I think I originally had 2 comments. I also told way too much mundane info, thinking my sister, Amy, would be the only person that would ever read it. These days I just post way too much mundane info so you all can read it and feel better about yourselves.
This post was originally written on July 16, 2008. Actually it wasn't my very first. That one was very short and meaningless, not unlike my OTHER first.
Drum roll, please...
I will begin my blog life with a little H&P (that's history and physical for all my non-medical peeps).
I am the oldest of 4 girls, (hence the control & peace-maker issues I have) born and raised in a small town in the panhandle of TX. We are a freakishly close-knit family, all up in each other's biznez, and have had some major changes over the last 3 yrs. in chronological order:
First: Sister #3 (I am #1), who, for some ungodly reason has always proudly labeled herself "the black sheep of the family,"decided that after having 4 kids, she was done being a mom, and gave them all away. I mean she didn't like set up a lemonade stand and sit on a neighborhood corner and give them away as a door prize with a large glass, but called our mom, that I will call Big Mama, to come get them.
I would go into a thirty minute dissertation trying to explain away the turmoil her THIRD divorce must have put her thru, but bottom line: drugs+alcohol+kids=no fun. So she did what every responsible alcoholic junkie would do and stopped. Being a mom, that is.
So, embittered as I may sound, I have come to accept that the upper-class-cush life she had as a child with loving parents and very cute sisters could not compare with the roach-infested hole she can now call home. I am raising her 2nd oldest, 15 yr old daughter, B, now going on 3 years. The others are with their bio. fathers. The oldest, that lived with my mom moved out on her own.
Second major change: This past Jan 5th, my daddy passed away with a sudden heart attack. We are still reeling with the devastation. He was the funniest man I have ever known and you will see many of his famous sayings thrown into all my stories. I miss him so incredibly much and have moments of hysterical laughter talking about him that sometimes end in a sobfest. But it's good.
So Big Mama, Amy(#2), and Erin(#4) and myself are all trying to live each other's lives and tell each other other what to do without two main components in the equation.
That's the History 1 Part. Stay tuned for History 2. I promise even more humor-laced bitterness as I tell you about my ex....Here's a teaser....
preacher/glass houses/rocks 'Nuff said. For today......this blogging stuff is exhausting.
Alright, I know you are chomping at the bit and are dying to know exactly what Part 2 says, so I will put it here for you. Divert your eyes if you are feeling nauseous, bored, or could not care less.
OK in a nutshell: Married for 10 years and spouse decides to become a preacher. ( Yes, I was voted most unlikely to become a preacher's wife in high school) Moves us 400 miles south to the middle of nowhere and in the middle of my third semester of RN school decides he doesn't want to married to me anymore.
Now for the good stuff: the products of the 19 yrs: Kalee, the oldest and the original Diva; John David, who is undoubtedly the most laid back human alive; and Trevor, the Original Baby. We adopted Claire and her brother Cooper when they were 17 months and 5 weeks respectively.
Then there were 5...
I met the right Mr. while I was taking care of his ill father in the hospital during my fun-filled divorce. He asked me out for coffee (which everyone knows flows rampantly on the med/surg floor of the hospital and was a pretty lame pick up line all in all). So, totally liquored-up on 18 cups of full-strength Folger's, I said in my outside voice, "I have FIVE kids." There, I said it. Run, boy, run. "Yes, I know," he responded oh-so-gaggingly-sweet.
Sooo, 10 months later, all 6 of us married him.
Then we all went on our honeymoon to Breckenridge to ski. Except me. I mean I went, but I didn't (and don't) ski. I instead studied for the f'n boards like the good little graduate nurse I was. Then I got trashed and the Mr. and I snuck out and stayed in the next door neighbor's cabin after they told us they were leaving early to beat the snow storm that was rolling in.
It was wickedly fun (and loud). We snuck back before sunrise (mainly because I woke up panicking that the maid might come to clean the "empty" cabin at 5am and catch us there) and all 8 were none the wiser that we were rockin' the cabin next door. HA! SUCKAS!!
I had finally found The One that was totally and completely in love with me and thought I was the f'n BOMB.
Life is good...

Your early posts are good! And FIVE kids! Wow! And to think I thought it would be hard to find a man with 2 (I did, finally).
I'm a firm believer in love being all the grander the second time around. Thanks for sharing your story and not making me read through every last painful entry. I kid I kid! Really I kid!
This was so muuch fun to read, Jilly...I hadnt ever read it. Knowing your spark and sense of humor now, it was great to learn the backfill. i loved the "in my outside voice" comment...it drew the perfect mental image, and played in my head like a movie scene.
Great first post, ma'am. And I have an older sister that went to the same dumbass training academy.
Love your "history", even though it probably wasn't fun at the time it makes a nice story now--which is life, right?
Love your first post! And what is it about love the second time around that seems so very right? Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the background. You helped inspire my 2nd blog. One for cute bunny craft cards, and one for saying what I really feel. Thanks, it is totally therapeutic!
I love reading your blog, it is very honest and real.
Happy Weekend!!!
See now you are up to 7 comments!Some things are worth repeating!
Jill. Jill. Jill.
I thought I got the only man who thought I was the f'n BOMB.
I swear, they're going to be twinkies when they meet.
love ya, girlfriend. Happy VDay (and you know what I mean.)
That's a great story. I didn't know all this background about you so it's nice to read it!!!!
I need a Mr. Right like that. Got any spares laying around?
Awww - I LIKE that story!!! A lot.
And I'm all up for love being som uch sweeter the second time around...
What a great story!
...where does the 'wicking' bawls come in to play?? Wasn't that part of your courtship?
oh my freakin' goodness... this was good. like very satisfyingly good (that sounds weird and i don't mean it in a porn way)... you are so you and your life ... well, what can i say. okay, i may need to start with these 2 and catch all the way up. i guess i didn't realize he wasn't a preacher in the first place. oh my lord...
you really are the best.
Hi Jill:
I'm so glad you shared your life with us, I hadn't read that before. Glad you were all there to step in and take your sister's kids. And so happy that you found Mr. Right. My hubby married me when I had 4 kids and took me away from a miserable life I was living with an abuser.
Love Ya
Since I'm new to the blogging world, it was really fun to read your "early" posts. I think they are good and I think you're posts now are good! You always make me smile!
What a great idea!
My third blog anniversary is THIS weekend and I will celebrate with yet another Wy Birthday post on Monday.
I'm sure glad you made that first post, just look at you now!
Love it....you sound just like you!
Wow, what a lot to deal with! Glad you've got the right Mr. now and things are going well. Happy VDay!
Great first post, I don't think I ever have read that before!
I love how you snuck into your neighbors cabin for some lovin'!
Who were your first two commenters?? I remember reading those posts but wondering if I commented. I'm going to check!!
I heart you!
What's the story behind you adopting those great munchkins?
Ohhh, no fair, you were good at this even from the beginning! ;-) Enjoyed your "spill-it-all" posts!
Happy VD (that's Valentine's Day to minds less twisted than my own)
I guess I didn't find you until three days later!
Gosh you crack me up! I love reading your blog!
What an inspring and hearfelt post. Utterly truthful and raw. I loved it.
Happy Valentines Day ;=0
Steady On
Reggie Girl
You live a very adventureous, interesting life...not at all boring. Well, maybe to you but not to anyone else.
Are you relieved that you didn't remain a pastor's wife?
Oh my gosh, my first blog post was 2 sentences long!
WOW! One BIG happy family. Congrats on finding Mr. Right.
Happy VGNO! I've got to see a picture sometime of those red patent flats you're wearing!
Love your blog!
Happy VGNO! :)
love the post! Some good reading here tonight. I needed an outlet because my little one is being BAD, BAD, BAD!
Have a happy Valentines Day!
Girl that is a heck of a story. But look at where you were and where you are now. Aren't you proud of yourself. And good for you for raising some of your sister's kids. You will get your wings in heaven.
Um, my life is actually kind of boring.
I guess that's why I drink wine.
Oh, wait! I have a deaf cat. Does that count?
Wow, your second marriage story ROCKS. I can't believe you were married after ten months.
You've had a full life. That's probably why you are so great.
Wow. You have led the life. What a great guy, too, to take on a ready-made family. That is so awesome. What a great story. Congrats for finding the right Mr. If you find my right Mr, could you send him over by tomorrow so I'm not alone for V-Day?
'k, thanks.
Hi Jill!
Can't believe the famous Jill Jill Bo Bill stopped by my blog to say hi! I'm so proud!
Happy GNO!
:) Robin
Cinnamon & Honey
Wow. What a busy life. You sound so at peace despite of everything. What a role model.
Happy VNO girl, I love your blog.
What a nice intro to you!!!
So glad I stopped by. Love the blog and I'm in Dallas. Small world, huh?
Happy VGNO,
I loved your post!!! So nice to hear a little history especially when it has a happily ever after story attached.
It is fun to go back to the beginning of it all. How things change, don't they?
Holy crap in a cathedral. I am SO stoked on your first post. Now I understand. . . . and the rest of the story: met Dana and life is complete.
I wanted to you to post the one about your H and M. Ok, maybe its not called that....help me out here, sister. Forget it. I'm calling you!
WOW! I am so glad you reposted that!
Happy VGNO!
I actually clicked on this yesterday when there were only 3 comments, so I should have been #4. Just sayin.
I love reading the early stuff. Not that I didn't already know all this about you, but it's still fun.
You really write very well and I do't know why you don't try your hand at a book. No shit.
For some reason, my 'first' post never showed up in the google reader, but I did one too. So pass the word cause I think I've had one freakin comment. That's it. It's like you guys don't care about me anymore.
You really should try and cross stuff out a bit better!
And for the record, you don't sound at all lame in your post(s). Compared to the rest of us (well me), it's brilliant!
You sound like a competent blogger right from the start!
I think I may have just fell in love with you ;)! That is such an awesome post, Jill!
Hope you have a treeeeeemendous Valentine's Day. Hope you know how much we 'preciate ya for trying to help us figure out the perfect surprise. Sorry it didn't work out. But, we have something else in the words and would love your help. Soooooooo much fun!
In the meantime... feel the love (sending it in the form of a virtual bear hug right on through the computer....)
It took me two days, but I finally snuck away enough times to read all the fascinating stuff.
I love when true love wins.
This was the best Valentine love story...the second part when you and the kids married Mr. RIGHT!
I'm coming back to hear that video your son made. It's 2am and I've muted the sound on my laptop, so I don't disturb my hubby and the cat. They're both fast asleep. Go figure...
Sweet Wishes
You totally deserve each other. Your hubby and you...not that other stuff! I am so glad you found someone that can appreciate all that silliness (which is HIGH praise my friend, high praise).
jillpill -
Please post a wedding picture....
no, damn it, not the preacher...
you silly goose....
I mean a wedding picture to Mr. Right...
Well, you could post a wedding picture of preacher man for comparison....just post a picture my dear little chick a dee!
We love you, hon. And, I'm so glad the Mr had no problem with your having a gaggle of kids.
I'm glad you posted this since I am new to your blog and now have a better idea of your history. And I'm also the 51st comment on this post...you've come a long way, baby!
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