I sat on my back porch tonight as I do every night, and actually shivered. It was wonderful. Then 3 minutes later I was pissed because I was cold and had to come in. Gawd, I'm bitchy.
It made me think of growing up in the panhandle of Texas where it was always cool in the evenings, and the wind always blew. ALWAYS.
Then that made me think of when it snowed and how we NEVER got to have bad weather days in Borger. Because if Milton, our superintendent, could get out of his driveway, we had school.
I wanted to go slash his tires or dump 3 pickup loads of snow at the end of driveway, but I never could talk my mom into taking me over there. She was always a party pooper.
Then THAT made me think of how in high school on Fridays we would come to school packed and ready to go to Red River after the last bell for a weekend of fun-filled skiing. Six to eight of us would go almost every weekend that there was snow on the ground and make the 3 1/2 hour trek thru the mountains of New Mexico and room together in our tiny one star motel.
Then THAT made me think of the time we went and there was no heat in the one star motel and we were stupid girls and never complained to management, so to heat up the cabin, burned everything (including the hair out of our brushes) we could in the ashtrays because they had no fireplaces in one star motels, and slept in all the clothing we brought. And Marcy, who was my best friend since first grade, melted her coat on the floor furnace when it decided to come back on in the middle of the night and had to ski in mine.
Then THAT made me think of how I only skied probably ten times all those years, and actually went to look hott in my white ski bibs and new sweaters and sit in the lodge and scan for boys with my other unathletic friend Susie. We always had much more fun than our sweaty, muscular, athletic girlfriends that skied did.
Then THAT made me think of the time I really did ski because the guy I had had a crush on for 3 years was staying in his vacation ski cabin next to our one star hotel and he wanted me to go on some runs with him. Then, because of the combination of altitude, nervousness to ski in front of him and trying to get off the damn lift without biting the dust, being TOO cute and hott in my 28 layers of clothing on, and the aftermath of tying one on the night before, I puked on the mountain in front of him. I don't mean I spit up. I mean I hurled very loudly and unlady-like. I am talking wretched. With the whole knees wobbly/swaying with the slightest breeze/vomit-coughing thing. On skis. On a mountainside. In my white hott ski suit.
Then THAT made me think that's why we aren't married now.
You did a lot of thinking tonight. Gotta love the memories.
So glad my mind isn't the only one that works like falling dominoes. Question:
Did the puke get on your white ski suit?
Wow...that was some thinking you were doin' lady! I was walking yesterday and thinking really hard about things...and I am afraid I might have been talking to myself!
Working, alone in my home office IS taking a toll!
Haven't you ever been talking or thinking about something and thought, How did I get on this subject? I was tracing the thought process...Try it today and the new off-brand blueberry cereal. Good times!!!!!
OMG i was all about the ski outfits. Still have a one-piece red & black number in the hall closet with suede fringe. My tween is all 'MOM. Throw this OUT."
that reminds me of 'when you give a mouse a cookie'.
You are completely hilarious. You know it's not going to end well when you barf and they hold your hair.
I so don't know how to ski but wish I did...I was cracking up at the mental picture of you and your friends huddled around an ashtry tryin to stay warm...I am glad ya'll didn't freeze ta death!
Wow, there were a lot of funny stories in that one post! Our Principal was the same way about snow days I think. I love the black and white background on your page! SO pretty!
Well if he was gonna be THAT superficial then I say good riddance. Hmmph!!
Do you still have his number?
i almost took my hubby's head off when we skiied the last time. that is why i am terrified to ski with anyone around. it was his fault...btw...he stopped in front of me!
Haha! You remind me of me - I live in Idaho so I spend all winter bitching that I can't wait for spring, then all summer bitching that I can't wait for fall, and the viscous cycle starts all over again.
Right now I just wish someone would bring me a latte with extra foam, but of course THAT ain't happenin'.
PS. I am the first Stumbler to Stumble your awesome blog? No way!! :D
My, but you are a deep thinker....
You think so much....that makes me think and thank god I left cold and snow...
Also, I love your blog design how it scrolls with the background staying put...howdja do that?
LOL and that's why you aren't married to him right now! I love it.
Tell me you didn't puke on your pants.
Yes, I puked on my suit. A lovely tannish color. I pretended it was mud from being a daredevil stunt girl.
And swirlie-I am magic. No, I have no idea, it came that way.
You are the first entry...in the most memorable Vacation story!
Love it!
Great gads! What a pukin' little story. no pun intended. lol It's funny how we can roll from one topic to another so quickly. What impresses me is that the transitions make sense. With me, the don't so much.
No rhyme or reason, at least to those listening to me, why I can go from one topic to another in 2 sec flat.
And then I have to slow down and explain things! ugh!
Man you must have been hott! LOL And I'm jealous. Of the snow not the puking because I've only seen snow twice in my life. And I've only been super cold one time and I had to borrow my friends stinky hunting camoflaged coat to wear. I didn't look hott. Must have been the only time in my life. LOL
Jill, you will not believe where my mom and dad are right now. Try Cimarron Canyon, Ute Park, New Mexico. They have a cabin there and it is too far for us to go very often,(you know) so they are up there cleaning and hoping to sell it sometime soon. I really hate that because it is so nice up there and smells so good. That's about the only thing I miss from up there in the panhandle of Texas, except the wonderful, friendly people, and my best friend. I sure remember those ski trips and the wild times had by all the "church group kids." Of course mine was a few years before yours. My girls did get to go do some of that skiing stuff and really had a blast. Being down here in CT it seems like it NEVER gets cold. In fact, Holly came by the house while ago and said, "I want it to be cold again." TTYL
Jeesh! You think too much!
And the ski trip without the heat? A bunch of hott teenage girls in a freezing motel room?
My mind went entirely somewhere else.
Ant THAT makes me think I gotta get rid of all my porn. Well... some of it anyway. Maybe one. Tomorrow.
I don't have a comment because I've only heard those stories like 50 times. But really girls, she was one hot snow bunny!
I was so pissed when I opened the back door to cold. I was praying for the return of the 90s after about 1 millisecond.
Can totally imagine you throwing up at your crush.
I am still laughing at the way your mind works. I came over here from Ronda's vacation post contest thingy, and am SO glad I did!
So funny!! I would so be next to you in the ski lodge drinking hot chocolate.
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