It's 3 days after the 2008 Presidential Election.
It's time for the arguing to stop.
And there is one particular group of people I blame.
As a mom of a freakin' tribe, I have heard enough bickering and name-calling to choke a horse.
In the morning, the yelling of "Quit taking my Bagel Bite!" and "Stop touching me!" ring loudly through our walls. Oh, wait, that's me yelling that. The kids are arguing over who got the last of the milk and the intentional putting up the cereal knowing the other child wants some. (The only time they put up anything!!!) The fighting continues on news stations. Please people, I just want to see what temperature it's going to be today!!!
During the day, I hear my employees griping about so-and-so getting more patients or the families wanting their aide at their home at 8am, not 8:30. I hear arguing among family members of my patients. I listen to the bickering at the office. Rick justifiably has complaints about his contractors not paying him because they have no money. And that's just by 10am.
Think back in your life and I am sure you can pinpoint that one particular person who always was in whatever dissension was looming, but never in the spotlight. They get it started, then fade into the background, grabbing their popcorn and sitting back to watch the show. They play both sides against the middle and love every minute of it.
I call those people "shit-stirrers". Just in case my mom is reading this, (repetitive cussing makes her nervous) I will call those people The SS Gang. I blame them for everything.
I despise these people. I avoid these people. I unfortunately have people belonging to The SS Gang in my family. I raised a SS gang member for 3 years. These people are vicious, and yet may not even realize what they do. I want to think it's a learned behavior, but am not sure.
The media is the largest and most recognizable SS gang today. They make a living stirring and they take great pride and win prizes for being the best stirrer.
Just when I thought we could all agree to get along for the sake of our country, the SS media brings to light (because we as The People have the right to know) all the bickering among the Republicans. Please, whether I deserve to know or not, I DON"T CARE!!!!!! Let's focus on reality and move forward. I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. I'd like to buy the world a coke(diet for me) and keep it company.(or whatever that last line says...remember I think I am getting Alzheimer's.) So grab your long dress and head for the hilltop so we can all hold hands.
The SS Gang has pushed me over the edge. I have sat by for too long hoping it would all be over soon and go away.I can't take it anymore. I am officially going on strike and putting a bullhorn up to my ear and blowing it. I have said before that I envied Marlee Matlin. People who are hearing impaired have it so good now. Now seeing all the conflicts on TV, I am ready to poke my eyes out with a sharp pointy stick. When will it stop?!
Helen Keller is so lucky.

Hate to say it, but aren't you being the consummate ss slinger right now? As for the media, read the New York Times, you'll get fair, clear coverage --no mudslinging guaranteed. ts.
"Kumbaya My Lord, Kumbaya..."
I even know it in sign language so that you're able to enjoy as well, you little SS, you.
Seriously? The New York Times?
Actual argument overheard the other afternoon. Youngest - screaming. Oldest - "I don't want to play Mario Cart just because you want to watch me play it!"
I'm with you Jill. And with you Julie. It's time to STFU and get on with our lives.
And you got the "keep it company" part right btw. Just so you know, the Alzheimers hasn't taken full control. Nor has the deafness. Sorry bout that.
I'd like to buy you a coke! and I so agree with ya-
I am giggling over the milk jug thang it happens here a lot...
I am so tired of it all too.
Opinions are like ass-holes everyone has one... they just dont all need to be heard.
Hope your SSers stop
First and foremost I must apologize to your mother in case she's reading the comments as well.
But I have to sayit:
HELL FUCKING YES! (sorry mom!)
I couldn't agree with you more! I'm so SICK of it. I wish everyone would shut the hell up. For goodness sake these people need to move on!
Phew. that felt good. thanks!
Jill? Helen Keller is DEAD.
But you're right STFU already! Today I was taking a walk and my neighbor, a black man was taking down his Obama/Biden sign and I said, oh leave it up a few more days, it's a wonderful thing. And me being white, he kinda looked at me funny but said, you're right, I will leave it up, it IS a wonderful thing.
Kumbaya on The Avenue
I thought I signed up for SECRET SANTA. Are you telling me I'm a SHIT STIRRER!?!?!?
I agree.
you are a wise, wise, slutty, wise woman.
ss gang member... that made me laugh! but you are so spot on. there are several discussions to be had in that one post. the ss gang members we know in real life (grr... i get sucked in by them every time). i end up rallying behind their cause (cus i am nice like that), but while i am standing up for their whatever, they are sitting back, watching the fur fly!
the nyt can go lay an egg, as far as i am concerned. all of them can. but then we'd have ss gang member hatchlings.
ps: you do realize the logistical problem with putting the bullhorn up to your ear AND blowing in it, right? or is that the pre-alzheimer's, too?
OK, I know you feel better now and so do I, because you said it and we can go on!
Thank you.
Here is what I dont get--why do people think if they keep saying the same thing over and over, that will make it so?
I wish everyone in my world would shut their hole.
I agree - there are way too many SS gang members in the world right now!
Your milk & cereal comment cracked me up - my brother use to lick something if it was the last piece/bite - even if he didn't want it - just so I couldn't have it!
Oh how I hate the SS gang. I agree 100% with this post! Amen Sister!
Hey! B&M about B& true...I'm so over it myself...
thanks for your humor mixed in with the ss banter. I'm doing all my ss'ing at the barn, with the horse shit, just like I should...
NYT? seriously? must be a joke...hahaa
sadly - or maybe not so sadly - the SS bickering will never stop.
It depends on your perspective, I guess.
How have 69 followers...just sayin'....
Um, the New York Times? Really? (that's all I have to say about that anon comment.)
Yep!!! Let's move on for Pete's sake or whoever's sake. I'm tired of the back and forths (political wise) but I'm also ready to scream under my parents and older sister's judgemental opinions.
I'm with you, JJBB.
I am soooo glad its over too!!
Hey, I have some SS women in my neighborhood. They are always stirring....but thats another story.
What will the media do if they aren't slinging the poo? They live for this crap! (Pun intended har har)!
The NYT is fair and partisan?
So, Jill, SS away, chica!
There will be peace in the valley for me some daaayyyy (my best singing voice which makes babies cry and dogs howel)
Shit stirrers are shitty
Jill, this is great! Not sure what drugs that anonymous poster is on, but NYT? You've got to be kidding.
I hear ya! I HATE people like that!
Did you know that Amy was talking bad about you on her blog yesterday? And then a whole bunch of commenters totally agreed with what she was saying! It was awful! You should head over there and stick up for yourself.
Hey! Got any popcorn?
Ha! Just kidding! It's kind of fun to be in the SS gang.... lol
LOL I love it!
Are there any SS'ers in the SSS?! LOL
I used to have an uncle who would put his pipe to his ear and blow smoke out his mouth. He'd love your trick JJBB ~ put your blowhorn to your ear!
Seriously, all the mud-slinging had obscured the issues so long before we actually got to's long past time to STFU.
Can't we all just get along? And maybe get some REAL news for a change?
sadly I am a member of the SS club, or at least acording to my mom I am
Hey! That's what I call them, too! They throw the shit in the middle of the crowd and then sit back and watch everyone else slip in it, keeping clean themselves the whole time. Hate shit stirrers!! I actually got a video of a student shit-stirer once; it was awesome (I showed a student who had been doing the SS's bidding up to that point. It was a great moment when he saw the SS for what he was.)
I have a peasant skirt..and long stringy I am so headed for that hill. I'm just gonna choose who I hold hands with...I'm afraid some of them might have sharp sticks!
Do you know I almost pulled my site down yesterday b/c of how effing tired of crap I am? I've tried to remain above it, but with the amount of names I've been called the last few months? I'm just so DAMN TIRED of all the pure bitching.
AMEN SISTER! Shut the pie holes already. Doesn't everyone know that laughing will make you live longer? That's why we love jjbb.
I too raised a SS gang member. One who pushes the buttons of one step-father and makes my life a living hell.
So glad I have been out of the SS loop for a few days.
I had to laugh at the New York Times comment, though.
Great comic relief.
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