Dear EISD,
Thank you for finally removing the narcoleptic bus driver that held my children's lives in his sleepy hands in the quick fashion you did.
I realize 3 months may seem like a long time to some, and as a nurse who has worked ER, I completely understand the importance of remaining calm, cool, and collected. But for the love of God, CHILDREN'S LIVES WERE AT STAKE!
I know you may think I am just angry because I had to drive them to school AND pick them up, and to that I say, well, yeah, ok, THAT did piss me off. But my kids, who only shared with me the bus driver's "funny" driving skills of careening the bus into the car in front of him because he was asleep, were at least aware that such driving abilities were a bit out of the norm.
What about the other 40+ kids who never noticed Mr. Bus Driver was snoring or the spittle driping on his chin? My call to you BEFORE he had the multiple fender-benders, although verbalized as appreciated, was apparently poo-pooed away and passed off as another panicky mom butting in where she should not.
I will confess to enjoying multiple jokes being made in said bus driver's honor and having great material, such as, "I need a nap, I think I will go on a drive," or "Wake me up when the light turns green," as well as "I have driven this way so many times, I can do it with my eyes closed. Watch," but know I remain extremely miffed at you.
I am thinking you should add the question "Do you suffer from any illnesses that could impair your driving, such as narcolepsy?" to all future employee packets.
When the kids see this behind the wheel of the 6 ton yellow torpedo they will be traveling in to attend your school, we all have problems:
P.S. Your damn taxes are way too high.

i am glad my post served as your reminder, as i think this is good, solid information you are giving to the administration. as a medical professional, you have a duty to inform them of the perils of driving while ASLEEP. i am sure it would have never occurred to them, otherwise. i swear i think most of these school board people are total ostriches (are they the ones that stick their head in the sand? pelicans?)
i am sure they'll tell you that if you want AWAKE drivers, that'll cost you more tax $.
And this is why I am happy to homeschool!
I don't blame you for being upset! (though your sleepy bus driver jokes could make you a star on the comedy tour circuit..hee hee hee)
Unbelievable! Glad your kiddos are ok too!
"6 ton yellow torpedo" cracked me up. How about a 6 ton yellow torpedo with no friggin seat belts?
They give you a ticket if your kid isn't strapped into your car. Why no belts on the bus?
I was about to tell you I apologize for my husbands behavior, but then I rememebered - he's not black.
Also thanks for freaking me out just months before I put my kids on a public school bus for the first time EVER!
Maybe this will be the silver lining to the economic downturn - more overqualified bus drivers.
We can dream.
Just not while you're DRIVING!!
OMGosh!!! You are kidding right??
I would just freak out...
Oh my. I'll take the cranky bus driver who cusses the kids out over the one who falls asleep. Sheesh. Actually no, I don't take either, I drive my kids both ways. Then they only have to deal with my bad driving.
stopping back in cuz i cant get enough of my jilly and to check on your sis...she has been MIA is she okay? tell her i have been wonderin where she is
thanks for the invite. i will remember that! =]
OMG! I mean really...
I had a drunk bus driver in Oklahoma when I was growing up. Every morning he reaked of last night whiskey and every afternoon he smelled like fresh whiskey. It wasn't until I went to the bar one afternoon with my dad that I realized why...Larry was at the bar from the time he dropped us off till he had to take us home. Leave it to the Okies!
You have got to be KIDDING me!
I mean really, everyone likes a good nap now and again, but save it for the bus garage!
I used to teach school and drive a school bus as well.
It took an act of Congress in order for us to be certified to drive a bus.
How in the world a guy like this could drive in your school district is beyond me.
Besides, I had primarily 5th and 6th graders on my bus, though I taught at the high school level. I took my duties seriously, and don't know if I could live with myself if one of my kids had been hurt or injured due to my carelessness or laziness.
So, I'm curious what is more dangerous....
A bus driver with narcolepsy or an angry mom driving her kids to school in her PJs and slippers with no make up and bed head???? lol
I would tell you a story about what happened in Dallas Texas isd,but it would take too long.oh well,I'll make it short.
it seems the man in charge of all--the teachers "misplaced"millions of dollars.The only thing anyone could do about it was to fire 600 teachers.Our schools are suffering now.Did the man in charge loose his job?NO!WHY?I haven't a clue.There were picketing and everything and he still is in charge.
I don't know what happened .Noone does.But if I misplaced millions of Dallas Texas' money,I would be UNDER THE JAIL.
These stories truly belong in"what were they thinking"...Ann
My bus driver in elementary school was from the family that owned the local bakery. He would go to work at the bakery early in the morning, then drive bus... he never fell asleep but he always brought donut holes! YUM!!!
I sure am glad my kids can walk to and from school. That is nuts!
We don't even have school busses around here. Maybe all of our out of work bus drivers have gone to your area - and they are tired from the long walk.
OMG that's just nuts!
Maybe when he wrecks that 6 ton yellow torpedo and kills a child they will listen to you. That's usually when they pay attrntion to a complaint.
The driver had MULTIPLE fender benders? That can't have been good for the district's car insurance, no? Where do they find these people?
Oh Jill, please tell me this isn't a true story! Please!!!!!! I don't want to think that badly of the department of transportation, even though I already have harsh feeling toward them because both of my girls' bus drivers are foul-mouthed bastards.
Justine :o )
At least you haven't lost your sense of humor! Yikes! Glad my kids don't take busses to school.
Seriously?? And it took 3 months to remedy the situation?? This is just one of the things that tick me off with school systems. It's as if once someone is hired, they'd have to open fire on the superintendent to receive their pink slip. grrrr....
p.s. I don't know anything about a blogger dinner in DFW so I'd love information. It is the same weekend we're talking about and that might be why I can't come. I'd hate to leave my guests home and I'd also hate to take them because I don't really wnat the woman I discussed to know I blog. Know what I mean?
Oh goodness, did you sneak that photo??
Oh my wordness! Craziness...
OMG, I had a bus driver just like this in Highschool LOL. Wow. Yeah, I drive Ash to school for this reason. I dunno where they find these people. BTW, nice to meet you too, and obviousally I am crazy LOL
Thank god we only live 2 blocks from school! Some people are just plain stupid.
*gasp!* ugh. Yet one more thing for me to worry about!
(I didn't know you were a stepmom...or did I and I just forgot?)
DAMN woman...are you always this picky about the people who have your childrens lives in their hands. Sheeesh I bet you get mad at the sitter if she hands out kitchen knives during play time. I'm getting mighty tired of women like you raising such a fuss about non-issues. Now go back to your pretty little blog and live the important stuff to the educators in this country.
Ha! That's so disturbing. Know what? I nominate you for school board. Seriously: if we ever want to see things change, the school board is where it's at! Education law in the country was designed intentionally to allow the members of the immediate community to make the executive decisions and hold schools accountable. That's you, Jill Jill Bo Bill. Get 'em!
OMG! I'm glad my son is out of school!!!!
Just getting caught up on my blog reading. I've been a bad friend this week...
New to your blog...I couldn't believe what I was reading, I kept waiting for the punch line. No joke!
I hope Mary Poppins lands in the (new) drivers seat.
Sweet Wishes,
Ok the jokes about it were really funny but yes, that's WAY scary!!
omg. speechless. but my boy? when he was in 8th grade? learned every. single. disgusting. swear. word.....that exists on our planet,from none other than his bus driver. oh yes he did...because he would tell me (in his sweet innocence) all about it. i was all...Matt..surely to god she didn't say that stuff...he was all...yeah she did ma.....yikes
I try not to fuck with bus drivers....however, when lives are on the line???
great post.......
That is horrible! I am sorry you and your kiddos went through that.
OMG! Really?? That would have freaked me out!
OMG....I may never ever let the Little Imp get on a school bus after reading this...well, not before handing the driver a Latte laced with No-Doz!
Of course, if the school district is going to pop for No Doz and lattes, you can probably expect your property taxes to skyrocket! Pfffft!
I am glad Alexa's bus driver has it together! Omg.. that guys a mess!
I wonder if you were a man would they have been so dismissive. Frankly, I don't think so
stoppin by to check on ya....
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