My. Gawd.
I miss those "sick" days. I don't think I can still get away with that shit at 47 years old.
What the hell????????? How could he eat all that AND drink 12 cups of coffee and be so sick?????? WTF?????
Justine ;o )
75 packets of sweet n low...ingested?! well shit if he wasn't sick before he is going to be later!
I'm surprised he didn't vomit after al that! I bet he went to school today!
OMG...what the heck did he use the 75 packages of sweet n low on? My son does the same thing about leaving the milk out...must be a boy thing!
My house is a disaster also! Grace has been home sick for 2 days now! I need a girls night out.
My house is a disaster also! Grace has been home sick for 2 days now! I need a girls night out.
My house is a disaster also! Grace has been home sick for 2 days now! I need a girls night out.
OMG it sounds like my oldest son got to your kitchen ! What is UP with boy children (whatever age) and the milk, coffee, and cereal?
My daughter (Desiree) commented on your blog and you wrote back to her... she said she might answer you with some of the things *I* have told the 7 of my kids over the years...
One of my sons, Artemas, could wreck an Iron Ball. One time a friend of mine came to the door to bring me something and left without ringing... Later told me she heard my dh through the door saying, "Satan is the Destroyer, NOT ARTEMAS! Satan is the Destroyer, NOT ARTEMAS!"
I ROFLOL reading the antics at your house (such a refreshing change from mine, LoL)
My Thoughts On Life, Yarn, Kids, and Other Stuff
My7kids Yarn Boutique
HeartFeltFun Boutique
Definitely. Little brat. Gotta love kids, eh? :o)
Damn Jill, you know being sick makes you hungry. And then when you get healthy you're even MORE hungry. Maybe thats why I'm such a fatass. LOL
75 packs of sweet N low?
Damn. He could die of aspartame poisoning. That's if you didn't already kill him.
I like this kid already!!
Ah, Coop! I can just see you drinking coffee with all that sweet n low. I'm the same way. Just ignore your mean mommy!
My daughter was coughing up her lung yesterday at school and the secretary said she was calling me to come and get her (She's 14, give me a break!) and Asia said "No way! My mom'll be pissed if she has to come and get me early! I'm only allowed to go home if I'm puking!" lol They love me.
LOL if he eats that much sick....I'd hate to pay to feed him when he's healthy!!!! It's posts like this that make me glad mine are all grown!!!
While I agree that would be annoying to come home too I see it with a different perspective then you....You "get to" have that mess your kid left because he was sick. Never forget what a blessing you have! ;)
NO WAY! Wow, I can't even imagine all these things eaten/drank at the same time. Man, was he barfing? There has to be a lesson in there. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Well I would be sick if I ate all that crap too. But, then again, perhaps if he drinks the milk he left on the counter he will contract salmonella and see what being sick is all about. LOL
My eldest son makes some amazing recoveries when I finish dialing the phone to announce to the school he won't be coming in. : )
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