So these are the rules:
Since it is November, The month of Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for you, my friends.
SO.....I am giving you all this award. Unlinked, Because I am (say it with me) LAZY. I mean my Lord, people, look at all of you that I love. Jay, you already got this from Jenni, but FYI, I love you, too.
If your name starts with a/an:
A-Amelia Bedelia, Angela(My Dogumentary)
C-Candid Carrie, Cookies, Choc Covered DD, Coral, Country Girl(Misplaced), ciii
D-Deb(soxy) and Deb(dirty socks)and Deb(Don't judge), Dawn
E-Em, Elaine
F-Farm Blahg, Froggy Bloggy(Justine), Farrago
G-Georgie, Good & Crazy(Carissa), Ginny B's
H-Happy Meals & Happy Hour, Holly(AF) and Holly (June Cleaver)
I-It's Not Always What it Seems (Lisa)
J-Julie, Jennifer Suarez, Janie (Sounding Forth), Jill (Scary Mommy)
K-Krista, Karen(NucMed)
L-Life is Good (Dana), Life of a Nguyener(Amybo),
M-the Mom(Jen), Megryan's Mom, Mamahut, Manic Mariah
N-Nikki Crumpet(look at you with a letter all to yourself)
O-Our J'Ollie Home, Ouisa(Shelley)
P-Pork Chops(Captain-Danielle)
Q-Queen of the Planet Hotflash(Deb)
R-Rhonda, Ronda(the ranter)
S-Short pump Preppy(Linda), Suzann(Lavender&Roses), Swirl Girl, Sid(Sixy mom)
T-Tiffany, Tena
V-Very sure I mean, YOU!!
W-Wheezer's Cheese,(A) Woman's Perrogative(Carey Sue)
X-xtra special commenters
Y-yes, YOU!!!
Z- Zilch-I have nothing else, now go share the love.
I miss you guys like crazy!!!

Nice!! Spreadin' the looooove!
Sweet...hope you are having FUN!!!
Holy mother. That took forever, I bet!
I love you Jill! You are one in a million!
Jenni did an awesome job lumping all those together! What a sweetie!
Personally I think the T's are the coolest. IMO. And I hope you're drinking it up right about now.
Wow! I am impressed. That would have taken me all day. I love it!
Man, Jill is such a brown noser, huh! love ya sis and miss you! and thanks for all the stuff! this isn't my christmas present, I hope!!
AW your so sweet! Thanks!
I miss you too. But thankfully, you are having a wonderful time getting soused on the boat. Come home sooooooooooooooon,
Wahhh I miss you too, but for a tiny moment I forgot you were gone. It's like you're still right there on the other side of my monitor LOL. Have a margarita and think of me.
Girlfriend! How Sweet!
Hope you're having fun down there!
Hey! I thought you were supposed to be cruisin'! How come you're still here???
Hope you're having a blast! Eat a piece of cheesecake smothered in chocolate for me, k?
That's one rockin' award, J. Thanks. Don't forget to hit AFF for the week o'giveaways.
You miss us? While on vacation in Aruba and a cruise with your man?
Who thinks she's just trying to be nice?? Huh?
Now go have another Mojito and get ready for the ice carving on the Lido Deck!
Well, that's one GROOVY award and you sure have spread the love girlfriend.
My first award! And I don't care that it is a blanket, generic, lazy, for everyone award! It is MY FIRST AWARD!!!! I'd like to thank the academy and my agent, my stylist, that hot dude in the third row, oh, yea, and JillJillBoBill, without whom I would have no award! Love you, Jill!
Thanks, your generosity abounds. I'm still legit. drawing a name for the cookbook tho.
Thank you so much. Is there a cash value? Just wonderin...
AAAWWWWW thanks Jill I hope your having a blast! I am waiting to send your prize to you until your home.. Okay I confes I haven't went to post office yet lol :o)
Sweet macaroni.
Ha!! I love it! And thanks!
We miss you too and REALLY wish we were there. Can you ship us all down? Please?
Come back Jill!!!!!!!!!!! And bring me a damn drink while you're at it!
Justine :o )
You are so fun! Thanks for the love!!
That rocks!!!
Awe Gee Thanks, Jill!
How long did that take you at $12.87 per minute?
In this economic climate, I think I would've preferred that you just send me the $1.24. ;)
Hope you're having lots of fun and you look fabulous in your linen.
i feel so special! thanks for singling me out! oh, wait...
actually, this is the best award EVER since we get to make up our own rules. if there's anything better than breaking existing rules, it's making up new ones. love it.
I was SOOOO hurt for a eyes dropped directly down the page to the J's, and didnt see myself, and started to whimper...
Then I went back up and actually READ your post...
Love you too, sweetie!!!
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