One of the best things about blogging is finding someone you click with, someone that has, or is in the same proverbial boat as you are. Having something in common with someone is the thread that can bind a friendship together forever. I have many common threads woven throughout the blog buddies that I consider friends. Whether it is our age, our parenting, or maybe just the common thread of sense of humor and laughter, the tie is strong.
One of my friends, Swirlgirl, is posting her 100th post today. we share the unfortunate common thread of the loss of fathers in the month of Jan. 08. As I am reading her post today, I become aware of almost identical childhoods, which just strengthens that father-daughter bond, and makes the loss of that relationship harder.
Then I realize it is my 100th post today as well.
So, because I know you are already rolling your eyes and/or thinking, 'OMG what else can this idiot divulge to us?' I won't bore you with 100 frivolous bits of info about me. At least all at one time.
Since it's Monday (which btw, means Mission:Monday. Click on the black box above my profile to enter a contest for a free blog make-over), I will do 20. If there is a request for more, maybe I will do 20 each day this week. If I can think of 20 things about myself I HAVEN'T told you. (They don't call me Ms.TMI for nothin', ya know.)
1. My mom was a meticulous housekeeper. I did not inherit that gene. I have to MAKE myself clean. I love a clean house, but I will pay big bucks to not have to do it myself.
2. I really have laughed so hard that I peed myself on more than one occasion.
3. The first time was when I was 12 and on the back porch of my across-the-street-neighbor Tony's house. I can't remember what happened to make me laugh, but I do remember laughing, getting choked, and almost puking on myself, which caused me to release urine. I left a circle of wetness on the cement as well as my britches and ran all the way home.
4. I am almost sure it had to do with someone hurting themselves. That has always made me laugh the hardest.
5. Yes, I am a nurse. Yes, I still inwardly laugh at the dumb things people do and the injuries they cause. No, I don't laugh when someone is really sick or in a car wreck. That's not funny, even to me.
6. I also TeeTeed my panties when in high school I went roller skating with one of my very best guy friends. Along with all the 11 and 12 year olds there, we were the hit of the rink. It was crazy funny and we actually both wet our pants.
7. I have never colored my hair. I know I have said that before. But I had a 80-something year old woman that used to ask me e.v.e.r.y.t.i.m.e. I saw her if I "put a wrench in my hair". I think she meant rinse, not wrench. I have not. Not even a screwdriver.
8. I never drink water. It's Diet Coke, tea, or coffee. Hey, they all have water in them...
9. Rick's grand daughter, Sarah, when she was 6, gave me a big fat tube of Lip Smacker's strawberry lip gloss for Christmas. I have used it every night for 5 years before I slide into bed.
10. I used to flip out if I wasn't wearing the latest fashion or my house did not reflect the latest trends. Now that I am older, I do what I like, both on my body and in my home.
11. Before Rick and I were married, I put my fist down about the old girlfriend (they dated 6 years) that still was "part of the family" and told Rick and all his family members that it was her or me at the family gatherings. I told them she was more than welcome to visit the family except for holidays/special events. Everyone agreed to it but one of his sisters. My SIL still invites her to everything and even introduces her as her "sister". It is the only conflict I have with his family.
12. Rick had been single for 20 years, I had been married for almost 20 years and was newly divorced, when we started dating. His romantic long-term interests over those 20 years (2), still call him or his family.
13. He has a book keeper who is his mom's age that has had a crush on him for 15 years. She cried and plead her undying love for him when he told her we were getting married. (He had her on speaker phone because when he told me she would freak out, I didn't believe him. Boy, was I wrong!)
14. The last long-term girlfriend, who I will call Tenacious Ho, called Rick on our honeymoon when she drunk and he actually talked to her.
15. We spent one night on our honeymoon sleeping in separate beds.(see #14)
16. I got anything I wanted for the duration of our honeymoon. (see #14 and 15)
17. Rick's lifetime best friend (from when they were 6 years old) was the hiker that was lost on Mt Hood in Dec 2006. They found him frozen to death days before Christmas.
18. Rick was supposed to train for the climb, but thankfully was too busy with work, or he would have been on that mountain with them. They all perished.
19. We lost Kelly(Rick's best friend) in Dec 2006, Rick's dad in June 2007, and my dad in Jan 08.
20. I want to keep all my loved ones in one room so I can watch them every six months since all that happened.
Maybe tomorrow you will get 20 more. Maybe not. That was exhausting.

Very, very interesting!! Like a good book - I want another "chapter" tomorrow.
P.S. I don't believe you live in Texas. NEVER colored your hair?! Blasphemy! That's why God invented salons.
I knew most of those, especially the peeing one. You can't sleep in my bed, btw!
But I never knew about Rick losing his friend like that. That's horrible, truly tragic.
Gotta run - got to get the 'wrench' out of my hair.
#16 made me piddle
Now I know I love you more than ever. We are true sisters from another mister! And Amy too.
We also share the common bond of the lack of control of our pee pee muscles. Had I listened to my mom, I would have keegled everday from the teen years through childbirth.
Happy 100 - and you don't look a day over 95!
#16 would be for the rest of my life...#14 made me mad and I am not married to him!
I have colored my hair since I was 30!!! I hate thinking about how much money I have spent doing this!
#16 would be for the rest of my life...#14 made me mad and I am not married to him!
I have colored my hair since I was 30!!! I hate thinking about how much money I have spent doing this!
#16 would be for the rest of my life...#14 made me mad and I am not married to him!
I have colored my hair since I was 30!!! I hate thinking about how much money I have spent doing this!
Why does blogger do that?
Happy 100th!!
Very Interesting list, I learned so much!
okay, i am going to comment BEFORE i actually read the meat of your post. i have a feeling by the time i get to #20, i won't remember what i wanted to tell you. you can assume i will find each fact about you either wonderful, jawdropping or completely in character (or all three)
so YES, please! to the 20/day this week. the more i learn, the more i love.
and finally, thanks for the plug.
I think you're my favorite person in the whole world. Just FYI. I think anyone who talks about peeing herself as much as I do, with abdolutely no shame, must be on my list of faves!
I hope you will sacrifice yourself and list another 20 tomorrow!
Happy 100th! Man, you're getting old!
very the honeymoon bff doesn't color her hair at age 50, no need to... one of the reasons she irks me, though I love her. I'll love you too...
Awesome about your honeymoon...I don't feel so alone anymore...story later.'s your 100th post, not 20th so you better get busy, Ms TMI. We love you and want to know all!
Hi Jill:
Congrats on your 100th post. I hope you will do another 100 (or more). I love visiting you and enjoyed learning 20 things about you or your hubby. So sad that he lost his B.F. like that.
My D.I.L. lost her dad in Jan 08, also. I don't think you ever get over losing a loved one.
You sure look really good for a 100!!! Happy 100th
That story about Ricks Friend still makes me teary eyed
Happy 100th! It was so much more interesting than mine. I should have mentioned peeing myself. Oh well, maybe I'll do that on the
200th post!
Happy 100th Jill. Keep em comin, you're a good read.
I made it to item #7... after that my short attention span wans...
It's not you, it's me I swear!
I hope to never stop coloring my hair...My mother is in her mid-sixties and still looks like she is in her 40's because her best friend is her colorist!
Don't you just cringe at ex's..mine or theirs, I hate them. That's too bad about his friend ;(.
You know my heart goes out to you for your dad.
I hope you can come up with another 5th ;)) God knows I need a fifth today. Thanks for the smile.
OK so you enticed me to come back and I vowed to not look at anything shiney while I read the rest. LOL!!
Now after seeing the whole honeymoon drama I'm glad you convinced me to come back. I would have FLIPPPED if one of Rudy's exs did that on our HONEYMOON.
Rick should be thankful your honeymoon didn't occur on a cruise ship because I have a feeling he might have spent it overboard!
I'm sorry about the loss of your Dad. Rudy lost his Mom about a year and a half ago and it was very hard. (((HUGS)))
I shall try and stay more focused if you decide to post another list.
Oh and for the record, after 2 kids (one of which had an ENORMOUS head at birth), I can pee my pants when if sneeze too hard - so I feel your pain. HAHA
I love this, I agree with all of the above--waiting anxiously for 20 more!!
Oh for the love of...stop calling me Tenacious Ho already! I said I was sorry! ;)
Happy 100th Girl! I'm shocked that you hadn't reached that milestone already.
What a story about Rick's friend. That's so sad. I remember that being on the news.
And, wth, with Rick's sister still having the ex-girlfriend over?!?! Geez!
Looking forward to your next 100 posts!!
Okay. I want 20 more. Now.
And then, maybe, just maybe, I'll share 5.5 with you.
Congrats on your 100th post! I think I'd be pretty pissed of some ex girlfriend was still invited to family gatherings! Let it go, sister in law!
Ack. Your post gave me goosebumps. I totally remember that search. I live WA and have been to Mt. Hood a few times.
Sometimes I feel the same way. I just want to bottle up all my loved ones and keep things how they are before anything bad can happen again.
When I figure out how to do that I'll let you know!
Love you JJBB! I remember one of your first posts was about running to a gas station bathroom and letting out a huge moan of relief (everybody heard) while you peed (everybody heard that too).
Wow, great info. I can't believe this is only your 100th post, you are such a pro.
writing down all this important info for future rememberance..
congrats on your 100 :o)
P.S. sending your prize out tomorrow, be watching hope you like it and know I appreciate you :o)
Seems we too have something in common. It's the common bond among so many Mom's...yes...the lack of bladder control. Thanks for sharing! And, by the way, one of my very best girlfriends always refers to it as a "wrench" in honor of her dear old Aunt, I believe, who used to call it that.
Um yeah I feel like I didnt get to read the ending, hehehe- no presure!! Your's was great and it's wonderful hyou've made a friend you have so much in common with, I'm finding the same thing! I just blogging! LA
I don't color my hair either. I think it's amazing the coincidences amongst bloggers
exhausing for you...but it's great to get to know our bloggy friends better. I'm sorry about the loss of your dad....I can't even imagine...I dread the day I lose my completely freezes me up when I even think about it. I'm laughing about the hubby's girlfriends...he must be AWESOME to have such devoted girlfriends...which means you totally rock because you stole him away from those shameless hussies!!! Congrats on the 100th post...I can't even imagine coming up with that many ideas....I'm drained and I'm only halfway there!
Thanks for sharing:)
Gotta love it when one can so openly talk about peeing her pants! I've only had that happen once(so far;) and it wasn't so much "in" my pants but "on" my pants. It was a crazy, drunken college bar night and the line to the ladies room was too long-shocker. We couldn't wait so went outside(in the snow) to pee behind the trash cans. I let go with relief only to realize I had just whizzed all over the back of my jeans. Needless to say my night was cut short. Ewwww!
Tenacious ho? That is the funniest thing I've ever heard.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! kidding!
Happy 100 sister! Ok, that sounded weird. I wonder if we will be in wheelchairs together at the old folks home when you are really 100, we can race down the hall!
by the way, you have awards over at my joint!
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I need all the slut friends I can get.
I will be back!
I peed my pants once in the 2nd grade, in my chair at my little desk. My teacher was too busy putting on her red lipstick to give me the hall pass and I'm still a little bitter, can you tell?
I got chills when you talked about Rick almost being on that mountain.
Happy 100th and yes, we need 80 more facts. kthanksbye! : )
First, my deepest sympathies for the loss of friends and family. I know how hard it is. Truly horrible.
2nd - congrats on the 100th post. Looking forward the the 200th. What is the required information posting for that one? It is looming in my near future.
As for the pee-peeing, it seems that I am so close almost every day. *sigh* I am blaming old age. LOL
DAMN! I'm rarely impressed by other's posts. (I like to save being impressed by my own drivel) but I can honestly say, for the first time, that I was blown away with interest!! And 100 posts? Big friggin deal.
nah nah nah nah nah, nah
Congrats on the 100th post! And those are interesting things...ok I'm off to read todays things :)
I LOVE the fat, strawberry LipSmackers!! I have watermelon now, but I was thrilled to find it (quite a blast from the past, and everyone is jealous when they see it, even my daughter). Bought mine at Target, BTW.
Pee.S. (Get it? P.S.?!) I often wet my pants when I sneeze, of course, but have peed my pants from laughter many times (in the past). That's when you know it's REALLY funny!
I totally can picture you with the lip smackers. And, I'm guessing the hubby is quite the catch if that many people pined over him. Kudos for getting what you wanted on the honeymoon.
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