Then to top the weekend off, I was able to meet some of my fellow North Texas blogger sistas for an incredibly delicious meal and even better fellowship. With these 4 hilarious chicks, you know that something funny would have to happen. Elaine and Texas Poppet will be fighting it out on who will blog on the funny episode, while both Holly and Holly and I will sit quietly by and sip our drinks and giggle.
And yes, as par for me, I embarrassed myself within1.5 seconds of arriving at the swanky place we met. I have never seen any of these girls in person, so I reviewed their blogs like any good stalker would do so I would recognize them. I left early because it was in downtown Dallas and since I never go straight to my destination, I had to alott myself an extra 30 min of driving the wrong way, getting lost, and prolific cussing time.
I prepared myself for this meeting like it was the damn prom, looking thru my closet and trying on clothes. I decided on something not too over the top ( I decided on subtle, since my formal was a size 3, and well, I am not anymore). But I did go the extra mile and wore my Chic Shaper. Yes THE Chic Shaper that I had ordered off the infomercial that made my small bosoms look larger and perkier AND made me stand up straight. That due to the fact you have to strap it on like a pivate investigator's gun holster and latch it under your unsuspecting TaTas. So with falsely intensified breast and perfect posture, I arrive at the restaurant and, as I am walking in the door, decide I need to pull down the Shaper so my breasties look incredibly huge and for the sheer fact it hadbeen shoved up ONTO my boobs because my belly roll took up all it's space on the hour long trip there. I was under the impression it was like a bra and could be move with a simple tug. But because it is rigged with suernatural abilities and material to make the impossible possible, the tug caused the magic elastic to snap loudly and obviously in the tall ceiling foyer for all to hear. And Holly was there to witness it all. Never meeting her or knowing she was one I would be dining with, I just snickered and said something intelligent like, "Oops", once I caught my breath from the impact.
It was good fun and I am just hoping that my Chic Shaper and I get invited to the next party.
P.S. I will be doing my tag tomorrow, Deb, since I have to think and all...

How fun, I want to meet up with some bloggers!!
You made me laugh about the Chic Shaper!
He he. I bought the slim and lift that is advertised on TV. I am now wary to put it on.
I can see you now....dig, dig, tug, tug, WWWHHHAAAAAAPPPPPP!
I always knew we could dress you up but can't take you anywhere!
You are such a klassy broad!
You had a much more exciting weekend than I did! Nothing goin' on here to put on any fancy underwear for!
Can't wait to hear about the wedding some day. ; )
It was great to meet you last night and I am really sorry that I missed the whole "Chic Shaper" incident. HA!
I hear the new design, the cute signature, AND the funny laugh about the ChicShaper :-)
This is why I pretend I love my body! It hurts less!
Oh How FUN of a weekend did you have! I am sooo envious and you may have started a new craze like the "bend and snap" with this chicshaper you speak of!
I thought the shaper incident was one of the highlights of the evening. I loved it!
Fine, don't invite me!!!! Maaaaaaaaamm!! Jill didn't invite me to her party and I know she was talking about me and I why does she always have to be the popular one AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy- you were sick and I hate sick people, you know that! heh! I did drink my first martini and will be going in for esophageal reconstruction tomorrow. But I drank the whole thing. I didn't want to appear to be the wuss I really am... I am so fake like that.
You were so HOT that no one even noticed (except to laugh with you at your "as seen on TV" purchase).
THAT WAS SO FUN! I am so glad that you were able to come.
Hope to see ya soon.
Both the tat-tas and You were adorable! Can't wait to get together again.
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