Deb had this brilliant idea to play Picture Roulette and wanted us to join in. Her instructions were to pick the fifth picture in your 5th folder. I was expecting some random shot of one of Rick's floors or worse. I was holding my breath thinking it might be something Claire or Cooper found amazing and snapped a picture of, such as an entire Christmas tree display at a store. I have 38 pictures of each ornament posing individually.
This was the 5th picture in my Fifth Folder. This was taken in August this year at Amy's house. This is one of our attempts at a Fifth generation picture. How ironic: 5th Generation picture is my 5th picture in my 5th folder. I rock. And please take note I am always ready for a picture. When I see a camera out and aimed, I am fixated on being ready and have "the smile" plastered on. And I hide behind anything larger than me. Which is becoming harder to find. This time it was the large couch. Pictured below is my mom's mom, Gammy, my mom Kay, holding her and daddy's namesake, Kaydi Jo, my daughter Kalee, and me behind them.
Gammy is hilarious. I adore spending time with her when I go home to visit. She says EXACTLY what is on her mind. And she makes me nervous to take her out in public. She and my grandfather, Bobo, got a divorce over 40 years ago because of his infidelity. We heard about that for over 40 years. I was 18 years old before I realized Dona's name wasn't "that Olive Oile bitch". Dona, the other woman, and who became my step-grandmother, died a few years back. My grandparents began dating about a year afterwards. Bobo is very hard of hearing and Gammy has free reign to say whatever she likes because he can't hear her. She takes every opportunity to stick in caddy comments and rolls her eyes at things he says. It makes me cry laughing to listen to them.
A couple of months ago, mom and her sister, Debbie, took them to the symphony. Gammy sat through the entire performance with her fingers in her ears and Bobo, because he couldn't hear a damn thing, enjoyed every moment. My mom and aunt were hysterical.
I treasure every moment I have with my family. Since my daddy's passing, I try never to take for granted any time we can spend together. I may be taking my grandmother, aunt, and mom to Austin for a couple of days next day. WHOOO HOOO!!! Talk about great material!
Dear God, Please don't let Gammy say anything derogatory that will get us shot. Amen.

awwww what a beautiful pic!!! how cool is that 5th folder 5th pic 5th generation-it almost sounds like the makings of a star trek movie
I love it! I have one single photo of the 5 generations before my Moe died. I treasure it!
haha...great picture! So ironic--fives must be your number!
Oooohhhhh I can't wait for the trip!
Can I go?
So, do I understand this?
Your Gandparents are dating?
I'm confused. but then again I am just trying to get back into things here in Bloggywood. I feel as though I am a bit out of the loop. Very cute pic though.
LOL Your grandma is like my 5 year old. I'm always waiting for him to say something totally embarrassing. Have fun on your trip.
That is an awesome picture! I have one of four grandma, my mom, my oldest daughter (when she was a wee babe), and myself.
I SO know what you mean about what they might say, only with me, it's my mother, who I guess thinks that now that she's older, she can say whatever's on her mind, and to hell with whoever it might hurt or offend.
My mom likes to say that her dad was an adult before he realized that "damn yankee" was two words.
Sweet picture and story!! Great idea for a Photo meme as well!
what a beautiful memory you jave!
I'll play this game!
How cool that that would be your 5th picture!!???
I have nothing like that. Mostly cause I am a bitter old woman...
I love your family picture...We have five generations as well...although we just lost my Dad's Mother...okay I don't know why I said Lost...she died. How sweet your grandparents are dating? She is a better woman than me...well, almost anyone is a better woman than me!
I love that 5th picture of yours! How cool!!! Thankfully my 5th album/5th picture is something shareable. never knows with me.
That is a cool picture and I wish I was a Full Time Princess unfortunately I am just lazy as my son says!!
I hope Gammy gives you plenty to write about.
How fun! Plenty to write about if Gammy gets a little vocal! The picture was precious!!
I love it!!! I wanna play!!
I'll post it today!!
Great photo! And I love your Gammy ;)
PS... I hide behind the couch, too. Sigh.
Cute blog and a great picture of you gals. I was reading the other comments, I'm glad I'm not the only one confused...are grandparents dating or just happen to be at your mom's house at the same time?
You should have a fun
Beautiful photo.
I love spicy gals so I love your gammy already.
Great picture...and I don't even know your Grammy but I love her! Definitely good blog fodder if you survive the trip!
What a gorgeous family! You're just too young to be a Grandmother!
I adore Grandparents they're so funny...without even trying!
Yes, they are seriously dating. They live in separate homes and cook at each othre's houses and go out. It's so cute. And yet so nerve-wracking. I am afraid she is going to get mad and knock his teeth down his throat. And they are his real teeth!
That is such a great picture and I think I would like to meet your grandmother! She's a hoot and a half!
I love grandparents that speak their minds. It's so educational and embarassing and loveable and crazy and just plain fun. Congrats on that beautiful family.
i sent you an email...LOL i dunno how to get ahold of you geesh u know i dont text
Great picture, Jill! All of you look beautiful and your mom is soooooooooooooo chic looking! I loved reading about your granny and grandfather's relationship, and actually getting back together after 40 years! That's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
Isnt it interesting to have family members that crack you up, but you sure do not want the rest of the world to see it in action? i have a whole clan of them--so much fun. But they should for real stay home!
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