I am really trying to be a good mom and actually spend some quality time with my kids before they go back to school on the 25th (the day "The Hallelujah Chorus" will ring out and the heavens will open up with floods of light).
So to do that "Quality Time", Rick gives me the "Step away from the laptop down and slowly back up. I need to see your hands!!" routine and says he will be home by lunch and we will go do something as a family.
In order to be the obedient submissive wife(snicker snicker), I am going to make this post short and sweet. Since this is my 26th post, I will give you 26 useless facts about myself over the next 2 days that the majority of you millions of fans don't know or care about:
1. I was a foster parent for 14 years and cared for over 30 kids.
2. I have never colored my hair.
3. I have this urge to help all pregnant women come up with a baby name.
4. I named 2 of my sister's kids.
5. I straighten pictures on the walls of wherever I go.
6. I notice non-significant things when watching movies. (Ex: they are about to make love and I say, "OOH, I love that headboard.")
7. I am a neat freak only about certain areas, like my silverware drawer and....that's about it.
8. I love a clean house, but hate to clean my floors.
9. We just built a new house and I whined for dark hand-scraped hardwoods and... see #8.
10. I am a yeller.
11. I am scared of birds and leave Home Depot if they are flying around in there. (Deb, I would have had to be institutionalized if I had been you!)
12. I have a Home Health with 3 male partners.
13. I call Jack, one of the partners, just so I can say, "Hey, Jack, it's Jill" because I'm weird and I think it's funny.
I know you are ALL so antsy about what lies ahead with what the next 13 might divulge, but be patient, my little ones. It will take me until tomorrow to think of that many more tidbits.
Peace out, homies.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
11 hours ago
Tomorrow will be your 27th post so I think you should come up with one more! So there!! :) I love that your silverware drawer has to be clean!
if I had a jack to call, I totally would too. And I am impressed that you have never colored your hair, and of course about the foster parenting as well!! :)
K- I think u have hit on a brilliant idea. Now I have to have more time....what other thing can I mention that will totally blow you away......
SC-I am all about impressing people with my vast awesomeness...or is it my fat cellulite-ridden ass and thighs? I always get those mixed up.
I'm with kritta. YOu now owe us one more!
I don't know what the stupid moderation thing is either...I got it when posting a comment on Jill's site. Maybe blogger is having issues!
Does it work now?
No!!! Still says it! I am getting stresssssed. I know I said that on your comments, but it's real. So I said it on mine, too.
Did you buy the new house just because the last one had dirty floors?
Ha! That was a good one dana!!!!
I think it would be fun to say 26 things about YOU...oh, that is SOOOOO my next post!!
Really?! Well, I have Twenty SEVEN things to say tomorrow...hope I don't have to add anything about you....
You guys are crazy! I was sooo talking back to you on your comments on the Momdot thing. That thing was totally crazy! Thanks for coming and trying to play though!
I can't wait for 27 things about you via Amelia!
I totally do #6 too...always looking at what the "house" looks like instead of what the characters are doing....
The bird has finally disappeared (that's my story and I'm sticking with it), but I just drank heavily before I went outside. Wait a minute...maybe I was drunk and hallucinating the dang bird. There may never have been a bird at all. Hmm.
Look at me stalking you and all. I totally admire you for being a foster parent. We adopted our son through our states foster program and there is no way I could have been a foster parent. I could never part with a child I helped take care of. That reason is why i will probably never adopt again because of the fear of not knowing if things might change and that child will be taken away. That happened to a lady I know. She adopted a boy after we did and then got another baby a year later that "supposedly" would never go back to the parents. But he did and she was devastated. I'm lucky to have my one kiddo. Too bad your baby maker is broken cuz you could have made and baked one for me. LOL
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