Due to the high number of people NOT voting for me, you probably won't be looking at me on your 2009 calendar sprawled across a hay bale with a piece of grass in my teeth. I know. I'm sad, too. But I am not giving up until all the Circuit Cities and Best Buys within a 60 mile radius have been hit by me and and their computers have been voted on. I will go down fighting.
It sucks to be me.
But thanks to the 9 people that voted. I know it says 13, but I voted for myself from all 4 of our computers. But an alter-ego pushed the vote button, so it really wasn't the same person...
Hi Jill...found you threw Deb & wanted to let you know I VOTED for ya... : ) Good Luck!
I voted you poor thing, let me know how this turns out!
I will vote from my other lap top when the Hubby brings it home!
The image of you and the bale of hay...grass in your teeth...it's just a pity that the world won't be able to see it!
You are too funny girl!
Is there a law stating that you can't BUY votes? I'm available!
Dude- I threw in the towel today too. Our dreams up in smoke!
I did vote for you... don't give up the dream!!!
OK, here's the deal: just because we don't make it doesn't mean we're losers. I will be launching CalendarNot (in the great tradition of BlogHerNot). So, look forward to that. :)
i voted i voted i voted! i promise i did, but i only have this one computer. when does the voting end? i can get out and hit all the CCs and BBs on my town too. (just not today cause there are tornados out there and I;m scared mommy) when does it end?
You already have that pose sister, remember! You should show everyone the one of you washing your corvette in your bikini. That one is better. Although the one of you straddling your Harley Motorcycle with your buns hanging out your leather pants is good too.
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