Here in my world stress is a constant. Stress motivates me and keeps me going for the most part. A consistent flow of stress is good for me. I get up every morning early and get my kids off to school, pick up my house and work my job of nursing.
At present, I have been hit by the Katrina version of stress. Now, I can barely drag my fat ass out of bed because I can't sllep well at night. I no longer even ask if Cooper has put on deoderant or brushed his teeth, even though the yellow glow illuminating from his mouth would suggest those teeth have not seen his toothbrush in days. My house is beyond gross and I don't even care. And my poor patients are thankfully being seen by my LVN, but the paperwork is piling up on my very unorganized desk with no effort being made to change that coming in on my part.
As I sit behind my computer and become Jill jill bo bill, all that stress goes away and I laugh and joke and become my "normal" self. I want to somehow thank whoever invented the idea of blogging, my sister Amelia Bedelia for MAKING me do a blog, and you guys who read me and enjoy it. Without this blog, my family would have changed the locks and I would be living under a bridge in a cardboard box, wearing dirty ragged clothing, pushing around a hijacked Walmart shopping cart and talking to myself.
Without going into details about my company for the fact that it could jepordize the lawsuit I have had to file, my life is about to drastically change. I say this as not a "good bye", but instead a "Does this woman EVER get off this blog" plan. I know I am a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend when my world is not tilting drastically on it's axis. Blogging keeps it in balance for me.
Lucky for my husband, I usually do most of my blogging at night and come to bed happy. My husband says, "A happy blogger is a good lay" and will probably get a Tshirt that says so.
Speaking of Tshirts, join us over at Don't Judge This Book By it's Cover for the great contest for a FUNNY tshirt.
And while you are at it, to cheer me up and help me not go scan the parking lot at Walmart looking for a nice basket model, click on my crown link and vote for me for Drama Queen. You will be in my court of royalty and the perks will be enormous.
Since this post is so NOT funny, I encourage you to go to this and read the story J'ollie and I did in the comments. It will make you smile. I promise. Plus, Navpress is wanting illustrations for the publication and Stephen Spielberg has called for a movie deal. Really.
Now go vote, then go read. Please.

OK. Let's try this again. I LEAVE COMMENTS!!!!!! But I don't see them. Ever since you kept bitchin your ass off over at my blog, I've been wondering "WTF is WRONG with this woman!" So I came to check it out.
I AM LEAVING A COMMENT!!!!!!! Let me know if it appears. Of course, if it DOESN'T appear, let me
OK. I'm back, just checkin'. And then it occurred to me whatcha been bitchin about. I followed you to "that other site" and laughed like crazy and commented THERE.
You are one crazy-assed-ho and that should be your nickname.
No one EVER cared enough about ME to give me a nickname and it has always bothered me.
NO. Don't YOU give me one. I don't even wanna guess...
sorry you're so stressed out sister, but you failed to tell the whole blog world that you get to go on a cruise next month, AGAIN! I'm going over to check out your comments over on Deb's page, who is by the way, mad at us for trashing her blog. Sorry Deb. I didn't do it last night, it was all jill! I'll be back. Hi Dana. I can think of a nickname for you if you want. I AM a little nicer than my ho sister!
if you leave the blogisphere, i will have to kill myself. the end.
Relax Jill- Living in a cardboard box is not too bad. I will vote for you. Because I love you and I don't want you to leave us!
Although you and your sis both have them already, i'm bestowing you with an award today, check me later (around 1pm).
Love ya, don't leave me!
So sorry about your stress. You know I know too well the stress and how blogging helps. You helped me during my "walmart cart pushing" time of need- so if you need to talk- you know where to find me!
Love ya!
Stress sucks, but drinking heavily causes weight gain. Hope you get it back on axis.
Stop stressing. Just don't listen to those voices in your head and youll be OK. And I'm sending Speedy over so you can tell him bedtime stories. I mean he would totally love a story involving doritos.
Oh yea I voted for ya too.
I NEED the T-shirt! To give to my hubby who gets testy if I don't come to bed but would rather blog :) Size M/L please :)
When you do make the tshirt that says A Happy Blogger is a Good Lay, can I sell them for a PTA fundraiser? Do they come in 2XXL - so I can blog and get laid in it while blogging? (visualize me in my desk chair with the shirt covering the whole chair....)
Sorry you are having a stressful time. Focus on the cruise and blogging and let it all fade away. And, stay far, far away from Wal-Mart or any other shopping cart baskets--unless you are going to push someone in them or get pushed yourself. All that will amount to is you started to jibber and your fans not being able to laugh as much. Yep! It really is all about us :).
A Happy Blogger Is A Good Lay tee shirt is now my #1 Linda's Christmas list of wants.
Better to sue than to be sued. Right? right?
You could avoid the cardboard box and the raggedy clothes...just live IN Wal-Mart. sniff* SUCH a drama queen....
A Happy Blogger Is A Good Lay tee shirt is now #1 on my gotta have list.
As to stress, sista, you be's a preachin' to the freakin' choir, I say.
So, start singing.
It's the only way outta this sheet.
Ok, Jillie... I voted for you, HappyHourSue and McMommy...Loves y'all~!
Jill (I did not think it appropriate to call you Jilldo right now), I didn't know you had lost your Dad recently. I'm so sorry. I hope my blog today didn't upset you too much. ((hugs))
I have heard that hard, rough, pounding sex is good for stress relief, Jilldo. (appropriate now)
So sorry you're having a hard time. I know that when I am blogging, I always feel so much better! I'm glad you have a trip to look forward to, and I hope in the meantime you can find some peace.
Love ya!! By the way, I'm putting in an extra entry for you in my contest since you're bummin'. Shhh...don't tell ANYONE!! :)
If you go cart, you gotta give the edge to Target carts. The red may put a pep in your step.
Hook yourself a vodka IV drip and call it a day!
I've given you an award. So, that's something, even if this drama thing doesn't work out.....
It's on my blog
I already voted for you! Did you vote for me?
I heart you! I'm sorry things are stressful around your house! Just know we heart you here in Anchorage and that we hope all goes well with you. Need anything? Chocolate, brownies, chocolate cake, chocolate? Let me know.
Talk about stress!!! I was trying to leave you a comment last night about my stressful PARENT filled day, and had it ready to post and all of a sudden it wasn't there. So that is exactly the type of stress I felt yesterday. First thing stress from a MAD, MAD, MAD parent over a SPELLING TEST. Whoo-ee Student wrote a capital letter at the end of the word and I counted it wrong!! Well, IT IS WRONG!!! That was how my day started at 8 am and I had three more parent conversations after school!! I just love teaching?
OKAy I have an idea when you come to OK lets go to walmart and get the handi-cap carts and race around the store...sound like fun? mmmkay now about this cruise-I should be upset that i wasnt invited BUT since you are in this delicate state all I will say is 'tan your moon'!
I LOVE ya Jill Jill Bo Bill and I am with you really want 2 deaths on your conscience???
and ummm did you get oldest beans text message? DYK that I CAN NOT text LOL-it takes me like 10 mins to reply to a text!
Hugs Jill
Don't leave, I'll even vote for you...twice!
Sorry you're stressed. I'm glad you have something like blogging to help you relieve it. And I like the t-shirt idea. I'm sure my husband would like it too! I'll go vote for you for Drama QUeen!
I am SO sorry that you are stressed. I hope things get better soon.
Sounds like you all got crazy over at Deb's place though, that must've been a stress reliever! HA!
OH and p.s. you are not chopped liver (re:your comment over at my place) I was just so tired and PMSing when I did that post. I actually did intend (NO LIE) to add you to the Oops category and then forgot 'cause I was so out of it. So please, take the honors - it's all yours because you totally deserve it and I ain't just sayin' that.; ) Besides you already have the other ones!
And yes... I have even more to say. I already saw you on the Dotties and right when I saw your name under drama queen I said "yep, that's right!" and clicked your name. Aren't I nice?
Ok, I guess that's it. Happy Friday. Sorry for the longest comment ever.
Oh wait, I am STILL here...
ok, bye.
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