(Ignore the new-still-rolled-up-rug on the left. I am waiting until Andy goes to live with my MIL so he won't christen it.)
Does this backpack vacuum make my butt look big? Maybe my pouty lips will distract your eyes from my enormous ass. Clean is SEXY!!!
FYI: Looking mysterious makes you have 34 chins. Note the strategically placed straps that secure your bosoms AND your pudge, making you feel like a cleaning terrorist. This rig can suck a sock up in 0.2 seconds.
It does get a little scary on the stairs since my fat ass AND the backpack vacuum tend to make me off-balance more than usual. So I back down the stairs like a blind 107 year old. But my stairs are white glove friendly, which is a rarity here. Okay....drumroll, please.........
Now for the entertaining and important things:

To play MISSION: Monday and enter the giveaway:STEP 1. Have you filled out a Mr. Linky yet? (Important!!) If not, go to Halftimelessons or dirty socks and pizza to do so. This enters you in the giveaway as well.STEP 2. Find the answer to the question to each of the 3 blog posts listed there.STEP 3. You do not have to post the answers to the questions anywhere, just know them if you are selected in the giveaway drawing Monday night, because the winner of the drawing will be contacted for the answers!!
You found me!! I have been featured on "MISSION: Monday" by Deb and Jay at Dirty Socks and Pizza and HalftimeLessons! The idea behind their weekly promotion and giveaway is to bring focus to great (I swear Jay made me say that word) blogs like mine...so now that you found me, here is my question you will need to know the answer to if you win the weekly drawing:
What big project did my sister just complete?
Find the answer to my question in my blog somewhere on this current page (and leave me a comment...I love 'em and depend on them just as the air I breathe!), and make sure you visit the two blogs to find their answers! If Deb and Jay pull your name as the winner of the weekly contest, you will need to know all three blog answers!
This week the MISSION: Monday prize is a small custom order tote from Carissa's A Lot, valued at $32, to hold all of your secret agent gadgets. In addition, the winner will have her/his blog used as a feature blog in the next week's Mission!!

And while you are at it, make sure you add me to your blogroll, and visit me often, or come and comment 7 or 8 times a day!! I often do much less graphic photography. Plus, I hardly ever clean.
MAN!!!!! I am so miffed that I can't win this bag!!! (I can't, right?) Carissa makes the most UNBELIEVABLY ADORABLE bags! Carissa, if you have one just laying around, with no one to love and adore it and slobber all over it, I will gladly take it off your hands. WHAT?! I can purchase one? Well, how cool!!!! With Christmas coming, maybe my SSS would order me one!!!!
So answer my question, people and head over to the links above and let's all have a giant love fest!!! I will bring pretzels and the vacuum for the clean up.
Secret Asian jill jill bo bill signing out......(I have to shorten that name. It's not very threatening.)
lockdown at the prison??
that's my guess to the contest question, not the question as to why you are dressed like that...
no seriously - she just finished her cookbook!
She just finished the cookbook we are all going to buy!!
C O O K BO O K !
I know the answer without even peeking at everyone else's answers. She finished the cookbook in honor of your dad. I looked through the pages and it has some really, really yummy sounding recipes.
Ha ha. Secret Asian Man, you crack me up.
Of Course- she finished your Christmas present! The Cookbook! I must say you had me a bit confused and worried about following rules for a second.
Okay I think I found it...if it was unexpected...the finding it...eeekkk!!
Remember, Agents, you dont need to post your answers to the questions HERE!! Just MAKE SURE you enter a Mr Linky at HalftimeLessons or DirtySocksandPizza as instructed, and know the answers to the 3 blog questions listed there if you win the drawing tonight!!
Good Luck!
Your Sista just finished her cook book! And not that vacuum doesn't make you but look big! :)
Oh that vacuum!! I was FORCED to vacuum at a restaurant I worked at several years ago, and they had a backpack style vacuum. I'm having post traumatic work memories now. lol, jk, it DID work well, I just hate vacuuming. ;-)
And how cool that you were featured on the halftime lessons contest! I was here JAY!
I found it!!!! Now I have to hop in the shower, I got all sweaty thinking of you and that vacuum strapped to you. I'll go back and finish the contest in a few.
That vacuum looks hot! Like "turned me on" hot. I want one.
I know the answer, but I thought we were not supposed to answer it here. So I shall say nothing....
As Bananarama said "My lips are sealed".
I want one of those backpack vacuums! You have no idea how obsessed I am with vacuuming. It's sick.
You go girl with that housecleaning. And I too thought they were singing Secret Asian Man. LOL. But, I also thought they were singing Taking Care of Biscuits - I was a twisted child. LOL
I had no idea that strap-on vacuums even existed! And no, it does not make your butt look big, but your boobs look enourmous!
OMG your vacuum is AWESOME!! Not only does that thing suck up socks, but it could totally double as a ghostbusting pack I bet.
Love the pouty lips, who knew cleaning could be so sexy?
on a mission and found the answer!
enjoyed reading your blog!
ok, I just left carissa's blog and this is getting really confusing. I might have to come back on tuesday. Plus vacuums make me dizzy...seriously can you fly with that thing?
No friggin way with that vacuum. I think I'd just put it on every morning and wear it all day.
My first time involved in the Mission and I was doing good until this one. I am at a total loss. I've read this entire page and i cannot locate the answer! Oh well, maybe next time.
You are rockin' that vaccuum!!!! And, never having been here before, I am gonna assume that your butt has always been that size ... and that aint bad:) (PS - that was a compliment BTW!!)
How cool is it that your sister did that!
Um that would be her family cookbook....
LOVE the vaccuum.
So I couldn't find what your sister just completed -
But it gave me a good excuse to check out your blog!
The little Michael Phelps costume is so cute! I love the look on his face.
And - backpack vacuum? Wow! You are hard core!
I love Carissa's bags... she was a featured artist on my blog a few weeks ago. So freaking talented!
Great blog, happy to stop by and explore!
:) Robin
Ok, that vacuum is officially awesome. I want one!!
Love your blog!!!!!!
Funny Post, love the gostbusters look!
Very interesting stuff. I am here for Mission Mondays but I will be back.
I've always wondered where your name came from. do you and amelia bedelia use your family nicknames?
I've always wondered where your name came from. do you and amelia bedelia use your family nicknames?
Oh man, I need that darn backpack vac to fight my war on floor fuzz.
OMG I didn't know you could own one of these. The cleaning ladies at my kids' school has one of these. I'm so jealous of you and your ghostbuster vacuum!
Now will you come do my stairs!! I was crackin' up at those pics. You do look like a Ghostbuster! I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Wow that is one crazy vacuum!
Just jumped in for Mission Monday I can't believe I have figured out the answers, I knew Kat's so I didn't have to look but the other two I did!
You look like Rocket Man. I had to wear one of those when I cleaned my church for a month or so. I HATED it! But you really could clean anywhere!
LOL Secret Asian Man. I just stopped by on a mission. Nice blog!
Your sis did the book. And, you are totally hawt and need your eff me shoes on while you play Ghostbusters. Just the vac and the shoes, of course.
I actually think the vacuum is quite slimming.
I have a story about the backpack vacuum. My grandfather was the first man to patent the backpack vac. He invented it when I was a little girl and he sold the vacuums solely to churchs and seminarys to make it easier for the staff to clean. Then he opened a vacuum store here in UT. After he passed away my lame Uncle let the patent run out and now it is available everywhere. But it was really cool to see you wearing one!
Oh! And my hubby said he knows exactly where you are!
I on the other hand am completely cluelss when I drive in TX.
Love that vacuum cleaner - How heavy is it?? I am in desperate need of a new vacuum...
This contest is so much fun!!
I swear you are WORKIN that super sucker vacuum! It makes you look 10 pounds thinner and twice as smart as you really are! Thanks for sending your sis over to my blog. I went and visited her and because I did...I KNOW THE ANSWER! I even perused her cookbook and I don't even cook! Loved the post...especially the "gratuitous self promotion" I'd mock you but your blog really is GREAT!
OMG where does it say that about the cookbook? I read all the posts twice and by the way, they were JUST as funny the second time, and couldn't find the answer. I feel SO lame. Just for that, I'm adding you to my blog post--well, that and the fact that you have an awesome backpack vacuum and aren't afraid to post pics of it!
You're so big time. Don't forget the little bloggers when your Google Analytics blows up.
And every time I hear that damn song, it's like, "nope - he's STILL saying secret Asian man."
I'm with you, I just don't hear the "t."
Oh, and the vaccuum - wow - just wow!!
But please, don't cross the streams.
Your not only big time - you're so money too. Awesome.
mission accomplished, answer found!! lol i'm not gonna tell you how long it took me to figure this out...DUH...hugs and prayers...
Your question was hard! Great Job! Love the vacuum too!
I've seen those vacuum backpacks in action - I hired the merry maids or happy helpers or crazy cleaners whatever the heck they're called, to come clean my house before putting on the downward spiraling market in July of this year - they are amazing! (The vacuum cleaners, that is!) I secretly wanted to steal one, and then I really wanted to steal one after I got the cleaning bill. Needless to say, my house is in need of one again!! Love your blog.
This is such a great idea!
How fun! I'm so glad you were featured today as I would have NEVER been exposed to a backpack vacuum before! Hilarious post! :)
I know! I know! She just finished her cookbook! She was working on it feverishly while you were off shopping and living it up!
And that vacuum cleaner is smokin' hot, girl! Loooove it.
Now did I do this right? I am not all that smart...
You look hot with the vaccum. Judging from your comments, your readers agree with me.
The contest looks fun, but complicated. Am I just stupid and can't follow directions?
hey! can i play??
I'm not telling the answer, but I no it, in case I am the selected winner. THAT THING looks like a JET PACK and totally makes your butt look HOT!
You have a super cute blog here.
Jay and Deb completely rock!
Um, that whole mission Monday madness is over my head. Too many steps. Can you draw a flow chart for me?
And I love the vac! It's the must have accesory for fall.
OMG, JILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard reading this I nearly pissed myself!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me that is not your everyday vacuum, please! Because it looks like torture! Those straps wouldn't even fit around me!
Justine :o )
LOL First let me just say that you are HILARIOUS! I read to the bottom of the page three times looking for the stupid answer to your question only to come comment and see everyone else is smarter than me. Love your blog... love your sense of humor. :-D
Wow...what a vacuum and you sure do Rock It!
I sooo want one of those backpack vacuums! It's so lame to say, but one of my biggest pains in the butt is the vacuum cord getting tangled up when I'm trying to clean (boy, tough life I have here if that's my biggest pain, huh?)
I clicked over from Halftime Lessons! Love the Backpack Vacuum! That is hilarious!
{cookbook} anyone!?
:) I want a straponvacuum!!!
ok that sounded dirty, but seriously! I want one!
finished the book---I cannot believe I can keep all these people so straight, but somehow I just knew that one.
Yay me!~
This was a trick question! But I sure found out a lot about you while "hunting!"
You are a brave girl, I would never strap one of those things on. Vacuum, I mean. We have one at work, and I'm the only one who refuses to do it, but ghost busters still pops into my head every time I see that thing.
I'm on a mission - but I LOVE your blog, have been laughing my butt off! Thanks for sharing! (MadAnne)
Love your sweeper. Thanks for participating in such a fantastic contest. Cindi
Hi, I'm here for the mission. Your shopping trip with your mom, aunt, and grandmother had me cracking up.
I am so jealous of your vacuum. I believe a vacuum is the foundation of the cleaning arsenal. I used to wear one of those when I was a sweeper at a local elementary. Those were the days..... Glad to find your blog!
Oh, and in my search for the answer. I ran across the post about your son being without a toothbrush for 11 days. I nearly died laughing.
Owe, I just got a cramp in my finger...holding down the down button. Good Gawd Girl you got a lot of comments. I forgot what I was going to say! I'm too late for this contest. Damn it. I'm too lazy for all of the work involved...damn it.
I would however love that vacume. I think it looks much better on you though...could you come here and run it?
You are so stinking cute!!
Holy shit, my friggin hand got a workout from the down scroll on the 12,000 comments. That vacuum is insane, but I don't do vacuum unless it can be used to suck out my back fat. And at 2:04 am, I guess I am too late to enter your contest. (not that I could figure it out)
Good luck to you braniacs that could.
I loved reading about your shopping trip! What a sacrificial day :)
Your sis just finished a cookbook!
I'll not be playing this game, but I did want you to know that you looked HOT wearing a sweeper. Really hot!
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