Talk about feeling like a HEEL!!!!! My sister Amelia Bedelia AND Annie both gave me this award last week and I totally forgot!!!! heh. I am a dumbass! So sorry girls!!! Of course Amy's reason was because she feared a violent retaliation (or me peeing or puking on her again) if she left me out and Annie was in hopes of me getting her for my SSS and gifting plastic surgery. So, all in all, no wonder I let it slip my mind!!!
So I will follow the rules this time and tell you six things that make me happy:
1. Finding a great buy on something I have been looking for for ages.
Example: I have been searching for camo capris that have rhinestones, but they are like $120 here in Dallas. Fond them for $70 at a boutique and asked jokingly for a discount and got the for $40. That made me giddy!!!!
2. Hearing my husband and kids laugh, even if it's at me.
Example: I got stuck in the revolving door at the airport with two suitcases this past weekend.
3. Smelling brownies in the oven.
Example: Claire and I made brownies. She can't eat chocolate and I can.
4. Seeing all 7 of my kids getting along and talking and working together.
Example: Labor Day all the kids and even cousins were here and no one got their feeling hurt or whiney.
5. Feeling my bald husband's head after I shave his head.
Example: When we sit on the couch together I love to rub his head and feel the tiny bristles. He loves it, too. (See picture from Monday's post in the airport- he's the white guy.)
6. Tasting good food that I don't have to cook.
Example: As you can tell from my triple chins, I love to eat. On vacation, as I am eating one meal, I am thinking where we will be eating our next one. I am a planner. And a pig.
Okey dokey. The rules are to pass it on to 6 friends with Kreativ Blogs. I sent yesterday's to NEW blog loves. Today I will send to OLD and true blog lovers.
In no particular order:
1. Deb2.Georgie
3. Dana
4. Sidney
5. Shelley
6. Deb
Okay now the purse therapy. I was tagged by, hell I have no idea at this point, kidding, no I'm not. I really don't know who or even IF anyone tagged me, but go with me on this. I am to dump out the contents of my purse to reveal the real me. And this is raw and uncut no trash was removed prior to the removal of contents. And to be honest, I didn't dump. I used the claw to scrape all the crap out and TRIED to section off separate categories. But like a clown car, stuff just kept flowing and flowing... I kept waiting for a midget to jump out and squirt me with his flower corsage.
Before(bulging and peppermint trash peeking out of the pocket)
See? Emptied out. Completely.
Raked out and piled.
Lottery scratch-offs ($3 winners), directions to the reception that was Sat., Xanax(Just in case) and diet pills(that I apparently never take) disguised in a bottle of acetaminofen, my bulging wallet(no, not with cash), Kleenex, make up bag, gum,
lipgloss, keys, my and Amy's business cards, lighters(just in case I have start a bon fire somewhere), tape measure(for all the junk places I go, I have to measure, people), my business cell phone
peppermints, change that doesn't fit in my wallet, receipts, trash, paperclips, reading glasses, pens, hair clips, one of Amy's pendants, some yellow rubber thingy that Cooper stuffed in there, lottery scratch off plastic coin, 2 lone earrings.
Okay, if the girls above have not done this, then go ahead and show us what's in your purse! If you want to do this, consider this a personal invitation from me, especially if you have a messier purse than I do.
Dear God!!! I call myself prepared, but obviously I am just lazy.
Mint, anyone?
Jill...thank you for my award!! You are so sweet. I really wanted that one!!
As for the mint offer, I have to say you're being a bit stingy. I would much rather have a Xanax, thank you.
I love all the junk in your purse. Now I don't feel so bad.
I cannot believe you tagged me for the 6 things that make me happy.
I have already posted for today, maybe I'll put another post up later. Or maybe I'll post it tomorrow since I can't seem to come up with any good ideas lately. Oh and I want to be a featured blogger on SITStas but I don't know how to link my three blogs. Any ideas?
First off...I see the award and think HEY WAIT JUST ONE FLIPPIN MINUTE MISSY...wasn't I on that list!!! Then I woke up another smidgen and scrolled back a few days...All I can say is good damn thing you didn't change your mind and take back my award. You dodged a bullet I'm telling you! Then I read the whole post and was bustin out laughing. I swear I would love to live in your head for a day....it must be darn funny up there. It's obvious I can't live in your purse...freaking heck woman! That thing must weigh 40 pounds..I bet you walk tilted to the purse side! However I have this urge to do the purse thingy...it looks fun...and I have NOTHING for today. Thanks for the laughs and the ideas to steal!
Dear God...that IS a magical purse...How did you fit all that crap in that bag?
You are a braver girl than me...no way..am I dumping my purse!
TYTYTY I think you are KREATIVE! But I am with deb I'd take the Xanax over peppermints anyday!
I guess in all fairness when I did this purse thing I should have mentioned that my car is my second purse. That's my pens, notebook, drawings for the add on, tape measure (Jill's not the only one who has to measure things), tic tacs, gum, tissues and wet wipes. I don't need a baby to have wet wipes - thankyouverymuch. And last but not least, my travel toothbrush/toothpaste and pocketbook perfume(s).
But all they asked me to do is tell what was in my purse-so :P
Thanks for the award, even if I only got it due to the constant whining, bitching and moaning. I'm a take it any way I can get it kinda gal anyway.
Oh and since the other girls called dibs on the Xanax, can I get the paper clips - I have a thing for paper clips.
I've learned to keep my purse clean. Other than a wallet, sunglasses, cigarettes and lighter, business cards and credit cards, that's about it!!!
I'll take any extra Xanax you have though. I'm fresh out. LOL
Holy shit! That was one busy purse!
OMG LMAO at #2, I can just see this lady locked in the swinging doors. How did you get out?
I can't do the purse thingy jjbb. I am purse retarded. I never know from one day to the next which purse did I have last?? I have to leave the cell phone in the car or it stays in god knows which purse. I just switched to a back pack. How sad is that? I could fit all of my purses into the one backpack! Hey maybe I am on to something. Lets see I want a cigerette to go with both of your lighters (I have been quit for 6 months and I still want one) so I guess if there are any zanax left I'll take 2 and a mint. btw georgie beat you out over on debs comment counter....
Wow...your purse looks like mine! I usually use it as a trash bin/storage unit. And I am with you on the laughing thing. The sound of anyone laughing at me (let me clarify my JOKES!) it is the best sound ever!
Jill....we're friends right....I meant those things about your purse that I just put on my blog...in only the nicest of ways :) please don't hurt me.
I am ashamed to know you. The inside of your purse was, was....Well, in your favor, you DO have kids and obviously a very busy life. I will gladly open my purse and photograph it. It will take ONE photo, and no explanation other than "how do I live, carrying just a few things"
I have totally run out of things to blog about. It's hard to come up with anything since I've been on my back for three weeks. (forget the smutty ideas) My back is totally OUT.
I will post it, in all probability, Monday, but that won't keep me from taking the widget NOW!!
Finally a purse that looks similar to mine! That's awesome!!!
I too claim I'm over prepared and not just lazy hee hee...
A girl and her bag after my own heart- it is NOT lazy, it's prepared!
Oh, I didn't know there were strings attached. Looks like I have my writing prompt for tomorrow!!
Still extremely grateful for your shout out.
So hip you are - I think I'm the last lady in the greater Metroplex that doesn't have one of the awesome Coach purses. So cool!
Awesome stuff - I want you in MY lifeboat!
Way to rock the awards, J. And, I'm shocked asking for a discount got you one. COOL! Did Coach send you the $50 off coupon for next week? Want mine?
And, you'll like my latest post.
Oh my dear heaven how do you pick that thing up, and really is your breath that bad?
Now that your purse is emptied out can I have it?!? LOL It's cute!
My purse used to look just like that. Matter of fact, I won a little contest at a women's get together becuase of the unique junk I had in my purse!!
I will have to do mine when I get a chance.
I used to carry xanax everywhere I went too.
oooo, mint & Xanax, yum!
Mr Sweetie got a "prescription" for online Xanax a few months ago. I DID NOT KNOW until we were on a three hour trip from BFE and he started getting really r e a l ly f u n n y and slurring and talking about building a store in our back yard. "Yup. Thass whut we need a storrrre..." Turns out he took two or three or four because the first one didn't do anything. (sound of toilet flushing Xanax down the drain)
You need some wheels for that purse? Or a purse sherpa maybe?
You don't even wanna see my purse.
It usually gets scanned 3 times at the airport before they give up, cry wolf, and throw it at me.
At least I don't have a vibrator in there. That they can see, anyway.
No freakin way am I going to photograph the contents of my purse. I'll talk about it though and lie through my teeth, or fingers,whatever...
You have GOOD stuff in your purse!
And I am with Deb...Xanax, yes! Mint, no thank you!
How the hell do you fit all that in there? I'm SO impressed.
Oh my..... I feel like I just peeked in your undies drawer..... looking in your purse...... I think I am blushing...... oh my....
I see you are from BFE Texas.... so am I.....
HEY! is that my lipstick!!!
I only want the mints that taste like keys!!!!! :)
M ^..^
I am making the rounds introducing myself to those in the Santa Soriee! I am looking forward to the season, the reason and the fun! But I aint rich..maybe I will hope th esame from my pick. LOL> I like it. Drop by my island if you get a chance...have a good week
I'll do this one later! And does a diaper bag count cuz that's all I really carry anymore.
PS you have an award that you don't have to do anything for, at my NEW blog!! Come check ti out!
I'm utterly ashamed of myself after looking at the contents of your purse. I just realized that I have a sore shoulder and back from carrying around nothing but junk. I'm a junkie...a purse junkie! I'm so ashamed!
Wanna trade contents? If there's any money in your wallet, can we trade that too?
Just askin'....
I still can't believe all of that came out of that little bag...
J/ (goteeman.blogspot.com)
Oh, I so have to do this. But mine wouldn't be near as interesting! I can't believe all that stuff you tote around! lol
Hi Jill! I'm coming to you from Nikki Crumpet's blog. I have to say, this is one of the more fun tags I've ever seen in blogland! In fact, I plan on doing this within the next few days. Loved looking at all your crap!
Justine :o )
Wait. I thought you said you have 8 kids, 3 living with you. I'm confused. AGAIN!
Justine :o )
That was great!
Dang girl!! How'd you get all that in there. And yes, I could use a mint thanks...
Congrats on your award! : )
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