Hi All! This is Amy, aka
Amelia Bedelia. For those of you who don't know me, I am Jill Jill Bo Bill's sister. Younger sister, that is. For any of you who have older siblings, I want to first of all say "I'm sorry", if you were tortured and made fun of, like I was. I was pee'd and puked on by my older sister, and still have emotional problems from the pain I felt as a child. Jill is always the center of attention and was always involved in everything. I, on the other hand, felt more comfortable with my little group of friends, and only getting involved if I absolutlely had to. I grew up anwering to "hey, Jill's sister!" My own mother even called me Jill. I learned it was just easier to answer to "Jill" instead of trying to explain that my name was Amy. But good news, younger siblings!! I have Jill's password to her blog! I told her that I'd be "happy" to guest post for her, while she is out of the country, and she was
dumb smart enough to give me full access to her blog. SUCKER!
I do have many stories about my sis growing up. I have even posted about them. (For examples, click
here and
here). But there is one secret that none of you know......
Jill wanted to be a Coppertone model. I even gave you an example of her picture she sent in to the Coppertone Company. (Warning: Put your sunglasses on before you view the picture or you will be blinded!)
She was one hot mama, huh? Sorry to say, the Coppertone people didn't agree and she never got the chance to fullfill her dream. So, me, being the nice sister that I am, thought I would give her that chance, to show the world just how hot she is in a bathing suit. So, here you go, Sister! You're welcome. You can thank me later. Wow, she is going to be so surprised when she see's this. I bet she buys me a great Christmas present!I can't wait!

(actually this is Amy!)
ROFL!! That's so funny, Amy! Great post! I have two younger sisters but also an older brother.. He threw me off the to bunk bed once, so I feel your pain...
LOL!!! I am the big sister, but my two younger sisters teamed up against me all the time.
Too funny...I would never give my secret codes to my younger sisters/...Oh Dear God there is too much dirt in the closet!
Amy, you are HYSTERICAL. I too am the youngest so I feel your pain sister. Great post.
oh amy! i am so proud of you. i was so afraid you were going to be the true lady that you really are and post something nice (really, i should have known better).
thank you for giving all of us younger sisters a voice against our oppressors! lil' sisters unite!
but, to be completely honest, i must confess... she really IS one hot mama!
Oh your in such trouble. Your only saving grace is the pic doesn't show ass/thighs/legs. Then you might really be hurtin.
Good luck.
sometimes I read too fast... and get things wrong... and I read she wanted to be a Corporate Model... I couldn't figure out for the life of me what that was.....
OMG!! You guys are just like my sister Justine and I! I am loving this not so sure Jill will though! I am the youngest sister so I have many horror stories to tell that's why I started my blog. Justine and I are at blog wars. I am trying to think of what I can do to make her want to run away from blog land next.!
I'm the youngest of four. My mother would rattle off everyone's name when yelling at me. For years I thought my name was LindaPattySueJulie.
ROFL! I didn't grab the sunglasses quick enough, I think I burned my retinas.
Your picture had me singing Total Eclipse of the Heart;) Must have been the do! Those Coppertone people were crazy for not having you♥
LMAO You're in SOOO much trouble. And look at her in her purple swimsuit. haha
She's whiter than I am. And that is nearly impossible!
uhhmm...it sure was nice knowin ya!
Great post! I have older siblings as well. My sister being the meanest of them all. Cant go into details...still trying to heal..and its nearing Christmas..so I may have to see her again...(reopening of wounds). Take care, you two are a hoot! Cindy
LOL!! That's awesome! I was always known as "Shari's little sister" so I feel your pain! Gosh I wish I could get her to blog lol
I am the oldest of four and the only girl one time the boys held me down and dropped a log on my head, yeah I had such fun growing up. Great Post!
Um, Jill no offense but isn't the Coppertone chick actually tan??
Maybe not Coppertone material, but a stunning picture! Look at that skin! So pretty!
Well, the good thing is she proved with her blinding whiteness that coppertone really does work well as sunscreen!
Great post Amy. And as a younger sister I feel your pain. I was known better as "Billy's little sister" than by my real name for many, many years.
All she needed is the dog to be bitting off the butt part of the suit and she should have been in!!
Oh Amy...you better get ready for a retaliation post or another Deer Foot for XMAS. That was funny!
I'm a younger sister, too and I was always known as "Toni's sister".
Oh Geez Amy, she is going to kill you. I'm loving that polka dotted purple suit though... It um goes well with her hair :)
Amy, Jill is going to take back her souvenir she bought for you when she sees this!!!
Gotta love the bond between sisters. It's such a blessing.
Two things -
first of all , if her boobs were any higher in this photo, they'd be her nostrils.
and secondly, the coppertone model actually had a tan...
...just sayin'
Jill is smokin' HOT in that pic:) I was always known as Mandy's sister or Brian's girlfriend. She actually went to bat for me on more than one occasion. Great post though!
They say the younger siblings are usually nicer - way to challenge that theory. Absolutely adore the post. (a little sister myself)
I can't wait to see the savage tan Jill comes home with. Hope she took aloe. Ouch.
LOL I love it!! I wanna purple suit like that! :)
ROFL Amy!! Hilarious! I'm pretty sure she'll find this FUNNY! Plus, she'll be happy so many people left comments while she was away. That's makes up for it! LOL
Jill and I have the whole fair complexion thing in common. I couldn't tan if wanted to!
DAYUM who knew copper tone worked that well...she is freaking MOON BEAM WHITE!!! Hey Jill....just a suggestion... try mixing in a little daylight to your normal routine! And thanks Amy for sharing!!!!!!!
That's a nice tree. Too bad that WHITE WOMAN is blockin' the view!
Amy, that is too funny. It's called Payback...lol.
I am LMAO over Nikki's comment.
Geez, you rarely ROFL when you ROFL, but I nearly did. That was freakin' hysterical! Sometimes being an only child has it's perks.
That photo makes me want to put on some Parachute Pants and dig out my Rubik's Cube.
Paleface don't sell lots of Coppertone.
Their loss!
LOL. This is too funny. Why in the world did Jill not think she actually needed to be tan to model for Coppertone? Bless her heart! Love the sister love here!
That company missed it's golden opportunity. They would have made a fortune using her.
I think you can pretty much give up on getting any Christmas presents this year, or NEXT year. I so thoroughly enjoyed this that I hope she stays a little longer on that cruise. This could get SO good!!!
Two observations.
1. Jill is hot.
2. I wonder if she took that bathing suit on the cruise.
hi sister. (heehee) love you (heehee) are you mad? (heehee) i'm nervous (hee hee)...see, everyone enjoyed it. (heehee) did i tell you that you look skinny today (heehee). man, did you get a makeover while you were gone, because you look nice heehee.
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