Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Battle of the Marquees

It's Wordless Wednesday.
Click on these pictures to enlarge them.
(I never won at the Quiet Game either. Shut up.)


Ronda's Rants said...


Ash said...

Praise the Lord I was raised Protestant!

Catholic Heaven must be so boring without any dogs OR rocks. What's there? St. Peter and a bunch of clouds?

Yawn! I'd be skipping confession and heading South for the scenery.

Em (no offense intended to the Catholic posters - tongue planted firmly in cheek)

Deb said...

love it.
the quiet game is a thinly veiled attempt at suppression of the "little people" by "the man". down with the quiet game!!!

Ash said...

Now wait a second - I totally got that backwards!! (up all night with Youngest and his endearing cold)

Is it too late to attend Catechism!?

I totally feel like I got bait-and-switched.


Linda S said...

really? my pet rock it waiting for me, I know he is... *tears*

careysue said...

Just too funny!!!

LuckyMe said...

Where did you find that? Too funny. Not real is it??

Debz said...

I am Catholic and lucky for me then my dog will save my place when he gets down there. And I decided I want the smoking section to Jill!!

Diane said...

That's hysterical! I don't know that I believe in Heaven but if there is one, my dog is definitely going. I expect I'll wind up somewhere further south, though ;)

Unknown said...

If all dogs go to heaven, does that mean the whole farm goes?
I can't imagine Pooter having to walk through the Pearly gates without Pearl.

Tiffany said...

Maybe I'm just dumb but why are all the pictures the same?

That Janie Girl said...


If dogs don't have souls, then why do the little shits work me so much?


Anonymous said...

Haha! Great pics--I know all of my dogs will be in heaven with me--they have to be otherwise it would be Hell!

Anonymous said...

Too funny!

Unknown said...

why they gotta be hatin' on the canines?

Unknown said...

oh I am worried about your sis-someone might wanna check on her cuz if she is still celebrating finishing the cookbook in the bath-she is gonna be mighty wrinkly...

Dawn said...

Okay that was very funny!

I'm sure I'm going to be shocked at what/who I see in Heaven!

The Mom Jen said...

Do Bloggers who Twitter, Blog, Read too much online and avoid housework go to Heaven?

Debbie said...

Hysterical. And poor eudea-mamia who thought she was headed to the Catholic heaven with the dogs and rocks, only to find she had been duped!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!! I'm not a church goer so I find this EXTRA hilarious!

Knowing now that your an ex-pastors wife - is the cherry on top. :-D

Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

Ok so it took me a minute, but that is absolutely hilarious!

I just sent it to my husband - the recovering Catholic.

nikkicrumpet said...

There is no doubt in my mind that dogs go to heaven...I'm just unsure if he's going to let people go there. Would you?

Kritta22 said...

LOL I love it!

J'Ollie Primitives said...

heh heh a SIGN FROM GOD!!!!

All Rocks Go To Heaven. Good to know.

Is the next photo session gonna be of the priest and the pastor duking it out?

Swirl Girl said...

Who's this Beuhla and why does she hate dogs so much?

Ronda's Rants said...

Okay...I know you probably have 82 of these awards...but I have another one for you because you are that good!

Shelley said...

And they wonder why so many people hate to go to church. I mean, could they find anything more ridiculous to argue about.

Lisa L said...

Wherever dogs go when they die? I wanna go THERE!

Jenni said...

What good would heaven be without dogs??? I just hope they don't fart in farts are gross.

Suzann said...

Okay, that is totally the craziest thing ever. LOL.

Tony Gasbarro said...

Obviously fake, but funny Nun The Less.

I'll keep my opinions to myself regarding whether or not people or dogs or anythings go to heaven because there's no such thing.


Anonymous said...

I saw it the other day, and I had to tell the person who sent it to me, this had to be staged, because the arguments given by the Presbyterians are the Catholic ones. If dogs had souls, we'd commit euthanasia in putting them down. But, I personally think if our animals make us happy in life, and heaven is about our happiness, our animals will be there.

Unknown said...

Well before today I knew there was no beer in heaven, but now no dogs? What next, no internet?

Hi it's the welcome wagon again, just to keep things interesting, I'll be randomly revisitng ALL the blogs in SSS. You can call it butt kissing too, just in case you have me as your partner, I want to make sure I've made a good impression.

Julie D said...

Dammit, the print is too small, I can't read it.

Someone tell me if I should laugh or not.

amelia bedelia said...

hi sister. I commented on your blog. I'm not too busy for you! you b funny.

Justine said...

Oh, I just got this in an email a couple of days ago and thought it was a complete RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Justine :o )

lusia said...
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Deb said...

Excuse me Jill? Did you just say "shut up"? When I was a kid, "shut up" was considered a curse word in our house.

I would appreciate it if you didn't use such godd**mn offensive f***king language, k?

Hehe. For the record, if pets don't go to heaven, then neither will any of us.

I so wish we lived closer. We should totally hang out.

NucMEd is Hot said...

That's awesome, leave it to the catholics to get the last word

~amber~ said...

That is so funny!

binks said...

ROFLMAO - I love the conversion part.
How does one convert to Catholicism? Just curious.