Him: Is Curtis still a homicide detective?
Me: Yes WHY?!
Him: (10 minutes later) LOL!! I was watching "first 48" and thought I saw him on there.
Me: Oh You scared me. LOL!
thirty minutes later
Him: Mom I think I know what I want to do with my life.
Me: What
Him: Homicide Detective
Me: Thank God you weren't watching "Queer Eye"
Something you don't want to hear your then 8 year old say after emeging from the Men's room at a roadside gas station during a road trip:
"Mom, can I have 50 cents?"
"What do you need 50 cents for?"
"There's a box on the wall in the restroom that says 'Lot's O' Fun'. So can I have 50 cents?"
My friend Ron suprised me with this wonderful drawing of my favorite three year old, Grayson.He used this picture minus the pretzel and rainbow clown wig.
Ron can sing, draw write books, you name it. Check him out and if you whine a little, he may just draw you.
Just as long as he doesn't draw me in the blonde wig, I will continue to sing his praises.
He is so sweet and talented.
Thanks again, Ron!

can he draw me 20 lbs lighter?
what is with boys/men and law enforcement? at least yours has aspirations that will land him a little higher up the food chain. mine wants to be a street cop. no desk for him!
This is AWESOME. I love laughing first thing in the morning and thankfully this time without a mouthful of coffee. My laptop hates those brown showers.
I think that would be a cool job! I love all that forensic-y stuff.
You should have given him the 50 cents, imagine the hours of fun he could have had making baloon animals from a condom. a glow in the dark one no less.
That Ron is pretty darned amazing isn't he? That's a great drawing. Looks exactly like him.
Your buddy, Ron is an amazing artist!
Oh the things that kids will say!
Lots O Fun! LOL!!!
Wow! That is an awesome picture!
And hey! You should have given him 50 cents! Just consider the blog potential...
Queer eye! I'm laughing!!!
Did your eyes start leaking when you saw that picture?
Mine still do when I look at Wyatt's.
Amazing man.
OMGosh, you crack me up! I can just imagine....Ron did incredible job with that drawing. It turned out so cute! ~ Robyn
Good stuff!
oh my gosh.. the fifty cents thing cracked me up!
OMGosh can I have 50cents!!!! That is toooo funny Jill! reminds me of the time jess asked what condominiums were after leaving the restroom...
That pic is awesome
Ahahahahaha....yeah those texts might have concerned me as well!
that is awesome!! why don't women's rooms have boxes of fun for $50? or have i missed out on something?
Lots of fun for 50 cents? Sign me up!
Briefly when I was a senior in highschool I wanted to a coroner/mortician. Until I decided I wanted to get married instead of going to college, LOL!
Well the heck are they selling in that bathroom? LOL!
When I taught painting classes and we'd have a live student, the one rule I always made clear is this: NEVER, EVER draw the double chin or wrinkly neck. Put it into SHADOW.
Luckily, your son needs no touch ups. But if you'll send me YOUR photo, I promise to use lots and lots of shadows, EVERYWHERE. In fact, why don't I just draw some white teeth on a black canvas.........
Seriously, you're so damn gorgeous and so is Amy.
I love Deb's comment about drawing me 20 lbs. lighter.
Some people have all the talent, some have none. I am in the latter catagory.
That's amazing!!
LOL Queer eye!
$.50 that's hilarious. The drawing is an exact ringer of your son. Great job.
why didn't you give him 50 cents? Dang Jill, let the kid have some fun! That drawing of grayson is so cute. cool surprise! And Trev....crackin me up. At least he doesn't want to be a tattoo artist, like cody.
LMAO...I don't know what I would have said if mine had asked for 50 cents for hours of fun! I do remember when Cassie asked me one time what XXX meant on the adult movie store...yikes!
LOL Your kids are F U N N Y!!!
Can I have 50 cents too?! I need some fun!
That picture is amazing. What a sweet thing for him to do for you.
THAT is the reason I don't allow my kids to text me! And that drawing is marvelous! I love that smile...so cool to have it done by such a talented artist!
Hey, those Queer Eye guys might have made some money! Then again, who knows?
I need that guy to draw me. But a much sexier version of me. With my special shoes.
Lots o fun indeed!
god you make me laugh girl! and i really needed a laugh today :) (what a quick come back..'Queer Eye'...LOL)Your kids must love your sense of humor! Oh, and beautiful pic.
Those are so me cute little stories!
I don't mean to sound naive but I'm only familiar with tampons in bathroom vending machines. Just what is in a 'Lot's O' Fun' box for 50 cents? (Do I want to know?)
omg! homicide detective? what's he watching, law and order?
It's ok. Every semester during college I wanted to be something else. I bet the same thing will happen with him. After all, that's he point of college, to explore all the possible options life has to offer right?
As for the drawing, that is DAMMNNN good! What a cutie pie!
Can I have 50 cents too? I wanna have lots o fun. LOL
And I think Ron did an awesome job.
Love the Queer Eye Comeback! WTG!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Geesh, maybe you should pick programs for him to watch. How about House or Gray's Anatomy?
Wow, amazing what 50 cents can buy, huh? BAHAHAHAHAHA
A homicide detective, eh? That's a pretty stressful job. Was he serious? LOL about Queer Eye.
And OMG at your son asking for .50 for the "fun" machine! Heeheeheeee
Justine :o )
I wish I could draw. Or sing. Or be thin. Or rich. Or be good in bed.
Alright, one of those things is really true about me, guess which one.
You know how to lighten the load of a middle aged woman with your funny posts! And yes, I fear getting those calls after mine start college.
Ron is great. Love the drawing.
Hey, I think I have two quarters at the bottom of my purse........
Moooommm can I have a dollar? I'm not easily amused so it takes double the fun..
Texting conversations can be rather entertaining. I love your responses!
My son texted me this weekend with questions about how moles were cooked. It was really weird. And then I found out he was in a Mexican restaurant inquiring about mole (pronounced molay) sauce. Big difference.
I would totally accept Queer Eye right about now.
Only 50 cents?
The Oldest is getting all literate thanks to Kindergarten.
Life was so much easier before he could read.
(picture is beautiful)
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