It's called the Secret Santa Soiree or SSS. I of course, wanted to call it the Secret Santa Minnow, so we could call it the SS Minnow, but noone but Gilligan agreed.
I actually wanted an initiation too, but since we live like all over the planet, it would be difficult. I had my tennis shoes ready to throw over the powerline and my du-rag bandana on my head. I had chosen the color pumpkin spice instead of red so not to be gunned down by the real gansters. I had my car seat laid all the way back, but I kept dozing off at every stop sign. My music was cranked, but the deep bass of "I think I Love You" by David Cassidy and the Partridge Family didn't have the gangsta impact that the "Pop a Cap In Yo Ass, MF'er" did. I tried to come up with a sign we could flash at one another to let us know who was in our gang, but the sign language sign for "I love you" kept being mis-interpreted for some hawaiin "hang loose" and the "hook 'em horns" sign. So I gave up the idea for an initiation.
So, to be a part of this gang and give, and more importantly, GET something, click on my Christmas-y looking square thingy over there----> to join. Just follow the rules that Georgie has designed and you will be notified who your SSS person is. BTW, if you get me, notice that I included the colors of my rooms, just to make it easier to buy for me. I am nice like that.
Please do this so I don't get my sister giving me my present. Amy will give me the present I gave her one year- a real deer hoof that someone actually made into a pin cushion. It has hair on it and everything. It is disgustingly funny. That's why I gave it to her. Because, again, I am nice like that. And she still has it. And, because she's crafty, she probably uses it. Maybe. Or maybe she kept it in her drawer with the hopes of one day re-gifting it back to me. She's a grudge-holder like that.
Okay, click and fill out and become a gangster. NOW. Or I will pop a cap in yo ass, Mo Fo.
and ladies, just pray you don't get me or you will be getting the disgusing real deer foot, with the toenails still intact, for your gift. but it does make a nice pin cushion.
i joined the gang jill, so please don't be poppin no cap in my ass. im sure the gangsters say "please" before someone shoots them, too. why are you still reading this long stupid comment....go join!!! thought I was the ONLY one on the planet that still rock'd Gilligans Island! ooooh the SS Mnnow woulda been so cool....if ONLY you woulda told me that prior to me namein it the secret santa soiree(yanno Ginger would approve!)....and never fear the girl beans are drawing everyones names for a matter of fact oldest bean is doing my $15 amazon contest drawing now....
sooooo about that doggers you promised me....
did you say I was your wonderfully sweet BEST bloggie bud???
Oh just checkin cuz yanno thats sooooo how I roll....
oh my stinkin goodness you crack me up!! LOL I love that you rock out to I think I love you! with pumpkin spice in your hair (or should it be weave?).
I'm sooo playing and you better hope that deer foot is the least of your worries! We have Moose Poop up here in Anchorage. Yeah that's how I roll! :)
ps I updated my last blog.
Thanks for reading my moaning. I totally love you! I'm so glad you are on here..cheering me on!
P.s.s.s.s.s I love you more than Kritta22 does
What the hell??!! Gdog is you 'best bloggie bud'? When did this happen? I take a nap and you get a new friend??!! I even gave out the recipe for the dip with more recipes to come and SHE'S your best bloggie bud??!!
i am soooooo over it !!!
*turns back on Jill*
PS. Amy if I get that stinkin deer foot I will be returning it. Unopened. COD!
just so you know...
sounds like fun...kind of a big old love fest over here, but maybe you'll let me play...I has candy???
I'm in...once I pick my butt up off the floor from laughing so hard....
David Cassidy....such a gangsta....
Amy- Just as long as i don't get it...
Gdog- I love you too much to send the dog.
Sis Kris- Now I know what you will be doing when your hubby is home...
Deb- I would prefer something more decorative than a pop in my ass. I was thinking a topiary or something...
3D- I am a big girl and have plenty of space for mucho best friends. You were my first, and always. I swear. And you like to clean and cook, so I'm living with you.
linda- OMG fresh meat! Welcome and we cant wait to get to know so we can laugh and point like we do among ourselves. So GLAD you are joining us. Candy always works! We are cheap dates.
squidney-YEA!!! Ya know if get to go to Canton I can point to exactly what I want...whether you get me or not.
Okay...I will do it...I am a good gift giver too! It makes me happy!
I'm going to join because unlike the rest of you I WANT the deer foot. I think it's an awesomely sick idea dn it's almost winter tso that means the dining room will magically becaome the sewing room, and I could use a pin cushion.
Jill, we go...
could you please, please, please guest post for me next week? I will need the post to be emailed to me by friday though...and then when you email that to me i will in return email to you your purple heart.
Jill lied...I'm not cheap, but she may be. and i dont eat candy, but we can trade recipes and i'll be just as happy. :)
3D- I would LOVE to!!! Thanks for asking.
So you DON'T have the real bulls nut sack bowl? Great! Now I know what to get you iffin I draw your name. And thanks *sniff* for accepting me into your gang. I have my own gun. Mind you it's a shotgun older than I am but I know how to use it. And I grew up with deer heads on the wall so deer parts stuffed don't bother me. Now that scary ass hog head my daddy has does. That bastard looks like satan!
I am joining... What a great idea. And just for the record, if anyone has a prescription for xanax, I would LOVE it
Or is it zanax
Or pain pills would be fine
Oh, and I like cookies
Oatmeal, please
so far Jill is in the lead with the most peeps signing up for SSS via her do I know this? cuz they told me when they sent me their SSS info-we are up to 12 peeps-this is gonna be funnnnnnnn I tell ya!
everyone else is gonna be all like 'man I shoulda joined that SSS-those girls are getting some cool gifts and WHY didn't I think of this?' That girl whose name is Georgie is soooooo genius yep she is...
Thanks for your comment. It is so great to have a new reader! And so close to me. I am not even going to wonder how you know I am 45 mins from you. I would like to know in which direction you are bc my parents live 45 mins south of us. Wouldn't that be wild if you were from my hometown?
PS you guys crack me up
i was not aware we were competing to see who could get the most people to sign up for SSS. so take me out of the running...
i think i was one of the first to join the gang though so i should get some props for that... at least i should get to invent the secret handshake...something...
feelin no love said the attention whore.
LMAO I was just waitin for deb to say something like that-
There is no contest lol for who gets the most peeps I was merely makin an Deb THANK you for the laffs I sooooo need laffs today and TY jill for lettin me take over your comment section
and yes comment whore make up a speshal handshake and yes you were the FIRST to sign up gawd bless you!!!!!!
is it just me or does georgie sound a little sarcastic? I'm not sure being as I never use sarcasm myself, so what do y'all think??
Oh, Hi Jill!!!!!
Don't mind me....let me know if you need your tea refilled or some appetizers...guess I can try the new dip recipe...
BWAAHAAAHAAA!! Can I get a martini please - my glass is dry...
Stirred or shaken, ma'am?
shaken with 3 olives please
Got it. Gdog, ma'am? How about you?
you do realize i have no job and can continue this back and forth thing all day, right?
YEP. I am suppoesed to be doing paperwork. My excuse that is that I contracted a horrible case of diarrhea and can't write on my lap.
ROFLMAO!! You poop out of your lap??
Shut up. No, but they will expect it done and I will have to say I sat on the pot all day...
Actually knowing me I probably could poop out of my lap. I am a professional at it ya know.
these posts will be more commented on then Dooce (lol)
Too bad there's not a contest. But Gdog will figure one out, I am sure. She is clever like that.
um...unrelated to ...well, anything!
I keep hearing a noise INSIDE my wall - what the hell??!!
I am too! Undernath my counter. FUUUUUUU****k. I am freakin' out.
tell him to get out from under your counter - he'll just distract you while your typing
nap time!!
but i feel obligated to get you more comments...
ok, we're even. Go sleep, my princess.
way to throw in the birthday plug!! you've learned well young jedi.
Thank you oh master.
and another thing - if you two could learn how to use IM (or chat whatever its called on your email server) it would be a lot easier to carry on a conversation
just a thought
I know but it good on our comment thing. Til people see it's alla fascade....story of my life.....
well when you decide to jump somewhere near the 21st century, look at the Yahoo Instant Messenger. dont be afraid of it, it's using your powers for good not evil.
OMG! I have 50 comments! heh heh. It's all a fascade. Or however you spell it.
i WAS jealous because of all the comments....but now I see you have turned this into an instant messager thingy. thats what texting is for girls. ssshhheesss! get a room! I mean cell phone!
ok, never mind my last comment....i just read deb's comment. so, see i aint so dumb afterall.
she's scared of the instant messenger thingy...the big baby
I am soooooo in!
Thanks for the idea for a post....I think I will call it "The Morgue".......
what are you talking about - what similarities?
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